Chapter 032

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And with that the election result event had started.

The election first was normal, starting with Wilbur welcoming everyone. A lot of cheering happened."Without further ado I want to go throughout the election results." Wilbur said and the cheering died down.

"With nine percent of the votes with being twenty thousand people or so. In fourth place is Coconut 2020." He said and cheers erupted for the team. "Wait who's team is that?" I ask quietly with multiple voice losses. "Niki and Fundy's team." Dream says handing me a water bottle.

I take a massive sip of the water and put a thumbs up. As I clearly couldn't speak. By the way if your wondering why I haven't ran away yet it's because I have a plan and also because of slight terror. But we ain't gonna talk about that. I had noticed on the stage, Lizzie was there?

Is she with a team?

"Hey is Lizzie with a team?" I ask. "Apparently she joined Schaltts team last minute." Dream confirms.

I look away from Dream and towards the stage. "With sixteen percent of the votes, coming in third place is Schaltt 2020." Wilbur spoke.

Thank god..

"This leaves the two major front runners as the final option.. in second place with thirty percent of the popular" Wilbur paused. "Is.??" I mutter.

The pause was incredibly unnecessary, Wilbur really trying to put some suspense in this.

I get slightly irritated by the long pause. "Led by party leader... Quackity." Wilbur finally says. "F**k ye- I barely finished my sentence before I started coughing. Dream pats me in the back. And I gulp more water down.

"Stop talking. your straining your voice." Dream says. "No, f**k you b*tch." I say irritated. Out of nowhere a piece of cloth is put around my head and seals my mouth. "Hmm? Mhmmm??" I go to rip the cloth off but my hand gets smacked. "Leave it" Dream says with a harsh tone. Dream had purposely held my hand down so I wouldn't touch the cloth. I just sigh and give up. I observed the sky and it had started getting dark but the torches lit everything up.

"By forty five percent Pog 2020." Wilbur continues as he had paused from the array of cheers. I look back at the podium. "We won Tommy, but listen, listen, stop celebrating." Wilbur says trying to calm Tommy down as it's heard from the mic. The faces on the citizens grew worried. Wilburs face grew full of guilt. Tommy's face full of confusion.

"I'm-last.....two nights ago on the night of the election after the announcement of Schaltt 2020 and coconut 2020." Wilbur stammers. I hear Quackity gasp sarcastically into he's own mic. "Quackity made a deal with-um the leader of Schaltt 2020-uh Mr. Jschaltt standing right behind me." Wilbur continues with a nervous tone in his voice.

"Quackity said no matter what happens Quackity would pull Swag 2020 votes on with Schaltt 2020 votes." He says. Gasps could be heard throughout the crowd. Schaltt could be heard chuckling that turned into hysterical laughter. Wilbur spoke over the loud cackles.

"Pog 2020 got forty five percent of the popular votes meaning that the coalition government of Schaltt and Swag 2020 got forty six percent of the votes." Wilbur said in one breath. "What?!?" I yell muffled. Yells and more gasps, as well as laughter all at once fell in the air.

I could see George's bored face turn into a crazed look of happiness. Lizzies face was laced with shock and overjoyed. I glance at Dream and hadn't noticed he pulled he's mask halfway off to see a interested.?? Look on his face.

"Meaning that tonight. Lady's and gentlemen on Tuesday the twenty second of September of 2020, Schaltt 2020 has be placed!" Wilbur said yelling slightly. I could barely see Tommy's face of sadness and shock as he stared straight at Wilbur. Tommy stayed frozen in realization while Wilbur in sheer disappointment. "Get off Tommy, this isn't yours anymore." Quackity says grinning in his face. "But— Tommy was cut off. "Tommy, Tommy, please just listen to Schaltt." Wilbur says. They both jump off with the other teams and the crowd.

What the f**k, the hells gonna happen now?

"Take it home." Quackity said behind him. "Well that was pretty easy." Schaltt said making his team laugh. "You know what I said, the day I was unbanned from the Dream SMP and the day I said I was running. An election I won by the way. I said things were gonna change, I look at every citizen of L'manberg in the eyes. And I say you listen to me, this place will be a lot different tomorrow. Let's start making it happen." Schaltt says finishing his speech.

I glanced at the crowd to see Tommy giving Wilbur and Tubbo a worried look. "My first decree... as the president of L'manberg, The emperor of this great country!" He says yelling. I could tell Wilbur started to get nervous.

The last words that came out of the mouth of Schaltt made me go into a state of panic.


Oh f**k...

Cannot relate.

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