"I don't share."

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"I don't share."


As I entered the great hall with Fred and George Harry and Ron were already sitting at a table, waving at us in excitement. The great hall always smelled so good at lunchtime and I didn't get to enjoy this smell for so long.

I took a seat right next to Ron, taking a short look at his delighted eyes. Instinctively, I turned my head slightly in order to search for his silver eyes, but instead something else was drawing my attention.

It was a boy I had never seen at Hogwarts before. He was tall and skinny and I couldn't ignore his charming smile. He stared directly into my direction while some of his curly brown hair covered his eyes.

As I analysed him, my eyes wandered to the table next to him where Draco was sitting, staring at me with burning eyes. He fixed his hair with a clenched hand keeping his eyes on me.

His knuckles were turning white as his tongue twirled around inside his cheeks.
"Did you see the new student?"
I quickly turned around facing Hermione, who had just joined our table.

"His name is Sam, he's a Slytherin", she smiled at me while speaking in a flirty voice. "He's hot, isn't he?", she added and giggled right after.

Everybody except me turned around to take a critical look at him, but the boys seemed rather unimpressed.

"I don't think he looks good at all.", George said quietly watching every move I made.

The tension around me made it hard for me to breath until I finally spoke up, "He's not my type." I spat out, taking another bite from my sandwich.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw George lowering his shoulders in relief, while Hermione was speechless. After we finished lunch, i had about 30 minutes left to head to my next class, but I decided to spend a few minutes in my dorm.

My friends knew that I loved spending time alone, so they never asked or followed me whenever I left. As I slowly walked out of the great hall I felt a pair of eyes burning through every step I took. I didn't bother to turn around because I knew exactly whose eyes it was.

I headed straight to my dorm and took a few minutes to put my hair into a ponytail. Not even five minutes after arriving someone was quietly knocking. I unlocked the door with a spell because I expected it to be Hermione,

"Come in."
And I heard the door open and close again.

I was still busy fixing my hair in the mirror until I noticed a certain smell that made my legs go weak immediately.

There he was, standing in my dorm, taking a look at every picture on my wall.

"You like poetry.", he noted smilingly.

I completely turned around to face him, staggered by the way he analysed every poem in the tiniest detail.

"What are you doing here?", I couldn't stop myself from smiling. He came to my dorm- he wanted to see me.

He turned his head slightly, as if he just remembered why he decided to visit me. He pressed his lips into a thin line as he took a few steps closer.

"I saw you staring at that new kid.", he said flirtingly as he came even closer.

The way he said that so passive aggressively made me nervous, what did he expect me to say?

"I- I just saw him for the first time today. What's the problem?", I took another step back leaning my back against the wall.

"I saw him looking at you.", his face was inches away from mine, while his hand was cupping my chin.

My stomach twisted as every inch of my skin desperately wanted him to touch me. The skin on my face was shivering from his cold touch, but everything inside me felt beautifully warm.

"And?" I asked shyly looking down on his other hand, that was wrapped around my waist.

He let out a hot breath, giving me a tiny smirk. I could see the muscles on his face growing as he clenched his jaw,

"I don't like to share."

His stare hypnotized me for a few more seconds and I expected him to do something.

I expected a kiss, a whisper, a touch- literally anything.

He did the only thing I wasn't expecting him to do- he just left. He left me standing in confusion as I yelled his name on his way out, but It wasn't even enough to make him turn around.

Everytime he talked to me, I felt nothing but desire and calmness- but he never failed to leave me confused.

1 week later - the day of the party

I picked out the sexiest dress I could find while I danced around my room out of excitement. I had no idea what I expected that evening to be like- but I was more than ready.

Fred and George picked me up from my dorm to walk me to the party. We were already high when the party hadn't even started yet.

I walked into the common room, drowning in an ocean of red, flickering lights. Fred offered me a shot of firewhiskey every 10 seconds- he loved to make me drunk.

After a while, I found myself dancing to one of my favourite songs in the middle of the crowds. I remember looking for Draco in every person I saw, but I wasn't able to spot him.

It must've been around 1 am when Hermione came to hug me tightly as we stumbled around the common room ,
"Merlin Olive, I'm soo drunk." she mumbled as she took another sip out of a bottle.

"Okay I think both of you should get some fresh air, c'mon let's go outside.", Ron interrupted our little talk. Ron was always the 'sober' mum friend, even though he drank much more than we ever could.

I agreed on going outside in order to clear my mind - hoping it would make me forget about Draco.

On our way out, Hermione slightly pushed me with her elbow and as I looked at her, she pointed to the corner of the room.

"Poor girl!", she spit out proudly, as she continued to walk outside laughing.

I looked at the corner, ready for a good laugh until I realised that she pointed at Draco. 

The flickering lights and the firewhiskey in my blood made it hard for me to see clearly, but after squeezing my eyes my vision became more clear.

It was Draco in the corner making out with a girl I didn't know.

My smile slowly faded as my heart rate increased, and suddenly I felt stone-cold sober.

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Where stories live. Discover now