"Apples, Cigarettes and Peppermint"

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"Apples, Cigarettes and Peppermint"


After Malfoy and I finished making our love potion Snape picked out random students to ask what the potion smelled like to them.

"You should be able to identify three scents that smell like the person you are either attracted to or in love with. Weasley?", he looked straight at Ron, causing the whole class to turn around. He didn't work with Hermione on the love potion, but she was sitting right in front of him. After hesitating he grabbed the potion, looked at Hermione and smiled. Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I smell... roses, coconut.... and a hint of vanilla." then he opened his eyes again. The whole class was looking at Hermione whose face was completely red. A big smile formed on her lips as she nodded to Ron, showing him that he smelled her. They looked at each other for a few seconds and every student around started melting.

Even Snape had a smirk on his face, before he forced himself to make a straight face and cotinue

"Parkinson, willing to share with the class?", Pansy seemed to be nervous, but then she nodded anxiously

"Of course Professor.". She pulled the potion out of her partner's hands, "Give it to me!". Then she took a few breaths, her legs were bouncing up and down.

"Apples, ciggarettes... and peppermint" then she quickly opened her eyes, forcing herself to keep looking at Snape. Malfoy, who didn't show a single reaction for the last 10 minutes suddenly turned his face in shock. I really tried to figure out who that person was, but then I looked at Malfoy and remembered.

I remembered the way he smoked and I remembered his minty breath on my face. I gasped in excitement and accidently let out a quiet "Holy shit.", causing Malfoy to look at me.

Because of the way he looked at me in pure panic I really had to keep myself from laughing out loud. "What's so funny?" he hissed angrily, drawing Snape's attention.

"Malfoy, you're next". I didn't expect it to get even more interesting. I bit my lip in excitement and smiled at him, wondering if he would smell Pansy. He clenched his jaw and grabbed the potion with shaking hands. What made him so damn nervous?

After hesitating, he looked at Snape again. His eyes were begging him to pick another student, but Snape insisted. Malfoy gave me a side eye before he finally lead the potion to his nose. He closed his eyes and his hand was still slightly shaking.

"champagne, summer rain and ... cinnamon." he said quietly. I squeezed my eyes trying to figure out who smelled like that. I quickly looked at Pansy, but she was staring at him in disappointment.

"Summer rain?" I whispered with a confused look on my face. "Who the fuck smells like summer rain?" I asked laughingly. He didn't say anything but he was annoyed. He turned around to face Snape as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

Still confused I looked at every face in this class trying to get a hint, when mine and George's eyes met. His eyes weren't soft and caring this time, they were full of anger. His chest was moving up and down and his hand was tensed up into a fist- he looked like he was about to murder someone.

Potions class was almost over and I was even more confused now. I didn't smell the potion myself, not because I was scared, but because I didn't expect to smell anything. Malfoy didn't say a single word for the rest of the lesson and after Snape allowed us to go he was the first person to rush out. I looked after him and then at George who faced the same way, why was he looking at Malfoy?

I decided to not worry about it, so I grabbed my books and my wand and left class. George followed right after and touched my shoulder.

"Want me to carry your books? They look heavy." he offered, as we walked side by side. He was so tall next to me.

"Oh no don't worry." I laughed it off, while his face began to lighten up again. I was still wondering what made him look so angry earlier.

"By the way, what did you smell?" he asked curiously. Of course he wanted to know.

"Sorry to disappoint you George. I didn't smell it."

I expected him to be sad about it, but he seemed relieved. I gained the impression that he expected me to smell something specific, but what?

"What did you smell?"

He looked down in panic, but then he shook his head, "I didn't smell it either." he giggled. -he was obviously lying.

Even though this conversation was quite entertaining Georgie seemed uncomfortable, so he changed the topic, "Wanna meet in the common room later and then smoke on the astronomy tower?"

Not the astronomy tower.

"Yeah I'm down, but let's smoke somewhere else." I suggested nervously. I just didn't feel like spending my night there, not again -perhabs I just didn't want to see Malfoy again. George seemed slightly confused, because I was usually the one suggesting the astronomy tower, but he didn't question my weird request.

"Alright, we'll find a nice spot to hangout. See you at seven!", I thought he would lean down to hug me, but he gently kissed my cheek, leaving me with a blushed face. Before he disappeared in the crowd he turned around and winked at me - damn.

Even though there was still this weird tension between us, everything went back to normal. I loved the fact that he, even after I turned him down, didn't quit to jokingly flirt with me. I fucking loved it.

After we had dinner in the great hall, I went to my dorm to take a nap. At first, I wasn't really in the mood for hanging with the twins anymore, but by taking a shower I gained some energy. I put on a black skirt with a white shirt and some black boots. I decided to tie my thick hair in a bun, because it was just too frizzy that day.

Then I made my way to the common room.

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