The Ghost Village

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Harry POV
Percy sprinted away before anyone could said anything so we did what he told us to do. Ron, Hermione, and I sped to the second floor of the building, avoiding spells as we went. We felt a miniature earthquake. Hermione gasped quietly as she we ran. We jumped onto the back of the dragon just in time for the dragon to leap up and flap its gigantic wings. The dragon took off into the sky. I tried to help Percy climb up to its back but soon gave up when Percy was almost flicked off. I whooped when the dragon glided across the forests and the lakes.

           The dragon suddenly did a 360 degree flip, tossing me, Ron, Hermione, and Percy off it. We landed into the lake below. Ron's wet pants no longer mattered as the rest of us were wet from head to toe. I felt a current pushing us shore. I looked over to Percy and saw him in the waters, swimming like a fish. Well, faster than a fish. He swam to the shore and helped the rest of us out of the waters. Griphook had disappeared when we escaped.

I felt my scar burn and I collapsed onto the ground.

This time, I landed in the ruins of Gringotts, I saw Voldemort looking furious. I guess he didn't know we would find out.

"Who was it?" Voldemort snarled at a nearby goblin.
"I-it was t-that Potter b-boy and his t-three friends." the goblin whimpered.
"What did they take?" Voldemort growled.
"A-a cup, s-sir. A s-small golden c-cup." the poor goblin whimpered.

Voldemort let out a scream of anger. He shot the Killing Curse at the goblin who fell to the ground, dead. I saw Voldemort telling Bellatrix to apperate to Hogwarts to warn, no doubt, Snape about us, to tell him guard a diadem with his life.

-End of Dream-

I shot up from the ground, gasping at what I saw. Percy looked at me with a worried face.

"Harry, you ok?" Percy asked.
"He knows. He knows we've taken the cup. We need to go to Hogwarts next." I said.
"Where?" Percy asked.
"Hogwarts." I said again.

         No one spoke for a second. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"Why?" Ron broke the silence.
"Because I saw Voldemort telling Bellatrix to warn Snape about us." I explained.

As soon as I said 'Voldemort', a Death Eater appeared before us. With lightning speed, Percy uncapped Riptide and knocked the Death Eater unconscious.

"Wherever we're going, we've got to hurry." Percy said seriously. "Hermione'll teleport us again."
"Ok. Let me just cover us with my cloak, just in case." I said.

Right after I covered us with the cloak (Percy turned himself into vapour), Hermione apperated us to somewhere in Hogsmeade.

When my feet touched the ground, an alarm blared, shrieking at our ears. Dark figures quickly appeared, surrounding us.

Harry Potter Crossover (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now