Chapter 020

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Tommy immediately woke up.
"What the f**k happened..?───────────•~❉᯽❉~•───────────

"Welcome back Tommy." I say still a bit out of breath. I blow a piece of hair that was stuck to my face out of the way. "So how did I get here if I was in the water basically drowning.?" He asked.

I smile proudly "Well that would be me that saved you. No need to thank me. I am your savior and a good looking one at that" I say with big self confidence. "Oh god I would've rather be stuck down there." Tommy says.

"Ah?! That's the last time I save you, you f**king a**hole. I mean, you could be a little grateful since this is the second time I've saved you." I say rather pissed off.

"No, I don't think I will be grateful. I could've save myself without your help." Tommy said looking away from me. "I don't think you could of, you were dead at that point." Tubbo said.

"Shut up Tubbo, your supposed to agree with me." He whispered pretty loudly. "Oh ok." Tubbo said shutting up while smiling.

So innocent..

"Oh by the way you lost another one of your lives." I said nonchalantly changing the subject. "Oh cmon!" He said. "I mean I'm not surprised on how you've lost another life." I say.

"Well YYYYYY/NN, no one asked for damm opinio- "Sorry to intrude this nice moment for you guys but you aren't out of the water yet." Dream said. "But we're not in water though." I said bluntly.

"Y/n shut up." Tubbo snickers quietly while saying that. "Your not funny. But I'll be coming back soon." Dream said as George and Sapnap stood next to him. "I think I am pretty funny. Sorry you can't see that behind your low self esteem b*tch." I say rather cocky. "Whatever." Dream says scoffing.

"You know what, I have a deal for you." Tommy spoke up. "Tommy." Wilbur said quite stern. "Don't worry I've got a plan." He said reassuring us.

I look at him skeptical. "Last time we let you have your way, you died." I said. "I mean shes got a point." Fundy agreed with me. "Don't worry." He reassures us again.

Tommy leads Dream behind some trees. I wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation but they were too far away. And I didn't want to seem suspicious so I just sat on the grass waiting for Tommy.

Five minutes later and Tommy runs out from behind the trees. With Dream walking out behind Tommy. "Sapnap, George let's go!" He yells out to them. George and Sapnap immediately obey and start moving. I hear Sapnap say "why?"

Dream replies with "He gave me something with value, something he really cares about." He says and with that they leave.

I look back at Tommy and by then he was right in front of us. "Guys guess what?!" Tommy says yelling. "What?"

We got independence!!

Time Control // A Dream SMP x Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin