"Filthy slut"

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"Filthy slut"


Malfoy and I spent the rest of the night just talking. He told me that he hated the song, because Blaise kept teasing him with it. He just told me it was annoying, but I assumed listening to it was just painful (something he would never admit).

"It's 4 in the morning, I should go." I said, secretly not wanting this conversation to end. He just nodded without even looking at me, as if he didn't care at all.

I had already turned around when something I'd wanted to ask him the whole time came to my mind.

"I have one last question."
He quickly looked up with a worried expression on his pale face.

"Why were you here all alone? I didn't see you at the party." I asked him, trying hard not to sound judging.
He hesitated, before his expression changed. It became cold and serious again, as If he had just rebuilt the walls around him.

"I just don't like parties, or people." He said in a monotone voice and he quickly looked away after.

"Probably because I'm just a bad peroson.", he added jokingly. I could tell he didn't want to explain himself further. I knew that there was another reason, but I knew hew wouldn't tell me about it- why would he?

I made my way to the exit replaying the whole conversation in my head. George admitted that he was in love with me a few hours ago, but still all I could think about was Malfoy.

I was almost gone when I felt the urge to let him know that he saved my night. I looked back at him, at his dark silhouette embracing the beauty of the night- dark, cold but mesmerizing.

"Malfoy?", he slowly looked up.

"I don't think you're a bad person".
After saying that I felt instant regret. That sounded so weird considering the fact that we didn't even know each other.

He lowered his eyes and a tiny smirk started to form on his face. I couldn't tell if it was an honest smile, but it comforted me to know that I caused it.

2 weeks later


I barely saw Malfoy for weeks after that night and when I saw him, we didn't really interact with each other. I still had these terrible nightmares every night, leaving me restless. It was always the same story replaying in my head, just terribly exhausting.

George and I still talked the way we did before and it made me happy, he was a constant that I could always rely on. Even though I knew it was hard for him to act like nothing had happened between us, I was convinced he would get over it sooner or later. All I knew was that I didn' t want to lose him.

It was monday again, ugh. I was tired so I didn't really put effort into my makeup that day. I just put on some baggy clothes, grabbed my stuff and made my way to potions class. The hallways were almost empty, i walked past some hufflepuff kids chatting in front of a classroom when I heard Malfoy's voice in the distance.

I saw him standing in front of Neville with his wand in his hand. I didn't really understand any of his words, but I knew he was threatening Neville, who looked completely terrified. The closer I came, the more I could see Neville's facial expression, his eyes were begging me to do something.

"Looking scared Longbottom, as you should be. I could easily kill you." His wand was pointing at Neville's throat. The way his voice echoed through the hallway was so different from what I remembered it to sound like. It was so harsh again and the sound of it alone had the power to make me nervous. I had no idea why he was threatening Neville, but it was Neville. He was one of the purest people I knew- I just felt the need to protect this boy.

I went to up to Malfoy right away slapping his arm repeatedly, "Fucking stop it, Malfoy. Who do think you are?" I hissed at him.

He took his wand down completely ignoring Neville, who stood against the wall with tears in his eyes. As Malfoy lowered his eyes on me full of shock, Neville took the opportunity to escape. I was so focused on Malfoys face that I didn't realize that it was just the two of us now.

"What did you just say?" He muttered. His eyes were daring me to say something. I knew that in this moment, everything would have been enough for him to snap. As he towered over me with his white knuckles showing, I felt nothing but disappointment. I really thought there was good on the inside, but what was standing on front of me was pure evil.

"What did you say, you filthy slut?" He came even closer, causing me to take a step back. He scared me, but I didn't want to show any signs of weakness- I didn't owe him any respect.

"Did you just call me a slut?" I said offended, attempting to kill him with my bare eyes.
"Well at least I'm not the one with daddy issues." I said smilingly, expecting this encounter to be over.
He didn't even give me a second to turn away before I felt his hands wrapped tightly around my throat.

My back roughly collided with the wall, while all I could do was desperately longing for air. His cold rings were digging into my soft skin, as his eyes pierced through mine in a disrespectful way. My legs were shaking terribly and my eyes started tearing up in fear.

I tried to get his hands off my throat, but my nails digging into his hands didn't bother him at all- he just tightened his grip on my neck. As I was whimpering beneath him without taking a single breath, I felt his breath on my face.

"Don't you fucking talk to me like that"

I've never heard a voice this cold and dominant before, I suddenly regretted every nice thing I ever said to him. My eyes were tearing up and my vision started becoming blurry.

"Do you understand?"

My lungs felt like they were about to explode, but I didn't want to approve his behaviour. Tears were rolling down my face and I figured that sooner or later he would stop.

Then he tightened his grip once again, trying to shake a reaction out of my weak body. All I could feel was the burning pain of his cold hands burying in my skin.

"Do you understand?", He repeated himself. I just knew it was the last chance I could get to survive this. I couldn't get out any words so I tried nodding. The only thing leaving my mouth was a quiet whimper, that made him loosen his grip.

"Yes" I said, still struggling to catch my breath.

"Good." His eyes were looking straight into mine, without any sign of empathy or even humanity. The second he let go of my throat I fell down on my knees, finally being able to breath again. I squeezed my eyes and cried desperately, not able to say a single word.

It took a few seconds for me to process what just happened, but when I finally managed to look up, I saw Malfoy walking away. He didn't even take another look at what he had done.

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