My Cousin's Friend.

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Percy POV
            I gulped down the water. I thought that if I told him my secret, he might confirm my suspicion about him a cosplayer. I mean, if he wasn't, then who the HECK keeps wizard's stuff in their room? It's not like he's a wizard or something.
I felt the potion working, making me feeling all dreamy. I heard Harry speaking in the distance. I felt my mouth saying things on it's own.
I hope I didn't say anything embarrassing.

After the questions, I learned that Harry, in fact, is a wizard. I hate my luck. Just had to jinx myself, didn't I? Anyways, since I found out that Harry is a wizard, and was fighting in a long war, I offered to help. I didn't want to have anyone die because I chose the wrong choice.
There was a knock at the front door. Harry and I raced down the stairs to see two figures, dressed like they just seen the way normal people dress the first time. There's a guy wearing a tank top and a pair of woman sized black jeans. How he fits in that? I don't know. The woman is wearing a t-shirt that's much too big for her and a pair of green leggings.
"Who the HECK are you guys?! And what in the world are you wearing?! Potter! I'd this a one of your funny games, IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Uncle Vernon screamed. Dudley ran behind Vernon and Aunt Petunia had actually fainted.
The two figures walked in.
"Harry! I hope you told them the plan! And- who are you?" The guy asked, suddenly pointing a stick- no, a wand at me. "I'm Percy, Harry's cousin."I quickly said. "Prove it." The woman said, also pointing her wand at me. "Uhhhh... guys? I fed him the Truth Potion. He is my cousin." Harry explained.
There was two "oh"s.
"He can help. Come on Perce, introduce yourself- and don't worry. Those are two of the friends I told you about.
With that being said, I quickly introduced myself.
The guy said his name as Dedelus and the woman said her name as Hestia.
        They drove the Dursleys away but before that, Dudley said "thank you" to Harry. After they left, Harry and I went upstairs. Harry started packing his bags and trunks. I didn't need to pack since I didn't even unpack. We carried our things downstairs and waited upstairs.
Then there was a "oof" and lots of groaning. Since Harry had fallen asleep while waiting, I quietly went down the stairs.
"Ah! Harry! There you are! We've missed you!" One of the red heads said.
"Harry!" A girl with hazel hair colour said as she pulled me into a tight hug.
"Erm... I think you've got the the wrong guy. Harry's upstairs. He fell asleep while waiting for you guys so I came here to check. I didn't want to wake him up." I said, embarrassed.
         Suddenly, they all pointed their wands at me.

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