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Harry POV
        I prepared for the worst as the green light shot at me. I felt pain and collapsed. My vision went dark. I thought everything I was thankful for. I was thankful that Ron, Hermione, and Percy appeared in my life. I was thankful that my mom sacrificed herself to save me. I was thankful for everyone that appeared in my life- except for Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

I fell to ground ground and my vision went dim.

       When I came to, I looked around and found myself in a white piece of space. I glanced down unintentionally and saw a fragile-looking figure, curled up like a ball, un der a bench.

      A silhouette came towards me. As the person got closer, I could make out his face and features. I squinted and saw that he was... Dumbledore?

"Harry, my boy. You have succeeded." he smiled warmly.
"Professor Dumbledore! You're dead... so that means I'm dead too?" I asked, confused.
"Yes, yes. I am dead. You can still go back though." he said.
"You intended to be the wand's last true master." I pointed out.
"But Malfoy disarming you wasn't part of your plan."
"Yes. I'm glad you figured that out." Dumbledore answered. "Where do you think you are?"
"Ummm... it looks like King Cross Station." I answered truthfully.
"Interesting. Well, Harry, I'm afraid you haven't walked to your life's end yet." Dumbledore said.
"W-what do you mean?" I asked. I could go back?

Dumbledore smiled warmly and mentioned for me to go on a walk with him.

"Life," he paused, "Is like a ride. Sometimes, the rails tip down and all your failures comes back to you. When the rails go up," he stopped again, "Your life becomes better. My ride was mostly tipped slightly down." Dumbledore finished.
"Why?" I asked.
"It is a story for another time. You'll see, Harry. Now, you have to go back." Dumbledore smiled.
"Wait!" I called out. "Is this real? Like, is it happening in my head?"
"Of course it's in your head, Harry, but why wouldn't it be real? Bye, Harry." Dumbledore's voice sounded so far away.

Reality slapped me in the face again, and I smelled the fresh grass. My glasses was lying a few centimetres away from me but I didn't dare to reach for it.

       Instead of the celebration I'd thought they do, I heard a fainted murmur across the army. My senses didn't work as well and  it took me a moment to adjust. When my senses worked like a well-oiled machine again, I heard Narcissa whisper if Draco was alive.

"Yes." I breathed back.

       Narcissa walked back to the army.

"He... is... dead." she lied.

I heard the Death Eaters celebrating and Hagrid sobbing. I opened my eyes just a tiny fraction and saw a blurry Percy smile at me. Ah well, he noticed.

"See? I have killed Potter. Crucio!"

I prepared myself for the pain, but the only pain I felt was when my face crashed against the ground. I tried to keep my limbs as limp as possible. Hagrid was now crying freely. I wanted to comfort my big friend so badly, but I had to trick them into thinking they've won.

"Potter is dead. Give him to Hagrid and have Hagrid hold him while we march to show them who won." I heard Voldemort say.

       A pair of gentil arms lifted me up and cradled me. Hagrid's bushy beard brushed my face as he walked. His tears dropped onto my cheeks. It felt like warm water being poured onto my face, drop by drop. Hagrid was amazingly gentil for a half-giant. Amazingly loyal too.

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