35. Two black eyes

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"Ouch.." Joel winced as I cleaned the wound he had on his face. The cut wasn't deep and did not need any stitches, but it was just an ugly one. Why on earth they had to get into a fight? Like this situation wasn't fucked up enough.

"Sorry..." I whispered and continued with my doings. Jay was sitting on the sofa while I took care of Joel. Definitely not the situation I wa simagining myself in. These two guys were not in best terms either but at the moment Joel seemed to tolerate Jay and viceversa. They did not exactly hate each other but I could feel the sort of jealousy hovering over the room above us all and it was so thick it could be cut by a knife. I tried to get over it and handle it like an adult but these two.. That was another story.

"There... " I was done and threw the bloody watts away.

"Thanks.. " he said so quietly that it was nearly impossible to hear. He looked at me and then the other man on the sofa. I'm pretty sure that these guys would have a lot to talk about, about music and band stuff and so on. They were both talented men but no, they were acting like little kids who refused to talk with each other.
"So, what the hell happened?" I asked and filled the water kettle in order to make some tea. Joel sighed and leaned his elbow against the table and rubbed the area that got the hit. Once I had turned the kettle on I opened the freezer and took out a pack of frozen peas. I wrapped a towel around it and handed it to Joel just to prevent him getting a black eye even tho it might have been little too late for that.

"Well... He did not like what I said the other day" Joel said with a smirk on his lips. Right.. That I'm sleeping with him. I looked at the man like telling him not to say it out loud even if Jay asked and he seemed to get the hint. Jay did not know anything about it and it was better if it stayed that way. It was enough that Joel was fighting Aki, no need to get into some sort of situation with Jay also or he'd be having two black eyes instead of one and I did not have another pack of frozen peas in my freezer, but I should get it just in case because we never know.

"Great... " I mumbled and in my mind I cursed the whole situation. Hopefully the police manage to put some sense into Aki's mind now and he stays the fuck away from my door.
"Wait.. What you said to him?" Jay asked while I was taking the mugs from the cabin.
"I think it wasn't because what he said but how he said it and I'd hit you too if I was told to fuck off the way he said it... No need to repeat those phrases.." I quickly said and started to pour the water into the mugs. I put the kettle back down and gave one mug to Joel and one to Jay. I then went back to the counter and took mine too. I looked both of the guys and tried to figure the situation. None of us said a word and honestly I did not even have the smallest clue what to say.

"I should go.. I don't want to interrupt your evening any more than I already have" Joel then stood up.

"You're not interrupting" I quickly said but he was already on his way to the door. I put my mug down and went after him.

"Hey.." I whispered and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"What? Go enjoy your time with Jay.. " Joel whispered and opened the door. He stepped out and was about to close the door but I squeezed myself out before he could do that.

"Joel... "
"Don't you have someone waiting for you there?" he pointed to my door. Yes I had but I still needed to talk with Joel too. I needed answers and I knew that whatever really happened wasn't something for Jay's ears.

"What really happened?" I asked, knowing very well that Aki did not hit him just because of what Joel said the other day. The blonde one rolled his eyes and sifted his weight from one leg to another.

"Well I maybe said something else too this time... The dude was almost banging his way through the door and I got pissed ok? Fucking tired of that idiot already" I looked at the taller blonde and sighed. Well he wasn't the only one who was tired of him or the whole situation in general.
"So am I.. What did you say to him this time then..?" I was scared to hear it. Knowing what kind of phrases that man was able to create when he was mad, it could have been anything and beyond.
"Shared some hot details about our very active sex life" Joel whispered with a smirk on his lips. My eyes widened. Fucking great. So now Aki thought I was sleeping with Joel, although I was sleeping with Jay and if he ever gets to talk with Jay then he probably tells that to him and then I am fucked up more then I already am. How the hell I got into this situation?

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