Chapter 7: I trust you

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Nat lead Y/N out of the kitchen and down the hall to the smaller conference area. Tony had clearly redone a lot of the compound because this room looked completely different from when they had seen it last.

"Is Tony just bored or...?" Y/N asked with a low laugh.

Nat nodded while laughing with them, "You could say that. He just always wants the best, you know that. If anything is even slightly outdated, he loses his mind."

Sounds like Tony, Y/N thought, "So what's up? Everything okay? You kind of worried me back there in the kitchen. You usually only spoke like that if something was wrong."

The two sat down next to each other as Nat took in a deep breath. She was clearly collecting her thoughts and Y/N knew better than to ever try and rush her.

"Yelena told me about your night last night," She started, "and I love that you two are getting along so well..."

Y/N's eye squinted while wondering where this could go, "....but?"

"But I'm worried. You know I love you, but she's my sister. I saw what happened with you and Wanda before you left. We had to help pick up her pieces and I know it wasn't just on you... but I can't imagine having to do that with Yelena."

Y/N sat back in their chair taking in what Nat had just said to them. Clearly, Yelena had gushed about their night under the stars to her older sister, but hearing this slight distrust in Y/N from Nat was hard for them to hear.

They always looked up to Nat and hated to ever disappoint them. It was clear to Nat that Y/N was really processing what she had just said to them. 

"I'm not trying to make anything harder on you, Y/N. I'm not even saying don't do anything with Yelena. I'm just... I talked to Steve and he said that if I didn't talk with you before things possibly got serious with you two, it would eat me alive." Nat stated, "And I hate that he's usually right about that."

Y/N laughed, "I hate when he's right too and it's far more often than I'd like to admit."

A smile finally broke between the two which helped lighten the mood and push Y/N to say what was on their mind.

"Yelena is great, Nat, and she's not Wanda. I'm also not who I was two years ago," Y/N said as they looked around the room trying to continue gathering their thoughts, "I understand why you're nervous, but I can promise you that what happened with Wanda and I will not happen again."

Nat shook her head while looking down into her hands that were fidgeting together, "I believe you, Y/N, I trust you. Like I said, I'm just nervous. I can tell Wanda isn't taking you being back well either and that is worrisome."

Y/N dropped their head into their hands in annoyance, "I know, god, I know. We got into it last night after I took Yelena to her room. I don't know what to do about it. I'm fine, but Wanda still makes me so reactive. It's like she just knows what to say and how to say it. No one else can do that to me like she does."

A silence fell between the two as they both took in the conversation.

Nat finally looked up at Y/N, "You need to talk to her."

"Ah come on! Steve said the same thing!" Y/N responded while defeatedly throwing their hands up in the air.

"Well, that's gross. I hate when he's right and I hate it even more when I agree with him, but it's true here. This isn't going to get better unless you sit down and talk to Wanda." Nat said.

Y/N rubbed their temples with their knuckles while trying to fight off the headache that Wanda and their past relationship was, "I'll think about it. I don't have the energy right now and I feel like going into a conversation with her like this is going to cause an eruption like when I left."

Nat nodded in agreeance. Wanda and Y/N didn't fight a lot in their relationship until the end, but when they did, it was emotionally destructive for both of them.

"Before we head back over to where everyone else is, I do want to lighten the mood. How was last night with Yelena? I heard it from her, but I need to hear it from you too." She asked.

The smile that quickly appeared across Y/N's face was huge and genuine. It was also paired with bright red cheeks that were blushing from the mere thought of it. There was no denying that they highly enjoyed spending time with her.

"It was just easy. Sitting and talking with her just felt like I had known her for years. If it wasn't for the cold breeze, I think I could've sat out there all night with her," Y/N exclaimed.

Hearing about how happy Y/N and Yelena were at the start of whatever they were creating made Nat smile, "Honestly, Y/N, I don't know if there's a better person I could've picked for her. I'm still nervous, but I trust you. I really do."

Y/N nodded with a smile knowing that Nat really did have a right to be nervous after what happened two years ago, but they knew that this would be different. Y/N has grown immensely and Yelena isn't Wanda.

The only thing left to do at this point is to talk to Wanda about whatever is causing her to be this angry when they had been fine just hours earlier.

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