Chapter 10: We'll be okay

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The team made their way to the Quinjet and took off quickly. They had only been gone a few minutes before Yelena asked Nat for Y/N's number so that they could talk while the team was gone.

"You should really focus on the mission, Yelena. This is only your second one," Nat responded in pure older sister fashion.

It didn't phase Yelena though, as she continued on, "It won't distract me. You're literally on a mission with Steve, your biggest distraction."

Nat's eyes widened hoping that he hadn't just heard what she had said. When she realized that they were in the clear, Nat threw a punch at her sister's arm, "Keep your voice down, shit. Fine, here it's Y/#." 

Back at the compound, Y/N was delighted to see that Yelena had managed to get their number. At least I'll be able to talk to her and keep my mind off of Wanda, they thought.


Y/N and Wanda were able to avoid each other for the first 12 hours that the team had been gone, just barely missing each other while grabbing food from the kitchen for dinner.

Unfortunately, the two were faced with each other the next morning when Wanda appeared in the training room early in the morning to find Y/N already beating down a bag. When Y/N locked eyes with Wanda, she turned to head back out without a word.

"Wanda! Hey, it's fine. I'll leave. I've been here for an hour already," They said.

When she turned around, the stern look on her face began to fade the longer she looked at Y/N, "You can stay and train with me if you'd like. Maybe we can finally talk about everything."

Y/N's face scrunched up with confusion at her suggestion as they remembered how she had just badgered them in the hall two nights ago. When they realized that she was serious, they shook their head and shrugged, "Yeah sure why not."

The two used to practice together daily when Y/N was here two years ago. Wanda would hold the bag for Y/N while they would set up targets for her. Truthfully, they worked really well together as a team. It was just their emotions that would cause them to go haywire.

"This is nice, just like old times," Y/N said after helping Wanda hit a flying target.

Wanda laughed as she pointed at them, "Shut up before I use you as a target."

They hadn't used any of the time practicing to talk about their problems but instead spent an hour helping each other and joking around. It was nice for them to get a break, but Y/N knew that this would probably be the best time to bring it up now that they were both in a decent mood.

"So, I know you probably don't want to talk about what happened, but I think now would be a good time for us to both lay everything out on the table," They stated.

It was clear that Wanda had no desire to talk about their issues now that they were doing well, but Y/N knew that this could all change again once Yelena and Vision returned. She nodded her head and walked up to the kitchen with Y/N to make some breakfast.

"Ooooo what're you going to make?" Y/N asked while watching Wanda pull a bunch of ingredients from the fridge.

"Breakfast casserole and you're going to help. Get over here." She replied as she pointed her knife at Y/N and waved it over toward her.

Wanda knew that Y/N hated cooking because they were never good at it, but they were fine with it today knowing that she was in a good mood.

While they were cracking the eggs, Y/N decided to start the conversation that neither of them wanted to have, "Honestly, I don't know where to start. I just need to know what happened that night in the hallway. You said we were fine earlier in the day when I arrived and then when you saw me in front of Yelena's door, you flipped a switch."

She took the eggs from Y/N that they had just cracked and added them to the pan. It took her a moment to collect her thoughts, which Y/N appreciated knowing that the two often spoke before thinking.

"I'm sorry I spoke to you that way. I think my mind just started racing when I saw you outside of her room... and it threw me back to our argument," She finally answered.

Confused, Y/N asked why that would throw her back to the argument they had two years ago.

"Y/N, you know why we fought. You gave everything to this team, to your missions, to your job. I always came last and no matter how much I begged you to just care, you didn't. Seeing you care about someone else just.. sent me into a spiral. The thought of you doing for someone else what you never did for me."

It was finally clear. Wanda was upset, and possibly slightly jealous, with the thought of Y/N being with someone else. 

"Wands, I just met Yelena. I don't even know what we're doing yet. I mean, she's amazing but we haven't done much other than flirt," Y/N responded.

She laughed at their response knowing that they were really starting to fall for Yelena, "You know, for someone as smart as you are, you're an absolute idiot at the same time. I can still read your thoughts, dumb ass."

Y/N raised their eyebrows as their jaw dropped to the ground, "You know I don't like when you do that! It's invasive!" They yelled.

Wanda just laughed knowing that Y/N was embarrassed knowing that they'd been caught. Luckily, they were able to brush by it and finish their conversation civilly over the breakfast they had made together.

"I am sorry I reacted that way and I hope that when everyone returns we can continue to just be how we are right now," She stated.

"Yeah, I hope so too," Y/N responded as they wrapped their arm around Wanda's shoulders and pulled her into a quick side hug, "I don't want to fight with you. I never did and I still don't. I'm happy that you're happy with Vision. That's all that matters to me."

Wanda smiled as she leaned into Y/N's hug before heading back up to her room, leaving Y/N in the kitchen to clean up. 

Once they'd finished, Y/N realized that they hadn't checked their phone in a few hours and rushed quickly down to the training room to find it. When they did, they found five notifications left on their phone.

Two of the notifications were text messages from Steve asking how things were going with Wanda. One of the notifications was from Darcy gushing over how Thor had sent her flowers this morning while he was away on their mission. Then, the last two were from a cute girl that was making their way into the depths of Y/N's heart.

(2 hrs ago) Yelena: 

"I hope you slept well :) We just got up
and started getting ready for our prep
before heading out."

(47 mins ago) Yelena:

"Nat and Steve are so obvious, I can't
believe they're stupid enough to think
we don't know."

The texts sent a smile blooming across Y/N's face. Yelena had thought of them just as she'd woken up and Y/N was finally in good standing with Wanda. Though they missed Yelena, Nat, and Steve, they were thankful that they'd been left behind for this mission.

(Just now) Y/N:

"I slept well! I hope you did too.  Keep
me updated on what you all get into.
Give Steve a hard time for me as well,
please :) Can't wait to see you soon."

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