No Such Luck

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Harry POV
Percy seems... nervous. He said he's been in wars before, but still. I shrugged it off as he's never been in a wizard war. You have to admit; it's hard dodging the spells. It's an exercise that no one should endure. Nonetheless, the wizarding community does it every single day to practice our reflex and spells. Anyways, we went on our separate route. Percy went to find Ron and Hermione. I went to find the diadem. The ghost of Ravenclaw had said that Riddle had worked it out of her before. I walked out, thinking where it could be. Somewhere Riddle could have probably hide it when he was at Hogwarts. I suddenly remembered her last few words before she floated away.

"It wasn't somewhere everyone can enter. Only those with needs can."

A light bulb popped up in my head. Somewhere not everyone can enter. Only those who needs it. Hmmm... let's think. Where had we seen it before?

The Room do Requirements.

I raced back. The Death Eaters were making a large crack on the protection layer. There's no time to lose.

          Running as if I was chased by a car, I finally arrived back at the Room of Requirement. Percy was there waiting for me. So we're Ron and Hermione.

"Ron! Hermione! Where were you guys?" I asked.
"Ron's brilliant! We went to the Chamber of Secrets. We used a fang from the Basilisk's fang to destroy it." Hermione grinned.
"Awesome! Just one question. How'd you guys get in there? You need Parseltougue to get in." I wondered out loud.
"It was Ron." Hermione smiled brightly. Ron made a weird hissing noise.
"Great! Now that horcrux is out of the way, I figured out where the diadem is." I informed.
"In the Room of Requirements."

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