"You can wear this."

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"You can wear this."


I gently opened my eyes and blinked a few times, just to realise that the other side of the bed was cold and empty again. I rubbed my eyes and squeezed them shut in order to see things more clearly. When I rolled over, my eyes widened,


It was 7:51.

Right when I was about to leave the warmed sheets my shivering body was wrapped in I flinched from the sound of a door opening. My head shot up and my jaw dropped from sight of the boy standing in front of me.

"Morning.", his blonde hair was wet and messy and he was leaning against the door with a white towel wrapped around his waist. As my eyes traveled down his naked chest a tiny smirk formed on his lips,

"Like what you see?", his tongue swirled through the insides of his cheek.

I rolled my eyes in response as I slowly got up from the bed we held each other in the night before. The window was wide open, blowing some fresh, cold air through the room- it was always cold in here.

"I should go, I have to get dressed.", I mumbled quickly while picking up my shoes that were resting next to his bed. I quickly walked up to him and right when I leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek he swerved away.

A tiny part of me shattered from the way he avoided my touch after that night, but I wouldn't allow it to show, so I just walked past him when his cold hand grabbed my wrist,

"Wait.", he turned me around as his eyes traveled down my body,


He turned around and opened his dresser.

"Draco, I will be late-",

I got cut off by his harsh voice mumbling under his breath,

"Shut the fuck up."

After a few seconds he turned around and smiled proudly as he held a green shirt in his hand,

"You can wear this.", he raised a brow at me after I hesitated. Then he stepped closer before placing his hands on the collar of my shirt,

"May I?" I nodded as he started to unbutton my shirt carefully. He did it with so much caution, as if he had never touched my skin before. After slipping the shirt off my shoulders he turned around to grab the green shirt,

"Put your arms up.", and I did, without even thinking about it- I just did.

He gently slipped the loose shirt over my head, and I couldn't help but notice how his scent was attached to it. I inhaled deeply before walking to the black mirror that was next to his dresser. The shirt he put me in was way too big for me, but it was the softest frabric I had ever felt on my skin.

He stood behind me in the reflection of the mirror as a proud smile formed on his lips. We stared at each other through the mirror and I quickly looked away when I saw my face flush in a light shade of red.

I tucked the shirt into my skirt before putting my robe on, and he cleared his throat as he turned away.

"Thank you.", I walked over to the door, but before my hand reached out to grab the doorknob I turned around to face him again,

"Isn't there a party in the Slytherin house today?", he quickly looked up,

"Yes, why?", I looked at him in silence, but before I could respond he cut me off,

"Don't even think about it."


"I won't go there with you.", I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"I didn't plan on doing so.", I said harshly.

"Good.", he turned around as I left his room and slammed the door shut.


I left my room in a tight, red dress, showing the bare skin on my back. Some strands of curly hair tickled my face as I made my way to the Slytherin common room to meet up with Fred and George.

I walked through the door and I felt my head getting dizzy from all the noises. The green lights tore through my eyes every now and then as the loud music ripped through my ears. I bumped into a group of Ravenclaws that were dancing next to the entrance and I kept apologising until my eyes found what they were looking for.

I stumbled throught the crowds before wrapping my arms around George,

"I've been looking for you.", he giggled from above my head, then he pulled away to look at me properly,

"You look beautiful.", a warm smile formed on his lips until I got pulled away from him, "We missed you Slytherin, you're too late.", Fred hugged me tightly, resting his chin on my head.

"I missed you guys."

George started pouring whiskey into the cup in Fred's hand and when he was finished Fred handed it over, "Let's have a good time.",

then he winked and I was left with George. When I looked into his eyes, I could tell that he had a few drinks already from the way his eyes blinked so slowly. I took a sip from my drink and when my eyes traveled through the crowded room I saw Hermione and Ron dancing in the crowds. Harry was sleeping on the couch while Ginny played with his brown hair, and as I started smiling to myself from the sight of it, I saw him.

I removed the cup from my mouth and licked my lips from the bitter taste as our eyes met from across the room. His right hand was shoved into the pocket of his black pants and the other held a glass of whiskey.

He took a tiny sip from his drink while keeping his eyes locked in mine. I nervously started pulling on my dress when I saw how good he looked in his black suit.

My throat grew tight from the feeling in my stomach. The bittersweet feeling I got everytime I looked at him,

the feeling I hated and loved the most.

I swallowed down the tickling sensation in my throat when I remembered what he said earlier. I knew he didn't want to be seen with me- to him- the things going on between us were something he would never want anyone else to see. The part of him I was allowed to see was something he wanted to keep hidden at any cost.

So I decided to have some fun without him.

I raised a brow at him before looking away with an annoyed sigh,

"George, can you fill up my cup again?"

"Already empty?", he opened the bottle that looked so tiny in his hands, "Damn this will be a long night."

I took a big sip from the cup when one of my favorite songs started playing, "George!", I grabbed his hand roughly, "Let's dance!"

He lowered the bottle and started smiling, "Are you sure?", I dragged him to the middle of the room until I found an empty spot between an ocean of moving bodies.

"Come on!"

I closed my eyes as I felt the music rushing through my veins and for a moment- just for a moment- I got the thought him out of my head.


Hello my loves!

I hope you're all having a great day!

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Where stories live. Discover now