24. Juicy details

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Joel, Joonas and Niko were there, leaning against Joel's car. Hokka boy was totally hammered and if there wasn't a car behind him, he'd be on the ground.

"Yo, Heidi girl!!"Porko called me and I tried to ignore him. I hadn't seen Joel since the incident we had here and I wasn't really too eager to see him now either. Maybe he would just magically disappear if I kept ignoring them.

"Heidi!Heidiiiiii! Don't ignore me heyyyyyy" Joonas kept calling my name but I kept my focus on the door.

"Shut it Porko. She is probably in a hurry to get herself ready for Jay to show up"I heard Joel saying and I froze on my spot. Not that it was his business exactly what I did with who and why. So I took a deep breath and continued my way.

"I got it right, did I?" Joel yelled again and I was biting my tongue so hard in order to be smart and stay quiet.

"Stop yelling shit, Joel.. "I heard Niko speaking and continued my way. Fuck, why it had to be such a long way to the door.

"Is he gonna fuck you tonight too. Giving yourself to him so easily?"

That was the last drop I could take. I turned around and marched back to the cars, infront of Joel, to be precise. I stood face to face with the drunk Hokka boy and pushed him back against the car from his chest with my index finger.

"It. Ain't. Your. Fucking. Business." I said and poked him hard on his chest after every word but for Joel it was more amusing than annoying. He just laughed and after a second it was me who was back against the car, him standing in front of me.

"Maybe. You. Should. Not. Be. So. Fucking. Loud. Next. Time. Heidi" he did the same to me.

"Okay, Joel..Enough" Niko pulled the man away from me looked at me apologetic. He passed Joel to Joonas like a basket ball and told him to take the drunk one inside although they were both pretty much in a similar state. Once they were far enough, Niko turned back to me and met my blank face. What the fuck?

"Sorry... Dude got a little wasted"
"Yea no shit.." I sighed. I had no idea what had gotten into Joel. Was I really that loud? Was he listening on us? Perv much? I had no idea what to think. Not that it was even his business if I slept with Jay or not. I still didn't know anything about him, more than he sings, is good looking, broke up with his girlfriend and likes to drink. I knew nothing. And he knew nothing about me. Or wait. He knew too much about me already. Not that I wanted it to go like this but this was how it was. Fucking hell.

"So can't you just tell me why he is so 'worried' about me?" I asked, referring to the chat me and Niko had at the salon on Monday. The man took a deep breath and stepped away from me. Why the hell were they all so...Suspicious? First Eric being all weird and now Niko is also hiding stuff.

"Seriously... It is not my business. And I don't want to get involved into any of it..I only know that Joel heard something not so good news, that he is not willing to tell me either. So I don't know what it is. All I know is that he is not liking the news" Niko sighed and put his hands into his pockets. I crossed my hands and had the longest inner screaming a while.

"You should talk with him.. Seriously.. When he sobers up.. " the man sighed and he looked like he really did not know what else to say or do. Neither did I. So I thought the smartest thing to do was to sat back into my car because I did not want to risk meeting with drunk Joel again.

About twenty minutes later I was behind Jay's door. Not really knowing why, but there I was, pressing the doorbell. After waiting for a moment he finally opened the door.

"Oh, hi. Did not expect to see you here tonight... Come in" he smiled and let me in. I kicked my shoes off and removed my jacket. Jay was wearing only some grey sweatpants and man did he look good on those.

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