Oh Hades

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Percy POV
Harry pulled out a small golden ball and showed it to the teacher. Ginny led me back to the big room. Luna also came with us, claiming that she didn't want to be there. I really did need the bathroom. I raced to the nearest bathroom when we got back, ignoring the glances at me. After I did my thing, I felt weird and I suddenly collapsed. I really hope this wasn't a flashback.


I appeared before Hades and I quickly bowed.

"Rise, Percy Jackson." Hades smiled. I rose.
"Percy, there's something you won't like. I think I should warn you beforehand." Hades frowned.
"Yes, uncle?" I asked.
"Percy. Your cousin Harry's fate isn't something you should meddle with, Percy. Please don't try anything bad after I tell you. Swear it on the River Styx." he instructed.
"I swear on the River Styx that I will not try to alter my cousin Harry's fate." I said as told. I was really curious.
"Good. Now, Percy, your cousin's fate is to... ummm... die." he said in a small voice.
"What do you mean?" I interrogated, not believing what I heard.
"Harry's the seventh horcrux. Voldemort must kill him to get rid of all horcruxes. There's a ten percent chance of living for him." Hades spilled out.

I collapsed onto the floor, my mind blank. I could barely hear Hades calling my name. Two Death Eaters appeared. I heard one of them mutter, "Oops, wrong place." but Hades reacted faster. With a snap of his fingers, Hades made the Death Eaters' eyes roll up and they fell dead, onto the ground. I barely noticed this though. I love Harry as much as I love my sister. He's really valuable to me. I would rather die for him.

"See, Percy? This why I didn't want to tell you." Hades said sadly.
"But he'll live, right? He will live." I muttered.
"There's ten percent of chance, Percy. Grasp onto that hope." Hades encouraged. "The time is here. You've got to go back or else your friends will think something's happened."
"Wait. One last thing. Is this real? Like I'm not hallucinating?" I asked in a trembling voice.
"No, Percy. I've got to send you back now. Goodbye, Percy. Long lives the Chosen One." Hades muttered.

I suppose the Chosen One is Harry. I've heard Ron and Hermione calling him that before. I woke up to my face in the clean waters of the sink. I gasped at what I saw. I grimly walked out, as if I saw my own grave. The others went up to me and asked what had happened, but I kept quiet. I knew they cared about Harry as much as I do, so I didn't want to concern them.

"Percy, you all right?" Neville asked in concern.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I just accidentally slipped on the water and fell in the toilet." I smiled. It was a sad smile, but no one noticed and went back to what they were doing.

All I've got to do is to protect Harry until the very end.

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