"I saw red."

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Mature content ahead (a little)

"I saw red."


"Fuck, Liv wake up!",

I woke up from George's hand my shoulder, violently pulling me out of my dreams.

"We're gonna be late, wake up!",

I opened my eyes slowly and blinked a few times to get used to the sunlight shining through his clean window,

"I'm awake.", I shoved his hand off me and got up up from the soft fabric of his bedsheets, slowly starting to realize what I had done. My eyes widened as they traveled through the room and then back to his satisfied smile.

"Fuck-", I sighed and rubbed my eyes rashly, before jumping out of bed. I immediately started picking up my clothes that were spread all over the floor.

As I wrapped my tie around the collar of my white shirt, I jumped from the deep voice behind my back,

"Looks like you guys had fun last night.", I turned around and rolled my eyes,

"Shut the fuck up Fred.", I took a quick look at George, who was fully dressed already, before walking past his tall figure,

"Don't tell anyone what happened-"

"Or else?", the smile on Fred's face grew wider as his eyes travelled down my messy clothing,

"You'll see.", I rushed through the door and shut it behind my back as I walked out. The loud noise made my headache grow stronger as it felt like my brain was about to explode,

"Fuck", I sighed under my breath while massaging my scalp, walking all the way back to my empty room. I quickly grabbed all the books I needed and put on my rope before running to my first class of the day.

I was standing in front of the closed door, 10 minutes late. My head still felt dizzy and my stomach twisted in fear- it was Snape's class. I knocked on the door and then carefully opened it, sticking my head through,

"Ms. Winters.", Snape's attention, along with everyone in class, snapped to me immediately.


"You are late. Detention.", he muttered harshly as his head snapped back to the class. He raised his arm slowly, urging me to sit down.

As I made my way to the back, everyone kept staring at me, whispering, giggling.

The second I sat down, I started fixing my frizzy hair as I assumed that they laughed about my messy appearance, but Hermione and Ginny kept staring from across the room.

I crossed my legs under the desk as I noticed that they were still hurting terribly from last night and right when I looked down at my wrists, my mind started wandering,

"I want everyone to hear you screaming my name.",

as he kept pounding harder and rougher, moans and gasps filling the darkened room.

How he kept hitting the right spot over and over again until I couldn't keep it together anymore,

his thumb running down my bottom lip, soft moans escaping his parted lips until-

I snapped back to reality as my eyes met his grey, fury stare.

Draco was leaning back in his chair with his white knuckles showing as his hands were curled into fists. It seemed like the wooden surface was about to break under his fists as he pressed them down with so much force.

My confused face turned soft from just looking at him- everything in me turned soft. I knew I was supposed to hate him for what he had done, and I'm convinced the biggest part of my actually did, but a tiny part of me,

the stupidest part of me, still found comfort in him.

His soft, blonde hair rested on his forehead so delicately and I got lost in him for a second until I realized that looking at him was more hurtful than comforting now.

I quickly looked away and ignored him for the rest of the lesson- at least I tried. Everytime I looked to the front, I watched his figure from the corner of my eyes, following every single movement, and he watched me too.



I rushed out of class, trying to escape him- to escape the moths crawling up my stomach everytime I thought of him.

As I entered the great hall for lunch, the first person my eyes landed on was George- and my heart skipped a beat. Looking at him was still like going home, but as I noticed the veins on his hands, the marks on his neck and his mischieveous smile,

I started sweating.

I felt myself getting nervous as I walked towards the Gryffindors, Harry and Ron were sitting with them.

"Slytherin-", Ron gulped, "You look terrible."

I flipped my hair and took a seat next to Harry, who wouldn't stop looking at my body.

"Thanks, I know.", my puffy eyes met George's, "What are you smiling at?"

His eyes traveled down my chest, his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek as he chuckled softly. He shook his head before looking down at his plate again, leaving me wondering what he kept staring at.

"Bloody hell, Liv!", Hermione let out an annoyed sigh behind me, "Why did you just run away?", she took a seat next to me as she gave Ron a warm smile before looking at me again.

"Because everyone kept staring at me and I had to get out of there.", I said harshly,

"Well yeah, because we thought you were in Slytherin.", her eyes were urging me to look down, and I did.

I saw red instead of the usual green,

"Fuck!", I looked at the Gryffindor tie that was hanging from my neck, "Fuck! George why didn't you say something?"

"Because it's funny.", he chuckled, softly bumping into Fred, who was giggling to himself.

The whole class saw it, that's the reason they kept staring.

"Terribly funny.", I rolled my eyes, annoyed at the fact that I failed to keep George and me a secret- and that he didn't care about this at all.

He pulled my tie out of his pocket and handed it over for me to put it on, not breaking eye contact the whole time.

The moment I felt my own tie resting in the palm of my hand, my stomach dropped. Draco.

He saw me with George's tie, wrinky clothing and messy hair- he definitely knew what was going on and it made everything so much worse.

I stared at Geoorge and he stared right back at me, but I wasn't really there anymore.

My chest was moving rapidly, my leg bouncing up and down in fear. I felt guilty, and even though I shouldn't have,

I felt sorry.


Hi loves!! What are your thoughts on this?

I will update within the next three days <3 stay healthy and safe!

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