"Fuck you."

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"Fuck you."



After McGonagall ended class, I rushed out immediately since I planned on meeting with Fred and George for lunch. I was just walking down the hallway when I felt someone lightly tapping my shoulder.

As I turned around I saw that Slytherin boy from the great hall standing right in front of me,

"Hey, Olive right?", he smiled at me, showing his perfect, white teeth. Some of his curly brown hair fell onto his eyebrows as the light from outside fell right into his dark green eyes.

"Uhh yes... And your name is Sam?", I smiled right back at him, impressed by the way his dimples moved when he talked.

"So you heard of me already?", he asked flirtingly as his smile grew even wider. I licked my lips and cleared my throat before I just nodded my head in response.

"So..", he continued while scratching the back of his head, "I was wondering if you'd like to-"

his sentence cut off as he looked past me while his smile slowly faded. I raised my eyebrows in confusion, until I felt a heavy arm resting on my shoulders.

"Let's go get lunch.", I heard Draco's cold voice echoing through the empty hallway. I turned my head to face him in confusion as he was staring right back at me.

I got lost in his silver eyes for a second while his eyes were wandering down to my lips as a devilish smirk grew on his face. He licked his lips and moved closer to my face, but then turned away to face Sam,

"Sapphirus", Draco bit the inside of his cheeks as he nodded. I looked over to Sam, who looked like another person now. His smile was gone and he was clenching his jaw,

"Malfoy.", he nodded back, his eyes burning into Draco's. I felt Draco inhaling deeply as he pulled me even closer,

"What do you want?", his voice sounded harsh and mean - I haven't heard him talking like that in a while. My eyes were fixated on Draco's angry face as I didn't dare to say a word.

After seconds of silence I moved my eyes back to Sam, noticing that his chest was moving up and down rapidly. His forest-eyes moved from Draco to me, and then to Draco again, until he swallowed a few times,

"Nothing.", he forced a smile as he looked at me again, "Nice to meet you Olive.", then he walked past us, bumping into Draco's shoulder.

I decided to wait a few seconds until he was gone, until I grabbed Draco's arm and moved it from my shoulders,

"What was that?", I asked harshly.

He turned his head to the right making sure that he was gone before he took a step closer,

"You shouldn't be talking to him."

"You don't get to tell me what to do.", I shrugged my shoulders as I tried to walk away, but he wouldn't let me.

"You don't understand. You shouldn't trust him."

His hand was squeezing my shoulder in a gentle way as he looked deeply into my eyes.

"How would you know?"

"Because I know him. His name is Samuel Sapphirus, our families have known each other for years. Well, let's just say he's never been very nice."

As he told me, he started breathing heavily - he looked scared.

"Just don't trust him okay?"

I released myself from his grip as I crossed my arms in front of my chest,

"Are you sure you're not just being jealous?"

The moment those words left my lips his expression changed completey. His eybrows dropped as his eyes turned cold,

"You wish.", he spit out, "Why would I be jealous?"

"Well, you obviously care about me.", I smiled proudly, knowing I was right about that.

His lips started shaking as he leaned down to me and cupped my cheek,

"I couldn't care less about you sweetheart.",

I felt the tension growing between us, but I wouldn't give him what his eyes were asking for. I waited a few seconds, knowing that he would come closer to kiss me, until I roughly grabbed his hand and pushed him away,

"Fuck you.",

I left him standing in the empty hallway - pretending I didn't care.

The next day

It was around 8 in the morning when I was sitting in the great hall alone eating breakfast. I planned on meeting Fred and George again, but I assumed they overslept since they drank a lot the night before.

"Would you mind if I sit with you?", Cedric had a plate in his hand and he was standing right next to me. I turned around to look for Fred and George, but my eyes met Draco's instead.

He was sitting two tables away next to Blaise and Pansy without paying any attention to them. He was leaning slightly forward with both hands on the table. His icy gaze was fixated on Cedric as his knuckles were turning white.

I couldn't deny the fact that I enjoyed the power he gave me with that.

"No, you can sit down Cedric.", I smiled at him, giving Draco a tiny smirk before starting a conversation.

We didn't really have a lot to talk about, but I missed spending time with him.

After a short while, Cedric looked up to the clock, "Oh shit, I'm gonna be late", he picked up his plate and his bag as he walked away, "See ya!"

I watched him walking out of the great hall before I grabbed my stuff and got up as well. As I turned around I bumped right into somebody's chest.

"Merlin, I am so-", as I looked up in embarrassment I realized it was his chest. I stared into his cold eyes, then into Pansy's and Blaise's, who were standing right behind him.

I swallowed in frustration because I wasn't able to let out all the anger I carried with me.

"Sorry.", I said in a sarcastic voice, hoping it would make him feel guilty - or at least something.

There was not a single reaction on his face as he sucked the insides of his cheeks and looked down on me,

"Get the fuck out of my way.", then he slammed his elbow right into my shoulder, causing me to whimper as he walked past me.

Fuck him.

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