Something Valuble Broken

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Harry POV
          Percy passed out when we were falling into the lake. I guess he 'overheated'.
"Help me, Harry! Hurry!" Hermione screamed as she tried to drag Ron onto the shore. I quickly swam over, tugging Percy behind me. I also helped Hermione carry Ron to shore. A sudden wave of water washed all of us to shore.
"Harry, in my bag! There's a small potion of healing." Hermione whispered.
"What are you waiting for?"
"O-of course. Accio potion!"

A small bottle of clear liquid flew into my hand.
"Uncork it for me, Harry. My hands are shaking."
Scared of an angry Hermione, I obediently uncorked it and passed to Hermione.
"Wha-?" I whispered. Ron is a bloody mess.

I was speechless. I've always thought of splinching as missing an arm or a leg.
"You can set up the tents. I'll do some protection charm around the area."

I set up the tent and carried Ron onto a bed.

Shoot. I totally forgot about Percy.

I went back outside and carried Percy onto a couch. His condition isn't as bad as Ron's, considering he only needs to rest for a bit.
"It was brave of you, Harry, to reveal yourself." Hermione said.
"Thanks. We were all brave." I smiled. Hermione got up and went to take care of Ron. I can't help but feeling a bit jealous. I wish Ginny was here. Just then, I heard Percy calling my name.
"Harry?" he croaked.
"Percy! You're awake!" I relaxed.
"Can I have water? My throat's dry." he asked.
"Of course!" I smiled.
          I handed Percy a cup of water, he gulped it down.
"Ron! You're awake!" I heard Hermione exclaim.
Percy and I sped to Ron's side.
"Hey mate, can I have some water too?" Ron asked sheepishly.
"Sure!" I smiled. I am really happy that everyone is now awake.
"Ahhhhhh. That's so much better. Thanks Harry!" Ron sighed.
"I've got the horcrux." Hermione said.
"Really?! And you bothered not to tell us?!" Ron asked. I rolled my eyes at that.
"Well, we were kind of in a hurry." Hermione huffed.
"I think we should take turns wearing it." I spoke quietly.

And so we spent the next few days taking turns wearing the locket. Ron is healing in bed, Hermione and I told Percy about our quest and the three of us took turns guarding the tent. Although Hermione placed lots of protection charm around it, we are not taking any chances.
"Guys, I think we should go to Godric's Hollow next." I said, after discussing the with Percy.
"Of course! You're the big righteous leader and we're the weak little soldiers!" Ron complaint
"What's your problem?" I demanded. I was not happy with Ron complaining.
"Nothing." Ron grumbled.
"No. What you've got?" I asked more strictly this time.
"Well, if you have to know, I'm sick of this. We haven't even made any progress in the last few days!" Ron shouted.
"What do you mean?! What do you think we'll be living in? Five star hotel? Have your mommy feed food into your mouth every single meal?" I asked furiously. Ron is getting on my nerves by now.
"No. I am sick of this as in we thought you knew what you were doing!" Ron raised his voice.

That hit me like a bullet through my heart. I felt tears threatening to drop.

"Stop it you guys!" Hermione was in the verge of tears now. I can hear Percy's hurried footsteps getting closer and closer. Hermione pulled out her wand.
"Stop it, you guys!" Hermione cried.
"No! I will not stop! You said it too, Hermione. You said you were also disappointed!" Ron reminded her. To said I felt betrayed can't even describe my feeling. I felt shocked, betrayed, angry, and sad at the same time.
Percy turned into molecules in when Hermione screamed, "Protego!"

An invisible barrier pushed Ron, Hermione, and me against the walls of the tent.
"Will you two stop?" Percy asked loudly. I can hear the waves crashing outside and a mini earthquake started. I didn't want him to start a full earthquake so I shut up. Ron did the same.
"Ron, you give me the locket and you two need to be separated for a while. Why don't-" Percy was cut off by Ron.
"Gladly. I'm going to quit this bloody quest anyways." Ron informed harshly. I was shocked. He is going to quit?
"Are you sure? 'Cause you might never find us again." Percy asked surprised.
"Please Ron, you wouldn't be saying that if you haven't been wearing that locket all day." Hermione pleaded.
"No he will." I said, not wanting to give Ron any chance. "He will still say that if he'd not wear the locket."

          None of us supported Ron so he tore off the the locket and threw it to a poor chair.
"What, you coming, Hermione?" Ron asked.
"Please, Ron. I-I-" Hermione was also cut off by Ron.
"I get it. You choose him." Ron said harshly, quite unlike himself.
"No! N-no, Ron please! Come back! Come back Ron!" Hermione was now freely crying when she chased after him, out into the pouring rain.
"You should'n've been so hard on him, Harry." Percy said gently. "I'm not taking side, thought. Ron do need to leave to cool down." I was about to retort when Hermione came back, empty-handed.
"H-he apperated. He's g-gone." Hermione sobbed before I could say anything.
"It's ok, Hermione. He'll cool down and then he'll come back." Percy assured her.
         Hermione went to her bedroom. I can hear her crying softly.

"Harry, you need to cool down too. I'll keep watch tonight."
"Fine." I grumbled, not knowing what else to say.

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