Chapter 52: Don't do anything stupid

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Y/N spent the next two days relaxing and doing their best to start working through the task of forgiving themselves while they trained with Wanda and Stephen to help Bucky. 

They'd also taken a few hours to sit with Nat, Steve, and Yelena as talk about their entire time at HYDRA. It was time that someone knew every detail of their trauma and now that they knew it was possible to take the entire organization down, this was the best time to work through it. Reliving the memories wasn't easy, but the three of them helped Y/N get through them all and reminded them that they were safe the entire time.

Before long, it was time to work alongside Wanda and Stephen in getting through to Bucky. Steve had been relentless in the past days, but nothing got through. In fact, Bucky had only grown quieter.

Y/N met Wanda, Stephen, and Steve in Bucky's cell to get started, "Just us, I assume?" They asked.

"I think that's best," Steve started, "I don't want to overwhelm him. You three going in and me being here when he gets back is all that we need."

With that, the three nodded as they prepared to re-enter the astral dimension. Stephen had prepared Wanda greatly, but Y/N not having the powers that they did still made them nervous. Being back there knowing that their only way out was through those two was unsettling.

"Are you ready?" Stephen asked as he set his hand on their shoulders.

"As I'll ever be," They answered. Without a second to spare, Stephen tapped the center of Y/N's chest, sending them straight into the astral dimension.

Within seconds, Wanda had entered as well, followed shortly by Stephen. The three spent a few minutes there, checking around to see if there was any space that Bucky could possibly be at the moment. Stephen noted yesterday that he'd seen them behind the cell, but it was clear that he'd moved since then.

"You know," Y/N started, "I don't think I was ever in the astral dimension while under the brainwashing. It only happened when I was absolutely terrified. How is he here while still being able to function?"

Stephen continued looking around as he answered, "For some, when it comes to things like this, they are able to separate themselves completely. Remember when Wanda had said it wasn't you in your own mind?" He asked.

They looked over at Wanda before going to answer, "Yes, sort of. I was still there though."

"Yes, but you were separate from your physical form, correct?" He asked again.

It slowly began making sense to them, "Yeah, I mean yes. I wasn't in control."

"Exactly, it's just like that. It seems that this Bucky fellow has managed to learn how to separate himself. I would assume that it's so he doesn't see all of the damage his Winter Soldier counterpart does."

Well shit, they thought, I wish I would've learned how to do that.

"Hey, guys. Come over here," Wanda called out from the next room over. 

As the two made their way to the next room, they saw a figure that was a bit lighter than they were. It was confusing because he seemed completely fine but wasn't engaging with any of them.

"Bucky?" Y/N called out.

His head turned sharply toward them, "How do you know my name?" A sigh of relief fell over the three knowing that it was in fact him.

"I'm Steve's nibling," Y/N answered, "We're here to bring you back, Bucky. To free you from HYDRA's grip."

His eyes narrowed into a squint, "No you're not. I know that trick. They've done this too many times."

They all let out a breath knowing that it was true, but now they were faced with the obstacle of proving it. For Y/N, it had been easy for Wanda to pull them into a hug. They'd shared the feelings that proved Wanda was real, but none of the three that came to save him had any memories with him to show.

"What if I can prove it to you?" Y/N thought, hoping that the idea that had just popped into their head would work.

Wanda quickly stepped over, "What're you doing? You don't know him, Y/N." 

"Just.. trust me," They answered.

He looked at them skeptically, but willing, "How?"

Without answering, Y/N slowly made their way to him. They may not have memories with Bucky himself, but they have memories with their Uncle Steve. There were so many stories he'd told them about his best friend. It was bound to do something.

They held out their hand, allowing Bucky to place his hand in theirs. As they touched, the two were sent through all of the memories quickly. He saw Y/N being told a story about how they'd gone to a dance together one night and then another where they'd gone on a mission together when he'd first become Captain America.

As their memories ended, Y/N was then shown memories that Bucky shared with their Uncle Steve. The stories they'd been told were now painted in pictures for them. They'd seen them all come to life before their eyes.

One last one played through just before they released their grips on each others' hands.

Don't do anything stupid until I get back, they heard Bucky say.

How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you, they heard their Uncle Steve reply.

When this memory ended, the two released their hands. His eyes opened widely as they shined from the tears that were now creeping up.

"You... you're real. How? How did you get here?" He asked.

They smiled as they looked back at Wanda and Stephen before returning their gaze back to Bucky, "I don't know if you remember, but Uncle Steve is pretty relentless. Once he found you, there was no way he'd go on without getting you back."

He smiled as he let the tears fall. The time had finally come for him. After decades of years as the Winter Soldier, Bucky would finally be able to return home.

"Let's get going then, I can't wait to see him. It's been too long."

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