"Shut up and kiss me."

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Warning: Violent actions and mature content ahead.

"Shut up and kiss me."


"Who the fuck would care about someone like her?",

His voice ripped through my ears, the words kept ringing in my head as they broke my chest. I couldn't take it- any of this.

With everything left inside me I wished for it to not be true, I wished for him to laugh about it, saying it was all just a joke. But everything stayed silent after his voice tore me apart until I heard a soft giggle,

"Well, if you say so.", Sam muttered quietly, "We'll see."

I didn't know what he meant by that, but I didn't care. All I cared about was Draco and what he had said seconds ago. My vision slowly started to become blurry from the tears prickling in the corner of my eyes and then, I saw him-

He walked around the corner with an annoyed look on his face as his hand brushed over the sleeves of his suit until he looked up and his eyes met mine in the darkness,


A single tear left my eye, slowly covering my left cheek in salty liquid,

"Is it true?", I stepped closer to make sure he was able to see the pain he had caused, "What you said about me?"

His lips parted, but no sound. With a look of sorrow growing on his face he stared at me in complete silence until he tore his eyes away from mine,

"Yes. It's true."

Another tear rolled down my drained cheek as my heart dropped further,

"I don't care about you. I never did.", his face turned cold again, he hadn't looked at me like that in months. It was the look he gave me, when he used to make fun of me, the look he always had before all of this happened.

I felt anger pumping through my veins, I started shaking from the way he was acting so cold and careless. I hated it.

I hated him.

I hated feeling like that, and more than anything- that he was the reason for it.

I came closer and lifted my arm, and without giving it a second thought the palm of my hand roughly collided with his jaw- I slapped his face.

After he turned his head back to face me, I immediately felt the cold touch of his fingers as they were digging into both of my arms.

My back collided with the wall as his hands roughly held me in place,

"Don't you ever do that again,", he said through gritted teeth as his face moved closer to mine, "and now- go and dry those pathetic tears from your face."

His hands dug depper into my skin, in a way that would definitely leave marks, until he roughly pushed me out of his way,

"And don't ever fucking talk to me again."

His words cut through every sense of my body and as he left me standing there, he took everything of me with him.

I felt completely empty.

The back of my head roughly bumped against the stone-covered wall as the world around me faded quietly. Malfoy was gone now, and his absence was more than I was capable of handling.

I needed comfort, love, affection- I needed saving. And in the back of my head, I knew where to find it.

My drunk feet carried me all the way down the hallway, back to the muffled voices and the loud music. I looked down, watching my feet as they stumbled more with every step I took, and when I looked up I found what I was looking for.

My eyes widened at the sight of his red hair glowing in the darkness. He took a few steps but then halted when he noticed the salty tears on my red cheeks- he knew something happened.

His lips parted as he was about to say something, but I didn't want him to talk- I didn't want to talk either.

My shaky legs carried me towards him, his eyes widened as I started running.

"Are you-", I cut him off by pressing my lips on his, more intense than the last time we kissed. My hands locked in the back of his head as I pulled him down further, and he went along.

His hands moved along my back, eventually resting on my hips as he pulled me closer. As his tongue entered my mouth I was able to taste bitter liquid lingering on our tongues, and it made me feel something.

The emptiness faded slowly with every move his lips made against mine. I knew what I did was wrong and selfish, but I couldn't deal with this pain alone. I needed his touch, his affection, I needed him to care,

I needed him to save me.

I kissed him more and more aggressively, until he pulled away from our kiss with a deep look of sorrow on his face,

"Are you sure?", his thumb gently stroked the side of my body as I moved closer again,

"I am-", I intended to press my lips on his again, but he moved away,

"What happened? Why are you crying?"

"God, George I'm fine, just- shut up and kiss me.", I knew he felt bad.

He looked at me as if he knew that kissing me with tears streaming down my face, was the wrong thing to do, but he couldn't resist- and after that, he didn't try to.

His lips hungrily collided with mine as both of us smiled into the kiss and he softly picked me up. My feet locked at his lower back and his hands around my waist kept me steady in front of him, until I felt the cold wall on my tender skin.

His hands grasped my jaw with force while my fingers tangled his hair, slightly pulling it. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, I knew he craved me as much as I needed him right now.

Our lips reconnected before I started placing kisses on his neck, his collarbone, all the way up to his jaw- I marked him everywhere.

As I reached the spot below his ear he started whimpering as he breathed heavily in my ear,

"Fuck, Liv-", his voice consumed me in every way, and I needed to feel him,

"Take me to your room, George."


Hello lovelies! What are your thoughts on this chapter?

As you can see, shit is about to go down :)

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