32. Wine and cheese stuff

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My mind went all dizzy and I couldn't hear a thing. This was too much for me.. I kept squeezing Jay harder and harder and the judge kept stretching. Just fucking end this pain already.

"This band has avery talented members in it and they have surprised us every time. Shows are full of energy.." he spoke. Fuck it's not us, it is the fucking rap-band. Those guys keep bouncing on the stage like a freaking Duracell bunnies. I could hear a mix of their name and our name being shouted out but at this point I wasn't sure anymore which one dominated.

"The Beauty in Death, congratulations! You are through to the final round!"

Fucking hell.

Jay lift me up and I tried to understand that we were in the finals. My whole body was shaking and happy tears started to run down my eyes. One step closer to my dream.

"Holy shit..Holy.. Oh my god, Jay we did it! We fucking did it! I fucking love you..." I screamed and wrapped my hands around his neck and then I realized what I just said. Shit. He put me back down and cupped my face. All I could do was to hope that he did not hear what I said. Or that he'd thought it was just a sudden burst of emotions because we got into the finals.

"I knew we would get to the final" he smiled and leaned closer to my face, connecting our lips with so freaking passionate kiss. He didn't hear it, at least he looked like he didn't.. Thank God.. Thank god the cheering was so loud that it muffled that stupid thing I threw into air. I did not need him to know that before I knew what he felt against me. And this was definitely not the way I wanted him to find out. And I wasn't too stupid either. So just to make sure I cover my stupid slip, I run to Rob, Eric and Ben and hugged them too.
"I fucking love you guys!" there. I loved everyone. But I did love Jay...

"This is fucking great!" Eric laughed and lift me up in the air for a moment, not really giving a damn that Jay was standing right next to us looking Eric like he had just stole something from him. For a moment I was sacred that he'd say or do something that would start a fight but he didn't. He knew that we didn't need anymore drama between us.

"This is.. Oh my.. I can't believe this guys.." The shock was still huge and I lost my ability to create speech. Only thing standing between me and my dream was Julia and I knew my band was way better than hers.

"Just believe it. It is happening" Ben laughed and ruffled my hair. Once Eric finally let go of me I was making my way back to Jay, but I was pulled into another hug.

"Fucking awesome.I knew you'd be in the finals" Joel said and I felt that one more pair of hands were wrapped around me.

"Great job, Heidi" it was Niko. I didn't see him earlier but guess he was around the whole show. There were so many people that it was impossible to spot all the familiar faces.
"I freaking need a drink now" I smiled as the guys finally let go of me.

"Sure, on me" Joel and I made our way to the bad and obviously Jay joined us there too. It felt like he had the need to stay close to me when ever Joel was there, to prevent him stealing me. Not that it was even happening. I was perfectly happy with Jay and I didn't need any other guy. Joel ordered four shots of vodka and handed one for me, one for Niko and he then looked at Jay.

"Congrats man, you earned your spot" he said and gave one of the shots to him. Jay nodded as a thank you and took the glass. From Joel's face I saw that he wasn't feeling too comfortable at the moment but this time he did not took off either.

"Oh my god,girl!!!" Julia's screeching voice was carried into my year again. Oh shit.. And there she was, jumping around my neck again. Someone please take her away from me...

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