Let's Stun A Teacher!

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Percy POV
        After I stood for an awkward ten minutes, Ginny took me up to the Ravenclaw's dorm room. But who the heck names something Ravenclaw? Still, I said nothing. We met up Harry and Luna. The door in front of us spoke and I almost pulled out Riptide. Luckily, I haven't solidify me and Ginny yet so no could see me really well. The door gave us a riddle and Luna answered it. The door opened and we entered.

Inside was an excellent view of the sky. The walls were dark blue and curtains was embedded with sparkly silver thread, in the shape of the moon and stars. We entered quietly, not wanting to wake anyone up. Luna pointed to a silver tiara that's sitting on top of a life sized stone statue.

"That's the diadem of Ravenclaw." she whispered.

Harry took off his cloak and slowly walked over to it. As he touched the precious artifact, a deep, raspy voice sliced through the air behind us.

"Well well well. If it isn't Harry Potter." a dark figure spoke behind us. A Death Eater had somehow got into Hogwarts. We turned around and saw a wizard pointing his wand at something on his arm. It was a dark tattoo.

No wonder Harry fed me the Truth Potion when I got to his house.

Harry didn't even had a chance to react as a loud bang went off. I looked over my shoulder and saw Luna with her wand out.

"That was louder than I expected." she said in her dreamy voice.

Sounds of hurried foot steps swallowed the silence. Harry threw his cloak over him and Luna. I hurriedly turned Ginny and transformed us back into water molecules. Just in time too, as a crowed of students appeared. They gingerly walked over to the side of the now-unconcious Death Eater. I saw them get all excited. I suddenly knew why they wer eexcited. I had felt the same way before. And that was a long time ago, when Gabe was still here. I would roast him. One of the conversations went like this;

"Get here, you brat." Gabe yelled. I scrambled over to him. He pointed a stick at me, in front of his friends.

"At the end of this stick is an idiot." Gabe smirked, thinking he embarressed.

"Which end?" I looked up, asking him.

"Y-you- YOU LITTLE BRAT!" he shouted furiously. His friends snickered.

I smiled at that memory. I was stabbed with a knife in the arm a few times afterwards, but it was worth it.

Anyways, the crowed gathered around the fallen Death Eater and examined him. A loud banging noise at the door ruined the moment and frightened the kids away.

We heard two person talking and Harry widened his eyes.

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