"Leaving bruises"

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"Leaving bruises"


As George and I stumbled through the hallways he kept apologising, but my mind was stuck on the thought of Malfoy. I heard George's soft voice speaking, but I didn't hear a single thing he said. The way he rested his whole body on my shoulders made it hard for me to walk straight, so it took us about ten minutes to finally arrive at his dorm.

"Thank you", he whispered with teary eyes, "You're always so nice to me".

"It's fine George" I assured, "Now go to sleep, before you say some things you might regret."

He opened the door and was already halfway in, when he turned around to grab my wrist.

"I love you." he mumbled, "I know you don't love me back, but I just want you to know." - there it was.

I smiled down, looking for the right words to say. Then he released my wrist and smiled softly,

"Good night.", and the door closed in front of me.

He didn't expect me to say anything, he really just wanted to let me know.

Oh, what a gentle curse it is, to be loved by someone who just wants you to be happy.

Before my mother passed away, she used to tell me that love wasn't about possession, it was about appreciation. This sentence stuck with me eversince.

I was standing in front of George's door for a few more minutes, until I was finally able to figure out where I wanted to go next. I walked throught the empty hallways, until eventually, I reached the astronomy tower. I told myself that I just wanted to watch the stars, but I was there for another reason.

I couldn't ignore the disappointment I felt, when I got there just to realize there was nobody up there. No smoke, no dark silhouette- hell, not even the stars were there for me to appreciate their beauty. I felt the hope, that was strangled up deeply in my chest, shattering. I needed to see him.

Without thinking about it twice my exhausted feet carried me to his dormroom- I didn't even actively remember where it was. I just knew it was his when I stood right in front of his door. I knocked twice and regretted it immediately - what was I thinking?

The second I saw the door opening my heart skipped a beat and I felt the urge to just run away, but the sight of his face calmed me down.

"What are you doing here?", his hair was messy and wet, his eyes were red and tired. I let out a deep sigh, struggling for words

"Can I come in for a second?", I asked politely, while trying to fix my messy hair.

He analyzed me from head to toes and just kept a straight face. I couldn't tell if he was about to slam the door or not- he was so unpredictable.

"Fine.", he nodded, "Come in.". I saw him disappearing in his dark room and I followed right after. The moment I entered his room I could smell the cologne he was wearing and I took a moment to embrace this heavenly scent.

His room was decorated so nicely, I even saw some candles flickering on his desk. He sat down on his bed that was covered in dark green sheets.

"So? Why are you here?", he talked in a raspy voice, biting the inside of his lips. I was so overwhelmed by his presence, that I forgot every word I had planned to say.

"I- I'm sorry...", I came a few steps closer, "for earlier."

His face revealed that he had expected me to say more, which caused him to smile down. After a few seconds he looked up to me again with his eyes so full of pride.

"It's okay. I know ginger boy is in love with you."

"He was the one to tell me what you smelled in the love potion.", I came even closer, "He gets jealous easily, especially when he's drunk. I'm sorry if he hurt you in any way."

"Well, I guess that's what I get for touching his little girl." he said sarcastically, before standing up from his bed and licking his lips. I immediately blushed on the thought of him touching me again,

"I just wanted to apologize for his behaviour."

"Considering the things I said to you, I kinda deserved it.", he admitted, while gently stroking my hair. His dangerous eyes were staring directly into mine- leaving bruises on my soul. I couldn't believe what he had just said. Did he feel sorry? Was that an apology?

I just laughed it off shyly, looking down on the candles, that were longing for oxygen just as much as I did,

"I don't wanna bother you any longer.", I turned around and quickly walked to the door. As I walked away from him a thousand thoughts were running through my mind, but most of all I was fighting the urge to just run into his arms.

I opened the door, trying to not look back at him, when I heard his icy breath next to me. When I looked up I saw his hand grabbing the door and closing it roughly. I quickly turned around to face him, when I realized that his face was just inches away from mine.

Both of his hands were pressed against the door, trapping me between his arms.

My heart was about to burst out of my pumping chest, when his right hand grabbed my face, running his thumb down my bottom lip.

"What if I want you to bother me?", our eyes met again. Merlin, I couldn't wait to feel his lips on mine again.

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Where stories live. Discover now