Meeting Gandalf

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Percy POV
         As we landed, an alarm screamed in our ears. Dark figures quickly surrounded us.

"Who's there?" one of them growled in a raspy voice.

        No one answered. I mean, who would? I think the Death Eaters' brains are short circuited or something. Anyways, when none of us moved, a Death Eater said, "Wait. Potter's got an Invisibility Cloak. Accio!" When nothing happened, the Death Eater said, "Oh? So not there. Still, I want to make sure. Let the dementors do their job. The Dark Lord only wants to kill Potter. Dementors won't kill them; they will only suck their soul."

There's finally something I know of in the Wizarding world! Only if it would help much. I've seen uncle Hades using dementors to keep control in the Fields of Punishment before. Only a dementor ate a ghost. After that, Hades had to fire the dementor. If I were Nico, I'd make the dementors go away. Sadly, I'm not.

Anyways, the dementors kept coming closer and closer. I used the water molecules in the air to push them back. I guess it wasn't strong enough because the dementors stopped for only a second then continued on their way. I could feel that cold sensation within me. It took all the willpower to not fall into a flashback. Even though Apollo had cured me and Annabeth's flashback, we still get it under certain circumstances. And this is one of them.

Just as one of them got too close, a silver goat sprinted out of no where. An old man, who looks like Gandalf's brother, walked out of the shadows.

"Ah. Isn't it Aberforth Dumbledore." a Death Eater smiled slyly. I felt Harry tense up a little beside me.
"Yes. And I would like to keep those dementors off my property." he growled.
"Of course, sir." the death eater said obediently and mentioned for the other Death Eaters to leave. I guess even they dare not to mess with this guy.
"Come on. Hurry up, Potter." the guy whispered.
"Thank you, Mr. Aberforth." Harry whispered as we walked.

We finally got to an ancient-looking inn. Aberforth set us down and Harry took off his cloak. I solidify myself and Aberforth immediately pointed his wand at me.

"Dude! Chill! Same side! I'm Harry's cousin." I raised my hands. Aberforth looked over to Harry and Harry gave a nod. Aberforth finally lowered his wand.
"So. Why are you guys here? You know it's the most dangerous place for you to be in right now." Aberforth requested.
"We're acting on Dumbledore's orders, sir." Hermione explained.
"My brother was a fool. He always tend to use kids. Send them to wars and they die. Run away, Potter. Flee-" I cut him off.
"Not every kid who goes to war dies." I said quietly.
"And your proof?"
"I'm still alive, am I?" I smirked.
"You've been through a war before?" Aberforth asked, surprise showing on his face.
"Then why did you say that?"
"Because I've been through wars not war." I replied.
"More than one war! Well then, you know how to defeat your enemies, I believe?"
"Yes. Fleeing was never the answer. Mr. Aberforth, can please get us to this 'Hogwarts'? I believe we need to find something in there to win this war. You do want to win, right?" I persuaded him.
"Fine." he sighed.

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