"I needed to see you."

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"I needed to see you."


My eyes opened automatically from the sudden ray of sunshine burning through the silk curtain in front of my window. My back was pressed against the cold wall behind me, my hand rested on the other side of the bed, which was now cold and empty.

I immediately lifted my head in confusion, considering that it all was just a dream. No, it couldn't have been - the cold touch of his hands resting on my back, his hot and steady breath tingling the hair on my forehead, that was the closest to reality I had ever been.

But why did he leave?


The cold air in the library made my entire body shiver as I gently stroked the freezing skin on my arms, hoping it would comfort me in a way that would be at least comparable to the way his touch was capable of comforting me.

I skipped dinner that day, it all just didn't seem to matter anymore. I wanted him. I wanted to look into his silver eyes, that always seemed to stare right back at me. God, I wanted to fall asleep to his voice.

I looked down at the book I was supposed to study in for the next potions test, but all the words just blurred into a mess of letters that didn't matter at all. They would never matter as much as his words did, and they still seemed to linger in the back of my head.

"Hey there, pretty witch.", I flinched from the sudden voice echoing behind me back. This familiar, dangerous voice.

I turned my head just an inch, making an attempt to see him from the corner of my eyes.

"What do you want?", I felt the muscles in my jaw tense,

"You know," he confidently took a seat next to me and lowered his eyes to meet mine, "there's no need to be so harsh with me."

"Well I didn't ask you to talk to me, did I?", my head rested heavily in the palm of my hand while I was trying to ignore the slight fear spreading in my chest. He managed to make me feel uncomfortable in a way I had never experienced before. He didn't look intimidating at all, but the energy surrounding him was.

He leaned in closer, lowering his deep voice, "You didn't, that is right.", the skin on my leg was covered in goosebumps from the way his hand rested on it, drawing circles with his thumb towards my inner thigh,

"But I figured that a pretty girl like you shouldn't sit here all alone.", my insides twisted from his whole figure, that was way closer than I would've wanted it to be.

"Don't get me wrong, I just wanted to keep you some company, love.", his ring-coated fingers pushed my skirt up just a bit, but enough for me to shove his hands off my thigh,

"Don't call me that.", I hissed under my breath, hoping that it wouldn't draw any attention from other students. After pushing his hand away, he seemed to clench it as I noticed how the expression on his face changed.

His chair scratched on the wooden floor as he moved even closer, placing his hand on my thigh again, this time with more pressure.

"What are you gonna do about it, hm?", I cringed from his words, "I highly doubt that you'd-"

"Do yourself a favour and keep those dirty hands to yourself, Sapphirus.", a harsh voice interrupted Sam, causing us both to look up to the blonde-haired boy standing in front of us.

My shoulders sank in relief, because I knew he was there to protect me- I knew I would be safe whenever he was around.

"Malfoy.", the corner of Sam's mouth twitched, as if he was about to smile but kept himself from doing so, "Here to protect your little girlfriend I see."

Draco's eyes wandered from Sam's eyes to mine, and then back to his again,

"She's not my girlfriend.", he swallowed thickly, his hands still resting inside of his pockets,

"And now leave her alone or you'll regret it."

The burning touch of his hand on my thigh slowly disappeared as he shook his head with a tiny smirk on his lips. His dark-brown hair fell down on his forehead as he stood up from his chair.

He made his way around the table, while rolling his tongue inside of his cheeks, slowly stepping closer to Draco in a distant, but threatening way,

"You know,", Draco starred at Sam with furrowed brows, while Sam's mouth moved closer to his ear "I think you should be careful with your words."

Then Sam's shoulder collided with Draco's and I couldn't help but stare at his eyes, realizing that there was now a hint of fear in them. Even Draco found him intimidating, something he would never admit.

I watched him carefully as his hands slowly moved out of his pockets, running through his messy hair as his eyes met mine. I knew I had this hopeful look in my eyes, daring him to sit down next to me, to say something,

but he turned around and left.

It felt like he had just saved me, and the way he looked at me after doing so, exposed him. He felt vulnerable by showing his weakness to somebody he wanted to appear strong to. The way he had just acted revealed that he cared about me, at least a tiny bit, and he didn't like it - he wasn't used to caring about people.

I wanted to be mad- but I couldn't, because after all, he saved me once again.



I mumbled to myself after reading the same page over and over again, because I just couldn't bring myself to pay enough attention.

I had spent the last three hours sitting alone in my room, studying without being able to concentrate at all. My kept wandering up to my wall - up to the drawing he made weeks ago. I missed him terribly - I missed how, when he was next to me, the world didn't seem to be so heavy anymore.

I heard a knock, and just before I could turn my head to face the door, it flung open.

"Draco?", his tall figure was resting against the wall next to my door, a bottle of firewhiskey in his clenched right hand,

"Yes, my love?", he stumbled a few steps, almost falling to the ground. I quickly got up from my chair to keep him safe from hurting,

"Are you-", I felt myself getting lost in his eyes the way I always did, "Are you drunk?",

he giggled softly, god, it was the first time I heard this beautiful sound. He straightened his back, kicking his shoes across the room for no reason,

then he leaned down to me, running a hand through my tangled hair,

"A little bit, but-", he kneeled in front of me, "that doesn't matter."

His hands slowly wrapped around my waist, grasping it tightly but in a gentle way. He looked at me with heavy eyes, until he closed them to bury his head in my chest,

"I just needed to see you."

My whole body tensed from his sudden touch, I knew he would be able to hear my heart beating rapidly next to his ear, but him burying his head in my fragile chest was so much more than just comfort - it was all I could have asked for, all I needed to feel at peace again.

I wrapped my arms around his head, gently stroking the back of his neck as his drunk voice mumbled something I wasn't able to understand.

"What did you say?", I pulled his head back, tilting it up as he looked at me with his mesmerizing, blue eyes that held so many secrets,

"I want to take you somewhere, Olive", and with that, he got up from the wooden floor he was kneeling on, stretching his hand out for me to take,

"Come with me."


I apologize for taking so long to update the next chapter, but thank you for 4,5k reads, that is truly amazing!!

What are your thoughts on this chapter? I will publish the next one as soon a possible! <3

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