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Hermione picked apart the tiny chocolate muffin in her fingers, peering into my eyes every now and then, "So you just slow-danced with him on the astronomy tower?", she spoke calmly,

"Yeah, it was his idea.", the corner of my mouth twitched as I remembered that night, I could nearly taste the liquor on his lips as I though about it,

"And what happened after? Did you- you know?", her feet bounced up and down as they rested on my lap,

"No.", I put my hair up in a bun and left her in silence, she didn't even blink once, "No, I walked him to his room. I was about to leave, but he wanted me to stay- so I did."

"Wow-", she stared at me in amazement, "don't get me wrong it's just-", she chuckled quietly as she looked down again, "I never expected Malfoy to be- so soft."

My eyes travelled over her soft features and the glow on her cheeks in the dimmed light, until I couldn't keep myself from smiling anymore,

"He can be.", her lips parted as she watched my face light up slowly, "That's one of the things I like most about him."

I leaned back, letting the back of my head collide with the wall, "I wish you could see him like that. The pain in his eyes when we are alone at night. The soft tone in his voice-",

"You're getting butterflies when you think of him, aren't you?", she cut me off right when I got carried away in the thought of him. I turned my head to face her, and she stared right back at me. I started shaking my head as I bit my lip,


she squeezed her eyes in utter confusion, "What?",

"I thought it was butterflies at first, but I like to think of them as moths instead.", I focused on the way her fingers kept digging into the soft paper that was wrapped around the muffin,

"Butterflies are creatures of light and sunshine, they are covered in the brightest colors. And that's not the kind of feeling I get when I'm with him."

"I feel safe around him-", her feet stopped bouncing, and it made the silence grow louder, "But being with him doesn't feel like dancing in the sun and picking flowers- it's more heavy than that.",

the burnt candle next to me caught my attention, and it made me realize what being with him reminded me of,

"It's like flickering candles in dark rooms, moonlight flooding the cloudy nightsky, like moths flying against your window until you set them free.", I inhaled deeply from the tension I had created, biting the insides of my cheeks as Hermione leaned over to place the crumbled muffin paper on my nightstand,

"Draco feels like darkness."

Hermione sat back, tucking some hair behind her ear as she chewed the last piece. From the look she gave me, I knew she understood what I meant- she always did.

As we smiled at eachother, we both flinched from a loud knock on my door, and my eyes immediately snapped to the alarm clock on my nightstand- 10:32.

"Are you expecting someone?", she asked with furrowed brows as I carefully got up from my bed. I shrugged my shoulders at her before opening the door slowly. My lips parted as I saw the blonde boy towering over me,

"Draco-", I whispered as I opened the door further, and his eyes snapped to my bed. His jaw tensed the second he noticed her, but he quickly looked back at me,

"I have your books.", his wrist twisted, and I saw the books I had with me for detention resting in the palm of his hand. "You'll probably need them, so-", he handed them over to me, and I hesitantly stretched out my hands,

"What did you tell Snape?", I asked quietly while his sight lowered onto the books, that were now pressed tightly against my chest,

"I told him you had a terrible headache, and he said it was okay.", he pushed back some of his blonde hair, and he seemed to notice how my eyes followed the movement of his hand. I nodded slowly as I let my fingers tap against the door I held open,

"He wasn't mad?"

"I told you I would handle it.", he replied harshly, pressing his tongue against the inside of his cheek right after as his silver eyes peered at me from above.

"Thank you."

He nodded quickly as a tiny smirk formed on his lips, and blinked slowly before disappearing in the dark hallway. I closed the door carefully before locking eyes with Hermione, I saw that her mouth was wide open.

"What?", I chuckled as I walked over to my desk, making some room for the books he had just given to me.

"Nothing. Just-", she giggled as she looked at my door in confusion, "I get what you mean."

I let the books drop onto the wooden surface of my desk, making a tiny piece of paper stick out from between the pages, and I pulled it out quickly. The way I looked at Hermione caused her to quickly get up and walk over to me,

"Open it.", she nodged my tensed shoulder with a smile on her face. I held my breath as I carefully unfolded the paper, feeling her breaths in the back of my neck from the way she peered over my shoulder.

"Astronomy tower, tomorrow 10pm


We both stared at the thick paper in my shaking hand in silence, until she pulled it out of my grip to take a closer look, "How does he have such nice handwriting?", she let her eyes rest on the paper for while, before looking up to me,

"You should go there."

I blinked quickly as I stared at her in confusion, "You think?"

I let my body fall into the mattress, feeling my heart pumping rapidly. Hermione let herself drop next to me with a sigh, handing me the paper, "Definitely."

She turned off the light and tucked herself in, surrounding us with an overwhelming silence. After a while, her breathing became heavier and I noticed how she had fallen asleep- but I wasn't able to.

I had told her about Draco and me, without every mentioning what happened with Sam or what Draco said to him after the Party. Those were the parts of the story I couldn't allow myself to say out loud.

I knew she wouldn't have judged me for anything- but how was she supposed to understand, when I didn't understand that myself?


Hello loves! I know I updated later than expected, but I had a lot of study work.

Sorry for being late! Anyways, what are your thoughts on this chapter?

I will update within the next three days, and a lot is about to happen in the next chapters, so stay tuned <3

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