"Fuck her already."

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"Fuck her already."


The moment I arrived at my dorm I shut the door and threw myself on the bed. After a while of just laying there while thinking about that boy and his stupid words, a knock on my door pulled me back to reality,

"Liv? Are you in there?", a friendly voice said- and I immediately knew who it was.

"George?" I asked while getting out of bed as I wiped away my tears and grabbed my wand. After I opened the door his tall frame was standing in front of me with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"What's up?", his smirk faded quickly as he noticed the dry tears on my cheeks, "where have you been all day? Have you been crying? Your eyes look-"

"Shut up Weasley, I've been sleeping."

I quickly put on my robe, grabbed my wand and walked to the Gryffindor common room. As George and I made our way down the hallway he told me about Harry and Ginny the morning before, and how he walked in on them.

"What did you do when you saw them?" I asked laughing. Suddenly he stopped and looked at me with a big smile on his face,

"I sneaked up behind them, grabbed myself good a cup of tea and  said 'Mooooorning'."

I slightly punched his shoulder almost dying of laughter,

"You're so mean", I laughed "Poor Harry."
After we stood there laughing at each other for a few seconds I heard a familiar voice echoing through the corridor.

"C'mon Weasley, fuck her already!".
The blonde boy was walking up to us and as soon as I noticed him I stopped laughing.

"Look at this little slut desperately hiding behind your back Weasley!" he hissed at me as he raised his eyebrows. He knew I was scared and he certainly loved it.

"Shut up, you albino ferret." George said calmly, his eyes were daring Malfoy to say one more word. The blonde stopped for a second to look me up and down, then he walked past us without paying any attention to George.

"Whatever.", I heard him mumbling behind our backs as we proceeded to head to the common room, "Don't worry about him Liv, he's just insecure."

I started becoming angry with myself about the fact that I didn't have the guts to do or say anything, but as we entered the common room I burst out laughing,

"Liv! Where have you been?" Hermione came up to me to pull me in for a warm hug, "Why are you laughing?"

"George just called Malfoy an albino ferret." I told everyone in the common room as I kept laughing.

The moment I looked around the room I saw Harry, Ron, Ginny and Fred sitting on the floor smiling. I didn't get to see them for a few days because I spent most of my days alone lately - I really missed the Gryffindors.

"Well, he does look like a ferret, but how do you come up with those things?", Ron added happily, stuffing his mouth full with potatochips.

After having a short talk with Hermione, I looked down at Harry and Ginny,

"I heard you two were making out?" I glanced down at them, causing Fred to burst out laughing. He stood up, walked up to me and gave me a tight hug,

"We missed you." he admitted while rubbing my back gently with his giant hand.

"Did George tell you?", Harry asked worried. As I looked over to Fred and George, who were desperately trying to hold their laughter, his cheeks blushed in a light shade of red, "I swear it was just a kiss!".

After sitting down on the floor between Fred and George I winked at Harry while tying my hair up in a loose ponytail, "Don't worry Scarface, you guys can have my dorm if you wanna spend some quality time.", causing Ginny's face to turn red as well.

"Did you just invite my Sister to have Sex with my best friend in your room Liv?", Ron yelled, with some crumbs falling from the corner of his chewing mouth. Without giving Ron a chance to finish his sentence Hermione slapped the back of his head,

"Don't talk with a full mouth Ron!", then she glanced over to me, "Also I think it's very nice of you to offer your dorm to them". All of us were sitting on the floor, uncontrollably laughing because of Harry's and Ginny's faces.

"Alright what are we gonna do now?" I asked to calm everyone down a little bit. I found myself feeling more than comfortable whenever I was with them. George quickly got up and pulled out an empty bottle of wine from behind the curtains.

"Yes!" Hermione shouted, "Let's play spin the bottle!"

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