Chapter 033

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Oh, f**k...

Cannot relate.

My mind went completely blank. "Get them out of here!" Schlatt yelled. As everything unfolds and as arrows fall, my legs started moving.

OH, NONONONONO please! I'm not in the mood to fight! I was literally just traumatized by a green b*tch!

I had no control over my legs and I jumped off the edge of the building and, water bucket clutched that sh*t. It was f**king exhilarating. A rush of thrill that I hadn't felt in a while since the previous village I had been to when... I... killed those people...

Let's not think about that.

I push the thoughts back and ran as fast as I could. The cloth slid down my mouth towards my neck from all the running. I was too late. My eyes widen as Wilbur dies right in front of me. Shot by an arrow straight to the heart. He's only got one life left.

"Y/n?!?" Tommy yells. I swiftly pick up Wilbur. "Follow me!" Tommy says and I quickly force my legs to go faster. We went into the L'manberg walls and were led into a staircase underneath the water. "What the f**k is this place?!" I yell running while Tommy places blocks behind us so we wouldn't be followed. "I'll explain later!" Tommy responds as we run.

But with Wilburs weight on top of my own weight, I started losing pace. We make it into a bunker-looking place. Tommy digs into the wall and up into the water. He swims up and I do as well with a bit of a struggle. We make it up and run towards the big cobblestone tower. In the distance, we could hear Schaltts's voice. "Tubbo, get up here, come on Tubbo you want the job right?" "Yes, I want the job." I hear Schaltts and Tubbo's voice faintly through the mic left over there. Tommy climbs up the ladder and I use the stairs. As we make it up I lay Wilbur down and we watch from above. "Tubbo, I need you to find Tommy, Y/n, and Wilbur and show them the door. "They're around here somewhere, maybe on a building," Schaltt says as he turns his head towards us.

"We gotta go. Now." I say while I pick up Wilbur once more.

God damn, Wilbur's heavy.

We both run down the stairs this time. We run and vanished into the forest. After a while, we stop running once we think we're far enough.

"Holy crap, this dude is heavy as f**k," I said gasping for air. "You're being overdramatic!" Tommy says as we walked past a little stream of water. "Really? wanna try carrying him while dodging arrows and running at full speed?" I say as a bead of sweat falls down my forehead. "I rather not, oh let's stop here." He says pointing to a little hill.

"Thank god, I feel like my arms are gonna fall off," I say as I gently place Wilbur on the grass. "When's he gonna wake up?" Tommy asks. "Well speak of the devil," I say smirking at Tommy. I watch the two remaining hearts raise from his body. And one shatters leaving the other one harshly pounding into his body. "Huh?" Wilbur says breathy.

"Where am I?!" Wilbur asks gasping and coughing. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty your in- "Hell!" Tommy yells cutting me off from the inside of the hill. "What?? no, you got shot and died." I say as I pull him up. "Yeah, you died by an arrow, pretty pathetic!" Tommy yells again from in the hill. "Shut up, Tommy...... are you sh*ting me you guys are building next to a recognizable pink wool tower?" Wilbur says pinching the bridge of his nose in stress and disappointment.

"Hey, that was Tommy's idea to build here," I say as we both walk into the hill and place dirt on the opening after we were in. "Did somebody call my name?" Tommy says popping his head from the staircase he was making.

"Yeah, we were talking about much of an idiot you are," I say with an expressionless stare. "Likewise," Tommy says at me. "First of all, ouch, and second of all, you shouldn't be talking," I say. "Anyways, look what I found when I was mining the staircase," Tommy says excitedly, ignoring me completely. Wilbur and I glanced at each other before following Tommy.

"Woah.." I say as we ended up in a ravine. "This would be so cool for parkour!" Tommy says running, jumping on the walls of the ravine and pushing himself off of it causing him to roll on the ground. "Anyways Tommy, Y/n can you tell me, what the f**k happen? All I remember is Schaltt saying his speech and how he was about to tell he's first decree." Wilbur says. "Oh and apparently me dying?" He continues. "Yeah no, you guys got exiled and now we're being hunted down right this second." I say chuckling nervously.

"What?!" Wilbur yells. All of a sudden he starts panicking and sh*t. "Tommy put on armor!" He says as he runs, grabs my wrist and drags me up the staircase. He puts on a very used iron armor set. "This is the first time I have ever put on armor." Wilbur says. "Which is extremely stupid of you but okay." I blurt out. I was ignored and he quickly made a crafting table and made a set of iron armor. "Here Y/n put this on." Wilbur says giving me the armor. "What about you.? That armor isn't gonna last long at all." I said. "Just..... just please put it on." Wilbur says. "But- "please Y/n." Wilbur cutting me off. "Okay then." I say sighing.

"I bought this very used set a long time ago and forgot to fix it, oh well." Wilbur says. "Your finally wearing armor." Tommy yells as he pops out of nowhere. "Everything is starting to flood back to me and That's the first time I have ever been speechless." Wilbur say leaning his elbows on the crafting table. "We gave up everything for L'manberg, we gave up friendships, we gave up alliances with some of the most powerful people. Everything we earned has been lost in that one moment." Wilbur says resting his head on the wall.

"We we're literally reduced to nothing, I didn't even bring my ender chest." Tommy says. I feel something trickle down my stomach. I quickly peek underneath my clothes and see one of my more deep wounds open up. My eyes widen.

Oh god. This is bad.

"We've lost Tubbo, we lost everyone." Tommy continues. I pull my attention back towards Tommy and try not to have a reaction. "Y/n why did you decide to help us, you know that would mean that you are also being hunted by them." Wilbur asks. "I decided to help because I was bored." I say with a sarcastic look. I hid the shock I felt. "I helped you cause your my friends, why else would I put myself in danger." I say. I tried to not react to me bleeding. So I ignored it.

I start hearing crackling Staticky noises.
"What the f**k is that noise?"

Tommy pulls out a walkie talkie and out from the little radio a voice is heard. "Guys, guys??.....Hello Tommy?"

Tommy clicks a button on the side. "Tubbo?..I'm here. What happen Tubs?" Tommy says. "You guys better come check out what's happening back in Manberg." Tubbo's staticky voice says from the radio. "Manberg? Wait you guys have a walkie talkies.? When was this?" I ask kinda salty that I didn't have one. "Oh we got them after you got thrown out." Wilbur mumbles to me.

"Well we better go see what's happening in "Manberg" Wilbur says while doing air quotes on Manberg. We walk out and start quickly heading back.

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