Chapter 3: Welcome back

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After Yelena left Y/N's room, they threw themselves back on their bed while running their hands through their hair. A large smile crept across their face at the thought of her statement before leaving.

And then maybe I can come back tomorrow to see what else you've found.

"You can come back whenever you want," Y/N said laughing to themselves.

Y/N spent the next half an hour watching the stars slowly move while they were waiting for dinner. Steve stopped by to let them know it was time and walked down to the dining room with them.

"This is new," Y/N stated, "and it's gorgeous."

Tony had just recently had the whole dining room remodeled with the help of Pepper's eye for design. A table sat in the middle that was large enough for each of the ten Avengers with extra room for about ten to fifteen guests.

When they entered, Y/N was greeted by Vision who they had only briefly met at the front door. "Oh, hey! I'm so sorry about earlier. I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you." They said as they held their hand out to shake Vision's. 

"It's is completely okay, Y/N. It's nice to finally meet you as well." He replied.

Steve placed his hand on Y/N's shoulder and pointed to the end of the table. "Let's sit down there. We'll be next to Nat and Clint."

"...and Yelena. You're not slick, Uncle Steve," Y/N responded as they threw their elbow into his side.

Even though it barely felt like anything to him, Steve threw himself over dramatically. "Geez! I'm just trying to make you a new friend!" He said through a smile and a choked-back laugh.

Y/N rolled their eyes and made their way to the end of the table. Not long after they took their seats, everyone else made their way into the dining room. Nat and Yelena came in first as they took their seats next to Steve and Y/N. 

Clint and Bruce strolled in next shortly before Thor and Darcy walked in hand-in-hand. Y/N darted their eyes over to Nat and Steve quickly. "When did THAT happen?!" They asked while nodding toward the seemingly very happy couple.

Steve and Nat laughed before Nat responded, "Not long ago actually. Maybe a month? No one was really surprised."

"That's... interesting. Good for them," Y/N stated as they watched the others walk in.

Wanda came in next, immediately making eye contact with Y/N. Instead of letting the awkwardness settle in again, Y/N smiled and nodded which Wanda politely returned before making her way to her seat.

"Uh, Y/N. I've been meaning to tell you-" Steve started before Wanda got to her seat next to Vision.

Y/N's eyes quickly widened as they watched Wanda lean down to give Vision a quick kiss before taking her seat next to him.

"...about.. that. I'm sorry," He finished.

Y/N looked down and took a deep breath in to control the racing thoughts they were having. "Don't be. It was two years ago, it doesn't matter."

Steve started again but was quickly cut off by Tony standing up and clinking the side of his glass with his knife. "We all know why we're here today. Y/N has finally made their way back and become a full Avenger. They were greatly missed, especially by me. My lab has been far too safe and quiet since you left, Y/N. Pepper doesn't let me do anything."

A laugh from Tony is jolted when Pepper kicked the side of his leg while shaking her head.

"Anyways, we're happy you're back and we're happy you're here to stay for a while." Tony raised his glass, "To Y/N." 

"To Y/N," Everyone said in unison while raising their glasses.

Y/N smiled, thankful to be back at the compound, "Thank you guys, seriously. I missed you all more than I can explain. I'm so glad to be back and a bit more permanently this time." They said raising their glass back to everyone.

As they put the glass to their lips to drink, Y/N looked over the top of their glass to see Yelena smiling back at them before quickly looking down. Y/N bit back a smile before setting their glass back on the table. 

Everyone spent the next two hours sitting around the table catching up with each other and making rounds to catch up with Y/N individually. After a while, the sunlight began to fade as the moonlight crept in through the windows.

Carol made her way out first after giving Y/N a hug, "I have to head out, as always, but it was great to see you. I'm happy to know that when I come back, you'll be here this time."

Thor and Darcy made their way out by Thor carrying Darcy in his arms after she had a few too many glasses of wine, "She's a bit... gone, Y/N," he said through a laugh, "But I know she was happy to see you, as was I."

Wanda and Vision left hand-in-hand as well without catching up with Y/N, which they were completely fine with. The last thing they wanted right now was a conversation with Wanda and her new boyfriend.

She looks happy, Y/N thought, that's all that matters.

Once the moonlight had fully filled the room, only a few were left catching up. Y/N, Steve, Nat, and Yelena sat in their same seats talking about the last mission that Y/N, Steve, and Nat had been on.

"-and for some reason, Y/N thought it was a good idea to try and jump from our car to theirs! They quickly realized how stupid that was when they hit the ground and flew nearly 100 feet back," Nat said with a bit of a tipsy slur. 

Y/N's eyes widened with defensiveness, "It WAS a good idea. I just didn't execute it.. very well."

"We know. You spent the next week with Bruce healing the open wounds and broken leg." Steve added.

Yelena hadn't said much but was clearly enjoying the conversation and learning more about Y/N, "I've seen you make a few stupid decisions myself, Natalia." She added with a smirk before taking another sip of her beer.

Nat's mouth dropped in disbelief at her sister's statement, "Excuse me!"

The four laughed before Steve stood from his seat, "I'm going to make sure Nat makes it to her bed alright. I'll catch you both tomorrow. Sleep well, Y/N!" He stated as he threw an argumentative Nat over his shoulder.

"Jesus, Steve, I'm fine!" She tried arguing before her eyes widened quickly, "Okay, no I'm not, put me down."

When her feet hit the floor, she took off for the bathroom while holding down the dinner she'd just eaten, "Yep, I knew it." Steve said under his breath as he jogged after her.

Yelena and Y/N laughed knowing this wasn't the first, or last, time that they'd see Nat like this.

As Yelena sat her beer down, she glanced out the back doors of the dining room, "Y/N, are you busy tonight?"

Y/N looked back to Yelena after watching Steve run out the door to catch Nat. 

They didn't have anything to do other than unpack, but that could wait of course, "Not really. Did you have something in mind?"

She looked back to Y/N with an enthusiastic smile, "Grab your drink and come with me."

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