Chapter 028

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Wilbur said leading them into his house.

As they follow him through his house, he leads him downstairs a place no one knew was there. They go into a room and Wilbur tells them to sit down on the conveniently placed down chairs. That's when Wilbur silently locked the door with a key and the lights suddenly went off. "Wilbur?! Why are the lights off??" Were heard from the four guys.

Wilburs POV:

I felt for the axe on the wall and drank my conveniently put night-vision potion, I grabbed on the way. I aim for one of the guy's faces, ripping it halfway, It was a little hard to get it out of his skull since it was stuck. His last words were blood-curdling screams before dying and falling on the floor instantly. "What the f**k!" One yells with fear.  I then aim for the other one to shut him up, first hitting his legs making him fall on the floor.

I slit his throat getting blood all over me. "ugh" I groan at the inconvenience. "At least he's dead" I murmur under my breath. I look over to see the other two, one struggling to find his way out and the other trying to open the door in the dark.

I walk over to one of them quietly and chop his head clean off. I grab the last dimwit and throw him on the floor. Swinging and swinging at his now dead body splattering blood on my clothing. I watch his body limp and just for good measures, step harshly on his head.

Nobody's POV:

As Wilbur drags their bodies to the fireplace in the room and watches them burn. He cleans himself off and goes upstairs. "Well, I'm Hungry now, I'm gonna go eat." Wilbur says casually as he grabs some bread and heads outside to tell the others about the four guys "disappearing."


"Hey um. So I couldn't find the four guys. I went out looking and couldn't find anyone, so Y/n is still currently missing." Wilbur says to the others as he made it back to the stage. Most of the people had been sent to their houses in fear. Being told that the situation would be resolved. 

As a light attempt to lighten the mood Niki spoke up "Don't worry we'll find her sooner or later." Niki said calmly. "You guys are worrying to much, Y/n isn't a p*ssy so she'll be fine." Tommy spoke up, nonchalantly. "It is getting late we can sleep on it so we can get a fresh start on searching for her." Tubbo said yawning. "Alright well I'm going to bed, Goodnight" Tommy said as if he wasn't even worried about Y/n. Tubbo followed Tommy and off they went. "Well good night." Both Fundy and Niki said as they left.

"I don't even know why you guys are so worried." Lizzie spoke up out of nowhere. "Oh yes I've been meaning to to have a chat with you." Wilbur said. "Ohhh really~ Do you wanna go somewhere..more private..?" Lizzie said seductively. Wilbur cringed. "You know what? Never mind." Wilbur said as he walked away.

"Oh come on. I don't even know why your so worried. What does she have that I don't." Lizzie said getting upset at the possibilities. "A brain. Something you lack. Severely." Wilbur says coldly. He walks away from her. "Wait!" Lizzie says grabbing onto his arm. "Please! Just give me a chance.." Lizzie says getting real close to him. "No." Wilbur said simply. "Not even for me..? I know I can treat you sooo much better. I can satisfy you. In many ways~" Lizzie says whispering in a arousing manner.

"What about F**KING no. Do you not understand?" He says walking away from her. Lizzie decides to push herself onto him and try to kiss him. Wilbur pushes her harshly away in disgust. "Don't act like your so innocent. I know you sleep around. No wonder every guy likes you. It's quite sad you have to be used like that so you can get the favor of people. I don't want to ever be associated with a person like you. Keep your daddy issues to yourself and don't look out for that type of validation cause I won't give it to you. So f**k off." Wilbur says in a threatening way. Lizzie eyes widen in confusion and shock. She then scoffs and says "Whatever. One day you'll need me and I'll be here to satisfy." She says still trying before walking away.



While this happened Y/n had fainted from the loss of blood and took quite a long nap.

Y/n POV:

"Ugggg" I groaned as I woke up. I looked around to see I was in the same place, in the same bush, in the same situation. I look over to my shoulder where a lot of dry blood was. I unwrap the "bandage" and when I say bandage, I mean a piece of cloth I ripped off my wonderful clothing. But anyways, there was dried up blood and dried flesh still on there so I covered it back up cause it was disturbing. Literal dry flakes of skin fell off. My arm was incredibly crusty.

I crawled out of the bush and crouched my way to the stairs that led to "The Dream SMP." I know, kinda egotistical of Dream to name his land with his name. But I mean fair enough. My legs walked up the long a** set of stairs leading to the main SMP.
I made it and I sh*t you not the first thing I see is a ugly dirt hut.?? Home.?? I don't even know what it was but it was ugly.

I see a sign at the front of it "Tommy's Abode" was written on the sign. Wait.. doesn't he live in L'manberg.?? Well I won't judge

"Y/n.??" A familiar voice said.

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