"Don't you dare!"

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"Don't you dare!"


"Hey Slytherin, wake up" I opened my eyes in potions class, why was it always potions class?

"Why are you always falling asleep in class?" Cedric stared at me, analyzing my tired face. I looked around and noticed that Malfoy was missing. Since we kissed he was nowhere to be found.

"I don't know. I have a lot of nightmares lately" I mumbled under my breath while fixing my hair. Usually I would have lied, but I was just too tired to care. Almost every night I woke up with sweat running down my back and I just couldn't find out where those dreams came from. It was always that man trying to kill me and the only thing I could remember after waking up was the mark on his arm.

"Ohh that sucks, what are you dreaming about?", his face looked so worried and I knew he only wanted to help me, but I wanted to figure it out by myself. I shrugged my shoulders and looked up to snape who was sitting in the front, expecting us to read. I let out a tired sigh and turned to Cedric again,

"I don't know. They are different everytime." I whispered, while keeping my eyes on Snape.

From the corner of my eye I noticed that he kept looking at me for a few seconds, before turning to face his book. I really appreciated that he tried to help me, but my mind kept wandering back to Malfoy. I knew that there was a Slytherin party that night and I really thought about going, because there was a small chance of seeing Malfoy, but I just couldn't bring myself to.

I ended up spending the rest of the day in my dorm studying since I wasn't in the mood for any company. Evertime I closed my eyes I saw shadows of his face, but the longer I kept my eyes shut, the more it slowly faded. Eventually, I looked back in trouble of remembering his face at all.

It was already 2 in the morning, when I heard someone rapidly knocking on my door.

"Liv! Are you in there?!", it was Hermione. I stood up from my bed and walked to the door assuming she was just drunk and needed someone to talk to. I opened the door slightly and looked at her with half-closed eyes.

"Thank Merlin, you are awake!" she seemed upset. She roughly grabbed my arm trying to pull me out of my room.

"What the fuck, what's wrong?" I released myself from her grip.

"You have to come with me! George is about to beat up Malfoy!" she shouted at me with her eyes wide open.

"What?!", I could literally feel the shocked expression on my face as I closed the door to follow her. I stumbled down the hallways, building up scenarios in my head.

"Just tell me what happened!"

"George is drunk as fuck. He started yelling at Malfoy and I think it has something to do with you. Well, I heard them saying your name.", she said under her breath.

The second we arrived at the Slytherin common room, everybody started staring at me. Perhabs my messy bun and the oversized hoodie caused it, but I assumed there was another reason. The music was too loud to hear something through the crowds, but as be kept walking I started hearing George's voice.

There was a circle of students around George and Malfoy, who were standing in front of each other. George had a glass of firewhiskey in his left hand, while he raised his other hand into a fist, threatening to punch Malfoy, who was just standing there. He kept his hands in the pockets of his black pants with a devilish smirk on his face- without any sign of fear.

"Don't you dare ever touch her!" George yelled, grabbing the collar of Malfoy's suit.

Without hesitation I ran up to them. It required all of my weight to push him away from Malfoy, but George didn't stop yelling until he realized it was me. The moment he saw me he lowered his fist and his angry face turned soft again.

"Liv-", he mumbled, taking a step closer.

He lowered his eyes, while slowly realizing what he had done, "I'm so sorry". The way he looked at me after was so full of worries and fear - the fear of me being mad.

"It's okay." I muttered, while grabbing his arm and putting it around my shoulders to carry him out of the crowd. While walking him out of the common room I looked around the room one last time. I noticed all the terrified faces, but I couldn't find the face I was looking for.

He was gone.

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Where stories live. Discover now