Chapter 29: How is she?

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The two-hour ride home felt like years to Y/N. They tried their best to not worry, but all they could do was think of Yelena. Memories, conversations, everything. The thought of seeing her board the Quinjet back to the compound as she drifted off being the last time they might ever see her was ripping them to shreds.

A roar came from the jet as they touched down at the compound. Without hesitation, Y/N was the first off and on their way to the med bay. There had still been no updates on Yelena though four hours had passed since she left DC.

Sprinting down the halls, all Y/N could think was that Bruce would be there waiting to tell them all in person that she hadn't made it. Why else wouldn't they update us?! They thought.

Finally reaching the med bay doors, Y/N swung them yelling, "Where is she?! Nat?! Bruce!?"

The sound of Y/N's heightened voice alerted Nat and threw her out of her chair toward them. As she paced down toward them, grabbing their arms, they began spiraling as they had back in the fight, "Where is she? Did she make it? Why didn't you update us?! Why-"

"Y/N! Breathe!" She yelled before lowering her voice and grabbing their hands to lead them down the next hall, "Just... Come with me."

When they rounded the corner, Y/N saw Bruce sifting through a couple of papers before Nat coughed to note that they'd arrived.

"Oh! Hey, Y/N. Take a seat," He said while motioning to the two seats that sat in front of his desk.

Their eyes were searching the room trying to figure out where Yelena could possibly be and why they weren't telling them exactly what happened yet.

"Listen, just cut to it. Why are you stalling? Tell me where she is. Is she okay? Did she make it?" They asked as they started getting impatient.

Nat stepped next to them again, guiding them to the seats so that they would sit down. Y/N was growing more and more irritated with the two, but moved to sit in the seat closest to the door in case they found out where to go.

After Nat took her seat next to Y/N, Bruce took his seat in the chair that sat behind his desk. Blowing out a long breath, he rested his elbows on the desk before starting, "She is... stable. For now."

Y/N's eyes darted to Nat who had tears forming in her eyes. It was clear that there were also dried tears on her cheek from where she'd been crying before.

"What do you mean for now?" They asked peeling their eyes from Nat and back to Bruce.

He scrunched his face and scratched the back of his head as he thought of the best way to tell Y/N what was going on, "I'm sure you're aware that she lost a lot of blood on the flight here. She had already lost a lot before she'd even boarded the jet."

"Please get to it, Bruce. Just tell me what's going to happen," They said as they choked back the tears that were fighting to fall from their eyes.

Bruce shook his head before answering, "That's the thing. We're not sure. She is stable right now, but the loss of blood caused her to go into hypovolemic shock. Some of her organs were starting to show damage, but came around not too long ago..."

They way the pitch in his voice changed as he trailed off noted something uneasy to Y/N. Something else was wrong.

"But her brain... We're still running tests. The perfusion scans should be back soon, but the last one we had ran showed low levels in parts of her brain," He stated as he watched Y/N's head drop.

The tears that had been forming began crashing into their lap as they were unable to hold them back. Quiet sobs burst from their mouth as they covered their face with their hands. Nat quickly scooted her chair closer to them while wrapping her arm around them as she fought back the tears that were beginning to fall for her again too.

Bruce was now fighting back his own tears as well watching Nat and Y/N take the news of Yelena's misfortune. Before letting any rise from his eyes, he started again, "But she is being treated, Y/N. She's undergone a blood transfusion and is currently on oxygen and fluids. We're hoping that with these treatments, her next scans will come back with better news."

Their breath began to level as they looked up to meet his eyes. There was hope, but Y/N was finding it hard to hold onto that. 

As they blinked their eyes to try and clear out the tears, they looked over at Nat, "Can I see her?" They asked.

Nat nodded softly as she stood up next to them. But before they began to head out of the door, Nat pulled Y/N back quickly into a tight hug, causing the both of them to break down once more.

She leaned her head up on their shoulder next to their ear, "I hope you know how much she cares about you, Y/N. No matter what happens, Yelena's feelings for you ran so deep and so strong. She would've moved mountains for you."

Though hearing this was moving, all it did was cause Y/N to bury their face deeper into her shoulder to muffle their sobs into her shirt.

After they straightened up, Bruce led the two out of his office and down the hall to where Yelena's room was set up. The door had been left cracked so that they could hear any alarms that may sound if something went wrong.

When they arrived at the door, Nat grabbed their arm before they went to head in, "I'm going to let you go in alone. I've been with her for the past two hours and I just... I need to breathe. So I'm going to find Steve before coming back. Do you need anything before I leave you alone?"

Y/N pondered on the question for a second. Do I need anything? Maybe a miracle, they thought, maybe for someone to just tell me that Yelena would wake up. That everything was going to be okay.

"No, I think I'll be okay. Thank you. If anything happens, I'll call you," They answered as they smiled softly at her.

With that, Nat left Y/N to enter Yelena's room alone. Their thoughts were racing. The last time they'd seen someone in the hospital that they cared about was their father who had lost his battle with cancer five years ago.

You can do this, they thought, think positive. You've got this.

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