I Dress Like A Wizard... Wait

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Percy POV
           I was eating, again, after the dream. I kept stealing glances at Harry. He seems really shaken after what we both saw.
"C'mon, guys. Harry will be under the invisibility cloak. Ron, Percy, and I will drink the Polyjuice Potion."
"Yeah. S'pose we should wear navy blue robes." Ron added.
"Why navy blue?" I asked.
"Dad said everyone from Magical Maintenance wears navy blue." Ron explained.
"But you never said that!" Hermione gasped.
"Didn't think it was important." Ron answered.
"It all matters! If we went in wearing a skirt and leggings, they'd know it's not the real them!" Hermione exclaimed.
"Just an 'oh'? The most dangerous place for us to be in right now is the Ministry of Magic. If-
"We should do it tomorrow." Harry said quietly.
           Ron and Hermione's jaw dropped. I, on the other hand, didn't know what to think. I mean, I've been in worse situation before.
"You're kidding." Ron said.
"I haven't even started brewing the Polyjuice Potion yet!" Hermione added.
"But I've got a lot of those." Harry excused. "I took a bottle with me from Moody's bag. If we put it off further, then you-know-who will be already taken over Hogwart!" I noticed how Harry didn't say you-know-who's real name. I guess he didn't want to add fear into Ron.

            And so the next day, we all got prepared. Prepared as in getting-almost-hit-by a-bus-and-stunning-an-innocent-ministry-worker-and-hiding-her-body. Yeah. Totally prepared. Hermione dress up as the witch she'd just stunned. (Hermione got other clothes to put on them).
          Another unlucky (or lucky, depends how you look at it) wizard walked towards us. He didn't seem to notice us, but Hermione, who was now dressed and looks like this Mafalda person, strode towards him.
"Not feeling good today?" Hermione asked, pretending concerned. I felt pity for the wizard, whose day will become worse.
"Yes. My wife is about to get executed by Umbridge. That evil toad." the little wizard cried angrily.
"Here. Have a candy." Hermione held out her hand. The candy was good looking, but when the wizard ate it, he immediately started to claw at his throat.
"Oh no! You simply cannot go to work like this! You need to go to St. Mungo's and get them sorted you out!"
"But my wife-" He didn't even finish his sentence before he fainted.
"Hurry, guys! Percy will dress up like him and Ron will wait for the next person." Hermione urged.

          Hesitantly, I drank up the now turquoise potion. I began to feel a bit feverish and sluggish. When I opened my eyes again, I was a bit shorter, and I was standing in my now-too-big shirt. I walked towards a nearby closet.
"I'm ready." I said as I walked out of the closet. I was dressed up and looked like Reg Cattermole, as Ron told me.

        The next victim- sorry- person that was lucky or unlucky to fall into our hands, is someone no one knew. Well, in the circle of the four anyways.
"Here's a tag. It says 'Runcorn'. So I'm Runcorn?" Ron said uneasily as he slipped into his new cloak.
"Yeah. There's no time like the present. Hurry guys, let's get on with the group!" I hurried them.

       We walked to the group of people and tried to act natural. It wasn't easy, since I wasn't in my own skin.

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