"Dance with me."

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"Dance with me."


"Where the fuck are we going?", I whispered out of breath as his hand kept dragging me through the hallways around midnight. I could barely keep my eyes open, but the excitement in his eyes made it impossible for me to turn him down.

As I saw my feet touching the ground with every step I took, my eyes kept wandering back to his ring-coated fingers that were interlocked with mine.

"Bloody hell, just follow me Winters!", I heard his raspy voice yelling, loud enough for the whole Slytherin house to hear. I grasped his hand even tighter, hoping he would never let go of me.

The moment we arrived at the big, cold staircase leading up to the astronomy tower- the place where I caught a glimpse of his vulnerability for the first time- I sucked in a harsh breath and looked up for my eyes to match his grey ones,

"Do you really wanna go up there?", I rubbed my shoulders with both hands, trying to heat up my shivering skin, "It's cold as hell up there."

His lips curved into a firm smile as he didn't hesitate to take off his jacket,

"Here-", he gently placed it on my shoulders and I immediately felt the warmth of it covering my back as I caught a small bit of his cologne, "it'll keep you warm.",

our eyes met once again, I felt my heart beating throughout my whole body as I saw his pulse on the side of his neck. A quiet giggle fell of his lips as his cold hand travelled along the collar of the jacket I was covered in.

"And now come on darling.", he grabbed my wrist and dragged me up the stairs, not even caring about the fact that I was struggling to keep up with him. He turned around to face me every now and then, and everytime he did, the smile on his face grew even wider.

Completely out of breath and shaking from the sudden rush of cold air hitting my body, I arrived at the place he wanted us to be. I felt my legs grow numb from the cold, but still, the only thing I deeply cared about was the feeling of his hand in mine.

Right when I could feel heat spreading in my chest from his gentle grip, he let go of me and walked towards the railing, urging me to join him. I couldn't help but notice the way he was lurching from the alcohol in his blood. The second I walked up next to him, grasping the freezing metal of the railing, I noticed the moon right in front of us.

"Wow...", completely mesmerized by the way it was able to light up everything around us, I eventually turned to the side, enabling me to observe every tiny detail of his face in the moonlight, "Is that why you wanted us to go up here?"

He stood there so gracefully in his black shirt, with thin strands of hair dancing on his forehead - I would've looked at him- and only him- for the rest of my life if I had the chance to.

As a way of responding to my question he licked his lips and looked down nervously, eventually turning his head around to face me, his lips parted without making a sound. A smile started to form on his beautiful lips again, until he finally started talking,

"Well, kind of. I was up here drinking alone and when I saw the moon I couldn't help but think of you.", he slowly lifted his hand to rest it on my jawline, "I mean I was thinking of you the whole time, but when I saw the moon I-", his eyes fluttered close as his smile grew even wider,

"I remembered how beautiful you looked the last time we were up here. And I just felt the need to bring you up here.", I saw a flash of guilt tore through his drunk eyes, as If he expected me to judge him for that. My heart skipped a beat as my entire body weakened from the feeling of having him close to me again.

I stretched up on my toes, pulling his face closer to place a soft kiss on his lips in response. The way his hands fitted around my waist so perfectly made me long for him even more, until one of his hands travelled down to softly place my hand in his. He leaned down, his hot breath hitting my ear from the side,

"Dance with me.", he pulled me closer, causing me to stumble right into his chest until a lovely giggle escaped his lips,

"Draco, I can't dance, and we don't have any music.", I let out a sigh right after, burying my head in his warm chest.

His grip on my hand tightened as he spinned me around with enough force for me to almost fall to the ground, then he pulled me close again, his hand resting on my lower back, "The world is so damn loud and busy-", our bodys were swinging around in the darkness, just enjoying each other's company,

"silence is rare.", he whispered next to my face. And he was right.

The world was so damn loud, moving way too fast. But I could have sworn, in that exact moment the world stopped turning for a while and he became my shelter- my safe place.

I wasn't scared of him anymore- not even the slightest bit.

I took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of alcohol escaping his lips, "Why were you drinking up here alone?"

I could hear him swallow, and the tiny muscle in his jaw twitched, and after that, nothing but silence. I furrowed my brows in response to his silence,


I felt his grip on my back tighten and I could easily tell that he didn't want to answer me. Something was wrong, something changed in his eyes.

"Be honest with me Draco.",

his eyes locked with mine and his lips parted slowly, as if all the bravery he had kept inside missed him as he tried to speak,

"My father came to visit today-", he tried to smile, but failed miserably, "and he isn't alway the nicest.". The way his eyes started to fill with fear made my insides twist, while I was trying to think about what could might have happened,

"What did he do?"

His eyes wandered away from me into the darkness as his whole expression dropped,

"Nothing-", he stuttered, "As I said, he's just not that much of a loving father."

From the way his whole face changed and his beautiful smile disappeared, I knew that he was lying. I saw a flash of fear in his eyes, and I remembered the tiny scars that were carved into the skin on his chest.

And he didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve any of this.

"I'm sorry.", I buried my face in his neck, breathing in his heavenly scent once again, hoping it would make him forget about his sorrow.

When I pulled away again, I saw a clear tear roll down the side of his face, and I quickly used my cold thumb to wipe it away,

"Thank you for bringing me up here,", I smiled softly, causing the corners of his mouth to twitch slightly as he looked down shyly,

"I'm glad you liked it."

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Where stories live. Discover now