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Harry POV
After Percy back to use the bathroom, Ginny and Luna followed. I was kind of sad that Percy left, but, well, we all need to do our business sometimes. Still, I stayed behind to inform Professor McGonagall about some stuff. My scar suddenly started to burn. I could feel Voldemort getting more and more excited.

I had to do this quickly.

        Determined, I pulled out the Snitch that Dumbledore had left me all these months and showed it to my dear professor.

"Professor? Do you know what the close means?" I asked.
"No. Sorry dear. But I think-" She was cut off as a stilligoutte in the of a Professor Snape appeared behind us.
"Well well well. What do we have here? Harry Potter, I see." Snape smirked in that horrible face of his.
"Stupefy!" Professor McGonagall suddenly shouted. She shouted that so loud that the other heads of the houses came running here.
"You will do no more murder here at Hogwarts." she said sternly. Snape look one look and fell off the balcony of the stairs. He flew away somehow, and disappeared.
"Potter! You're here!" Professor Slughorn cried.
"What are you doing here?" Professor Sprout asked.
"He's coming, professor. The Dark Lord is coming." I warned.

         They all gasped.

"Potter, this is no joke to joke about." Professor McGonagall said looking pale.
"I'm not joking, ma'am. He is coming." I said.
"Then you must flee." Professor Sprout instructed.
"I can't. There's something Professor Dumbledore left me to do." I explained.
"Then we will protect the castle with all our might." Professor McGonagall concluded.
"Thank you, professor." I smiled.

         They hurried to make cast the protection spell over Hogwarts. I marvelled as the spell covered Hogwarts.

"Potter? Aren't you looking for something?" McGonagall's voice stirred me back to reality.
"Oh. Oh yeah..." I muttered.
"Then go, and hurry!" she instructed.

           I suddenly had this thought. If no one alive has seen it, then what about the dead?

I'm going to the ghost of Ravenclaw.

         Students were woken up from their beds and were now trying to get evacuated. I sprinted past them. I could hear them whispering that they'd seen me, but I didn't care. I finally got up to the tower where the Ravenclaw's ghost floated.

Harry Potter Crossover (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now