One Genius + One Genius = A Headache.

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Percy POV
After the chaos last night, I killed the hellhounds, leaving with only a few more scars. Harry was screaming, tossing and turning while he slept. Hermione didn't even sleep at all. She spent the night crying. I, being the seaweed brain I am, decided that it was time to IM Annabeth.
I tossed the drachmas into the rainbow, said the words, and Annabeth appeared before me.
"Percy!" Annabeth squealed. I, too, grinned idioticly and tried to throw my arms around her... and fell flat on my face.
"Oops..." I blushed.
"Once a seaweed brain, always a seaweed brain." Annabeth giggled.
"Hey Annie, I missed you!"
"Me too!"

Well, that was no surprise, but my inside felt warm just seeing my wise girl.

"Percy! Who's that?" I heard Hermione shout, coming towards me.
"That's my girlfriend, Annabeth!" I laughed.
"Nice to meet you, Annabeth. I'm one of Harry's friend, Hermione." Hermione smiled. I guess she used a spell to clear off her red eyes and tear-stained face.
"Nice to meet you, Hermione." Annabeth grinned as they shook hands.

        Suddenly, a picture flashed in my mind. Annabeth and Hermione. Oh no. I'll have to listen to them talking about math, English, architecture... OH NO! THE HORROR! Just thinking about it gave me a headache. I can already picture them talking back and forth, leaving me out!

"Percy? PERCY!" I heard someone shout from a faraway place. I snapped back to reality.
"Nope nope nope nope nope. Bye Hermione! I'll see you in the tent! Go comfort Harry!" I pushed her back into the tent. Annabeth raised and eyebrow and so did Hermione. No! The similarities! It's already begun! The torture!

"Ok, wise girl. Let's talk over there." I said, pointing to a deserted area behind the tent.
"Ok. What was that all about?" Annabeth asked.
"You know, I can finally grasp what 1 + 1 is." I quickly answered.
"Really?" Annabeth exclaimed excited. She had tried to tell me math wasn't useless the whole summer.
"Yep! Listen; one genius plus another genius equals to my headache." I proudly informed, giving her my signature lopsided grin.

Annabeth groaned.

"You know what? I give up." Annabeth sighed.
"I'm having Athena teach you math after the quest."

My victory dance instantly turned into me planning my own will.

      The image of Annabeth began to blur.
"See you, Percy!"
"See you, wise girl! Love you!" The image went blank.
"Percy! Harry will be talking about our next trip in the tent now!" Hermione called out.

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