"You are safe."

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Content warning: Mentions of blood and death, please read with caution!

"You are safe."


"Look, she's waking up!"


I felt the touch of a hand against my shoulder,

"Can you hear me?"

A soft voice ringed in my head, muffled at first. My eyes started twitching as I noticed a pain in my throat.


I opened my eyes slowly, blinking quickly in attempt to prevent myself from drifting off again. The voice in front of me became louder, more clear than it was before.

I felt my blood pumping through every inch of my body, yet somehow I felt entirely numb.

Even though I wasn't able to see things clearly, I recognized the voice that woke me up from the place I was in.

If I would get to choose what kind of sound I would want to wake up to for the rest of my life, I would choose this kind, familiar voice of hers.

Luna's light hair fell over her soft features as she leaned down, brushing her hand through my tangled hair and humming peacefully,

"She's here."

I swallowed thickly, the taste of blood running down the back of my throat. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, before analyzing the face in front of me.

Her blue eyes were staring right through me in the softest way possible- their light shade reminding me of a pair of eyes that belonged to another. Right when I noticed, it all came back within a second.

It all came back- and the peace was gone. I noticed a burning sensation in my stomach, and my chest started moving faster,

"Where-", I cleared my dry throat, "Where am I?"

My eyes were still on her, I couldn't bring myself to look somewhere else- I feared she would disappear within a second.

She hummed again, and the beautiful sound of it took some weight off my chest. I closed my eyes and gave in, letting it consume me for a second, and I noticed how she pulled up the blanket I was wrapped in,

"You are safe."

I watched her get up from her knees and walk away, a tiny flower in her hair bouncing up and down with every step,

until I noticed another person standing in the doorframe. My insides twisted from the sight of the blonde boy. Luna stopped right next to him to whisper something I wasn't able to hear, and he leaned down carefully to understand.

Her hand brushed over his arm as she nodded quickly before leaving the room.

I stopped breathing as soon as his eyes snapped back to me, and he arched his back off the wooden frame to step closer.

His arms were folded over his chest, my whole body tensed from the sound of his footsteps, beause I remembered the last time I heard them. I had no idea where I was, and how I was alive.

But I remembered the things he said, I remembered the pain I felt when his words tore me apart.

And now he was here.

My fingers clenched around the soft material of the mattress I found myself on, and my eyes widened in fear as he stretched his arms to touch me.

"Don't touch me-", I muttered harshly. I tried to get away from him, but my muscles couldn't bring up the strength to escape, "Don't you dare touch me, Malfoy."

He flinched from my harsh tone, and he stumbled back from the bed, eventually colliding with the wall behind him. His sight travelled over my tensed body, halting at the bruises on my legs before we locked eyes again.

We stared at each other in utter confusion, parting our lips, but not saying a word.

Until the lovely humming got louder again, and Luna returned with a glass of water in her hand,

"I got you some water-", her head snapped to Draco, squinting her eyes at his tall frame, "What's wrong?"

She offered me the glass, but I couldn't bring myself to take it. I couldn't move as long as he was around. Draco looked at me with furrowed brows, both of them waiting for me to make a sound.

"What is he doing here?", my voice was cold, "Luna why is he here?"

She pulled the glass away, placing it on the floor next to me, "Well, because we brought you here.", she kneeled right next to me, turning her head to take a look at Draco, "This is my family's old house, we are safe here."

For the first time my sight lowered, and I took a few seconds to look around. The walls were painted in a light shade of blue, it was an empty room covered in a dark shade of orange burning through the window from outside. A light breeze blew through the room, making the thin, white curtain move along.

The room was warm and empty, it was Luna's old room. The wooden floor and the old walls gave off the same softness as she did- Everything felt so peaceful in there.

"He shouldn't be here.", I spoke through gritted teeth, I needed him to leave, "Please."

I was so tired.

Luna furrowed her brows, pressing her lips into a firm line before turning her head to the side, "I think you should leave for a minute, Draco.", and he swallowed thickly. With a deep breath, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants, and nodded gently.

Without saying a word he left the room, and I was able to breathe again.

"You were asleep for nearly two days.", she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "At first I wasn't sure how to fix this. You lost so much blood I-", her lips were shaking as her voice broke softly, "I was so scared you wouldn't make it."

My vision became blurry as I watched her fall apart.

"But why did you bring him here?", I spoke softly- I didn't want to scare her.

"Because he helped me with all of this."

I pulled my knees closer to my chest, hugging them tightly as I looked at her in confusion, "He was the one who did this.", her big eyes widened at my words,

"Draco killed me."

I didn't even believe myself anymore, "Didn't he?", my heart was still so full of hurt, I didn't know what was real.

Luna shifted closer, shaking her head slowly, "No Liv, Draco saved you.", my sight lowered as the wind blew another soft breeze through the room, moving some of her blonde hair, "He was the one who found your body. You were covered in blood, there was no one up there."

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to remember every single detail, every word he spoke. It was Draco, I knew it was him.

I felt tears prickling in the corner of my eyes, it became harder to speak, "But he was there Luna.", she watched me carefully as the memories tore me apart,

"If he wouldn't have found you-", something in her voice changed, "you would have been dead by now."

I shook my head in denial as my feet met the warm floor, I knew I wasn't able to stand up, but I had to touch the ground,

it all had to become real again.

I rubbed my eyes, wiped away the thin layer of sweat on my forehead. Her fingers stroking the soft skin on my arm caught my attention, and my eyes snapped to her again,

"It wasn't Draco who did this to you.", I heard footsteps near the door, but I couldn't bring myself to look that way before Luna's lips parted again, hesitating whether to say what she was about to say,

"It was Sam."


What are your thoughts?

Hello loves! I know I am two days late, and I am so sorry. I had a stressful week, but I will have so much freetime the next month,

I will update within the next 2-3 days! <3 I love you!

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