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Percy POV
I used what Will taught me and badged Luna and Dean up a bit. It was nothing too serious. Well, compared to me anyways. Two figures walked out of the shadows and I immediately reached for Riptide. One of them was a goblin. I've never met a goblin before. They weren't on the Greek Mythology Monster List. Harry made a stop motion at me with his hand and I placed Riptide back into my pocket.

"Ah. Harry Potter. I believe we've met already?" the goblin asked.
"Yes, Griphook. I remember you showing me my vault at Gringotts." Harry smiled.
"And you are?" Griphook turned to me.
"Percy. Percy Jackson. I'm Harry's cousin." I offered my hand.

There was an awkward pause. Griphook shook my hand at last.

"Harry! How nice to see you again! I remember selling you your wand like it was yesterday. Holly and a phoenix feature, I believe?" a thin wizard stared at Harry with his big eyes.

"Mr. Olivander!" Harry exclaimed. "How long have you guys been here?" Harry asked. There was a mix of 'five months' and '1 year'.

A footstep sounded down and Ron hurried to clicked the deluminator. Lights swooshed out and dimmed from their torches.

"Dobby!" Harry whispered.

A loud crack sliced through the air and a little elf, not unlike Creature, appeared.

"Harry Potter! What would you need help with, sir?" Dobby bowed. Harry looks uncomfortable.

"Please, Dobby. I've already told you you called me Harry lots of times. But anyways, and you take these four," Harry pointed at Luna, Dean, Olivander, and Griphook,"To Shell Cottage?" Harry requested.

"Of course, sir." I suddenly miss Blackjack a lot for some reason. And before Luna and Dean could protest, Dobby had already taken them to wherever their heading. They left just in time too, because a mouse-like wizard unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Peter." Harry said coldly.

"Ah. Harry Potter." this Peter smiled evily.

"Peter. You're still alive, I see." Ron piped in.

"Yes. And I'm terribly sorry for this." Peter whispered.

He suddenly snatched up to Harry's neck. If I hadn't intercepted it, Harry's neck would've been brocken. Peter gasped.


"Wormtail," Harry started.

"Don't call me that!" Peter shouted. Hermione scream again, only louder this time.

"I saved your life! Why do you insist on killing me?" Harry asked. I threw Wormtail onto the ground.

"The Dark Lord wants you dead. Why does it matter if he does it and not me?" Peter shot back.

Suddenly, Wormtail's metal-looking hand sprang up to his neck and started to choke him.

"What ar e you doing?!" Harry shouted.

"I-I can't c-control it!" Wormtail gasped. He was starting to turn blue. We tried to pry his hand off his neck, but nothing worked.

Eventually, Wormtail died.

We felt sorry for him for a moment then raced upstairs. (Wormtail foolishly left the door open).

"Stupefy!" Harry and Ron both pointed their wands at Death Eaters. Since I couldn't reveal myself to Death Eaters, I pointed at a Death Eater with a stick from the ground and pretended to say spells. In reality, I was just controlling water molucules to move things.

Then, the unfortunate happened.

"Stop, all of you! Move again and this girl will die!" a witch screamed. we all stopped. The witch had Hermione by the hair and was pressing a knife into her throat. I was beyond angry, but if I moved even her hand the slightest, she will press the knife into Hermione's throat. So I had to stop.

"Good. Now drop your wands." she sneered. When no one moved, she screamed, "Drop your wands!" She pressed a bit harder, drawing a tiny bit of blood from Hermione's neck. We dropped our wands. Well, a stick in my case.

"Good. Now, Draco, pick up those wands." the witch bossed a blond boy around. The boy picked up the wands.

The chandelier fell.

"Ahhhhhhh!" the witch screamed. Hermione scrambled to us.
"Dobby!" Harry exclaimed.
"Harry Potter! Dobby has come and to save you!" Dobby cried. Harry wrestled the blond boy and snatched all the wands back. We linked hands and Dobby teleported us out. I felt a sharp pain just before we landed. I guess my Percy luck is working again.

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