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Narrator POV
           The next day, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Percy woke up super early. Griphook also came with them since Percy had given Griphook the Sword of Gryffindor. Harry left a note on the counter, suggesting that Bill and Fleur don't go looking for them. They quickly went over the plan one more time and Hermione drank up the Polyjuice Potion, containing a piece of Bellatrix's hair.

"C'mon!" Harry grumbled, not used to wake up this early. Percy, on the other hand, was jumping around like a fish flopping when it's on dry land. Except for Percy can breathe on both land and in water.

"Finally!" Harry exclaimed as Hermione turned around, and Harry immediately regretted being so pushy. He almost couldn't resist the urge to punch Bellatrix in the face. That evil face belonged to the person who killed Sirius. At last, Harry knew better. He could just barely contain himself. If it had been the actual Bellatrix, he would have punched her ugly face.

"This dress is so heavy!" Hermione complained. "I wished Bellatrix would wear something else. Otherwise, I'm ready."
"You ready, mate?" Ron asked.
"Hmm? Oh yeah. Let's get going." Harry replied, lost in thoughts.
"I'm apperating us." Hermione warned, no doubt still remembering last time Harry had apperated them.
"Sure." Percy grinned.

The plan was Harry was under the Invisibility Cloak, Ron and Percy will be turned to molecules for a while, and Hermione will drink the Polyjuice Potion and turn into Bellatrix. Hermione apperated them to Gringotts and Hermione did her best 'Bellatrix walk'. A goblin ran up to her and asked, "Ah, Ms. Bellatrix. What do you need today?"

"I wish to enter my vault." Hermione said in her best Bellatrix voice.
"Yes ma'am. Let us first check your wand." the goblin smiled. Harry whispered, "Imperio," behind the goblin. Hermione hesitantly held out her wand.

          The goblin took a glance at Hermione's wand and allowed them to go. Under Griphook's guide, the five of them successfully rode the mine cart. Percy grinned as the wind brushed his face when they went down the roller coaster of a rail. When they were just about to go under the waterfall, Percy lifted the waterfall up, making sure that not a single drop of water got on them. Of course Harry and Ron needed nothing. Percy had turned them into vapour a few moments earlier. When the cart finally stopped, they got off and Griphook opened Bellatrix's vault.

Inside were mountains and mountains of fortunes, blinding the four for a moment. No one had noticed Griphook leaving. Harry glanced around and saw a small Hufflepuff cup standing on a shelf. Dumbledore had told him that Voldemort loves collecting treasures of the four houses before he died. Harry immediately suspected that the cup was a horcrux.

"Percy, can you get the cup? You're the only one who can reach it. We need that cup." Harry pointed.
"Yes sir." Percy grinned. He tried to climb up after solidifying him and Ron, but when he touched a coin, his palm burned.
"Ow!" Percy yelped.
"You ok, mate?" Ron asked.
"I'm ok. The coins burned me. I guess I'll just have to use my sword." Percy sighed.

Percy uncapped Riptide and caught the cup on the tip of the sword's point. He carefully took the cup and raised it above his head.

"'K, Harry! I've got the cup!" Percy exclaimed.
"Nice. Now we just have to get out of here." Harry smiled.

And that's when things got out of hand. They turned around and walked out, coming face to face with a dragon, alerting the security in the process.

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