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I dozed off into a heavy sleep, filled with pictures and voices of the things I had seen and heard. My dreams felt too real that night- in a painfully beautiful way.

Draco was constantly present in my dreams, in each and every one of them. He somehow managed to leave a part of him with me, even though he was not there when I woke up.

That was something I had gotten used to- waking up to an empty space next to me. It was one of the reasons I was so scared of letting him get close to me after all, because I had him so many times, just for him to entirely disappear within a heartbeat.

I found myself laying on the edge of Luna's bed, with a tight grip around the pages she had given me. Luna shifted her position, causing the mattress to move under my body, and I slowly dragged the pages from under the pillow as she snored quietly.

I enjoyed the light of dawn for a brief moment- it was too early to be awake, but I couldn't wait a second longer. Draco was not there anymore, and that alone would make it impossible for me to fall asleep again.

I arched my back off the mattress and pushed myself up with a deep sigh. I turned around a few times as my fingers explored the worn texture of the paper I was holding. Something in me just had to make sure she wouldn't notice me, or see my reaction to the words I was about to read,

because after all, the love I held for him was still the most vulnerable part of me.

My skin was covered in goosebumps from the chilly breeze blowing through the room- yet I felt comforted by it. I clenched my jaws as I straightened my shoulders, preparing myself to get lost in the only entrance I had to his soul- and I held it in my fragile hands.

I unfolded the paper, mesmerised by the way the letters were placed so nicely, only covering half of the page. My sight lowered onto the tiny signature on the bottom, before my eyes clung onto the first word, and I started reading,

"We watched the stars tonight,

and while she was looking up,

I had no other choice than to look at her.

She was shining brighter

than every single one of them.


My eyes prickled in tears, and I kept staring at the letters just to read them over and over again. I had no certainty whether these lines were dedicated to me, but it just felt like they were.

It felt like a part of me was in there, glued onto the letters and hidden inbetween the lines. This was his handwriting, his ink, his signature. This tiny notebook he carried- he had left pieces of his soul in there, and he ripped it all apart for me.

I silently shedded a tear as I thought about how broken he must've felt after he had found me. How he had felt something all along, from the very beginning- just like me. And how all the ways he had hurt me in were just his way of escaping those feelings, because it scared him.

It was the only way this would make sense to me, assuming that he was too broken to love.

And as I spent some time looking at the page, I imagined parts of us lingering between the words. I imagined how, if I would have died a few days ago,

this would have been the place our souls would have lived in forever, buried in the ripped pages of his notebook. Losing and finding each other in the letters, in each and every droplet of ink.

I folded the page carefully, slipping it inbetween the bedsheets before placing my bare feet on the wooden floor. I stretched my spine and let out a sharp breath as I quietly made my way out of the empty room Luna was resting in.

I didn't know where to find him, so I marched down the stairs slowly, breathing in the dusty air. The corridor in front of the kitchen was flooded with the first ray of sunshine, embracing the painted walls in a light shade of yellow.

As I entered the kitchen, a heavenly scent filled my nose and I closed my eyey peacefully. My eyes lowered onto the bright flowers that decorated the room so nicely, they still looked the same. The white chairs we were sitting on the night before were empty, but they looked different now.

I felt crazy for thinking that, but within the 24 hours we had spent here together- we somehow managed to make this place a home again.

I sneaked through the entire house, watching the walls slowly light up from the sun as it filled every corner with peace. I couldn't help but touch everything, every curtain, every shelf and every book that was left there. It all looked lonely in a way, but that was where the beauty of it came from.

I got used to the idea of Draco not being anywhere near, when I heard something from outside. A loud crack from the frontdoor caught my attention, and I opened it carefully.

I peaked my head through the crack, analysing the old porch and how he was sitting there, throwing rocks into the bushes.

I wanted to say something so badly, but I decided to stay there for a minute. Time felt endless there, and I took some more of it just to watch his tall frame as it rested there so easily.

I had never seen him that way before- just being himself. Maybe it was the people he usually surrounded himself with, or the heavy walls around school- but he always carried a tension with him.

He was mesmerising all along, but the way he sat there- thinking he was all alone, was the most beautiful version I had ever seen of him.

I cleared my throat as I shut the door, and his head lifted slowly,

"Why are you not sleeping?", he mumbled into the foggy air in front of him.

"I could ask you the same question.", I stepped closer, and I immediately felt my lips as they arched into a smile. I let myself slip down on the porch next to him,

"What are you doing outside?"

He turned his head to face me for a second, his grey eyes piercing through mine the way they always did,

"I could ask you the same.", he huffed out a chuckle as he turned his head back.

My eyes still felt heavy, but we both seemed to have a reason to be awake. This was the chance for me to ask him about all of this, to finally get some clarity.

"It's peaceful, isn't it?", I muttered, "This place.",

He clenched his jaw like he was worried about something,

"They world is too loud sometimes.", he breathed out, and I imagined his mind to be even louder,

"I know, silence is rare."

He blinked quickly before staring right at me, and I knew it sounded familiar to him, "That's what you told me a while ago.", I smiled,

and he merely smiled back, "I know,", his eyes got lost in mine and I remembered the way he looked at me that night he danced with me under the stars, the way he would always look at me while I was watching the nightsky,

"how could I forget?"


Okay guys, the next chapter will clarify some things, you will figure it out :)

What are your thoughts on this one?

I will update within the next 4 days, I love you all and stay safe!! <3

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Where stories live. Discover now