"Two loving hearts"

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"Two loving hearts"

It must have been around two in the morning, when the bottle went empty and we moved inside. Luna and me had spent hours talking about our childhood memories, while not a single word would leave Draco's lips. He was leaning back the whole time, with his arms folded over his chest, and I noticed how cold and tired he was.

We had no blankets or jackets outside to keep us warm, so we decided to leave the lovely white table we had been sitting on. Luna closed the door behind us as we stepped inside, and Draco walked up the stairs, but he stopped as I started talking, "Are you going to sleep?"

He turned around, with a look of surprise on his face as he scratched the back of his head, "I thought we all were-",

"I think we will spend some time down here.", Luna cut him off shyly, "But it won't be long."

I nodded quickly, and Draco rubbed his eyes, "Well, see you tomorrow I guess.", as his lips formed a warm smile. Our eyes met for a brief moment, and I merely smiled back, "See you tomorrow."

We watched as he slowly made his way up the stairs, until he disappeared in the dark. Luna's fingers brushed against my arm, and she softly dragged me away, "I know you are tired as well, but I have to give you something.", she whispered as we reached the living room.

It was dark in there, and I expected it to be cold, but the wooden floor still held some warmth from the sunlight. My eyes found the big windows on the left, and the thick curtains that covered them almost entirely. I reached for the thick fabric to move it aside, while Luna opened a drawer on the other side of the room.

The room was covered in a dark shade of grey, the moonlight reflected on her blonde hair as she stepped towards me, "Here-", she held a bunch of pages in her hand and stretched it out for me to take them.

"What is that?", my brows furrowed as I analysed the worn texture of them. The paper was ripped on some edges, crumbled and stained. Luna's sight lowered, brushing her fingertips over the ink, "I haven't read them, but I think you should."

She watched as I took them, following every motion, "I told you about Draco's notebook, right?", I nodded, and her lips parted again, "And how I saw a lot about you in there?"

I squinted my eyes in attempt to read some of the words, but the handwriting was too small. The only thing I was able to read in the dimmed light were the letters 'D.M.' at the very bottom. I slowly started realizing what this could have been about,

"What is this Luna?", I whispered harshly, my hands started shaking along with my voice,

"After we brought you here- you know, after what happened with Sam-", she inhaled deeply, letting out a sharp breath right after, "Draco was worried about you, more than he would admit."

I felt my blood pumping on the side of my neck as I urged her to tell me more,

"I wasn't sure how to fix it-", she started moving her hands, struggling to explain herself properly, "and after I told him that- he rushed out. I didn't see him for a few hours, but I found these pages spread all over the porch."

I let my body drop on the armrest of the sofa behind us, "What do you think?"

I couldn't ignore the painful sensation in my chest, a mixture of fear and hope that spreaded within me.

"I don't know, Liv. You can do with this information whatever you want, but I figured it was fair to give you the chance to read them.", she stated calmly, and for a second I realized that everything could be alright.

That this twisted life we lived broke each of us individually, just so we could fit together perfectly. At least that was what I told myself in that very moment,

that after all, Draco and I could still work.

I sighed as my eyes fluttered closed, "I don't know what to think anymore Luna.", I looked at her with tears prickling in my eyes, "It's not that easy."

"And his life isn't, either.", she hushed me, and I started twisting the stacked paper in the palm of my hands, "I don't know what happened between the two of you. And I see you hurting everytime I mention his name,", she kneeled in front of me,

"but it's the other way around as well."

Something in me ached from that sentence, and how she spoke it so softly. There was more weight and meaning attached to it than she would ever know, but I was thankful anyway.

I had felt so stupid the whole time. For trusting him so blindly, without him trusting me back. For letting him have all of me, without even having the tiniest part of him.

Everytime I told anyone about us, I realized how a part of my soul belonged to him, and how I was left with nothing.

But Luna knew him better than she knew me, and she always had a way of seeing the good in people- even in him. And it made me feel less crazy.

"I can't tell you what you are to him, but from the way he ripped his entire book apart, I can tell you must be special.", my sight lowered onto the ink in front of me, and it blurred more and more with every word she spoke, "I know I don't have many friends, but I spend a lot of time observing the people around me, trying to understand them in the deepest way possible.",

her tone was low, a whisper almost as she spoke the last sentence, "And there is nothing more delightful than watching two loving souls find their way to each other."

With that, she took my hand and got up from the floor, "You should talk tomorrow, but for now-", she yawned quietly as she continued speaking, "Let's get some sleep."

I held the pages in my fingers, squeezing them to death almost. I wanted to read them so badly- all of them, but a part of me was too scared to do so. I took them with me upstairs, and I pushed them under my shirt in case Draco was still awake, but as we entered the room,

he was sleeping on the floor.

There was only one bed in there, with two blankets and two pillows in it. There would have been enough room for the three of us, but still he laid down next to it with nothing more than a white blanket under his body.

I shoved the pages under my pillow before tucking myself in. Luna turned off the tiny lamp next to the door, so that the room was entirely dark. My heart was still beating rapidly, but I slowly drifted off into the silence.

Luna's breathing got heavier as she fell asleep behind my back, and I felt my body heat up as I embraced the thick blanket I was wrapped in, until I heard a few shaky breaths next to me.

I propped myself up to look down, and noticed how Draco entire body was shaking- he didn't give himself a blanket. His lower lip was quivering as he let out quiet little noises, and I watched him do so.

Without giving it a second thought, I grabbed the edges of my blanket to cover his body in it. As I laid back down, I snuggled into Luna's blanket next to her, still keeping an eye on Draco.

My thoughts began to wander as my head started sinking deeper into the soft pillow, and my eyes got heavier with each second.

I thought about how I woke up in this exact bed less than 10 hours ago, thinking that this was the boy who had killed me. But as I watched his trembling figure,

I realized how a fragile heart like his would never be capable of taking a life.


Hello loves <3 How was your day?

What are your thoughts on this chapter? I really liked it, but I think the next one will be one of my favorites.

Thank you for reading, I will update within the next four days, stay healthy and safe!

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