Chapter 6: Don't lose yourself again

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"Then I just walked back to my room before absolutely losing my shit and waking everyone up," Y/N told Steve as they finished their story about last night's events and busted the kicking bag with their foot.

He seemed pretty shocked at the things Wanda had said to Y/N, but had to play the I can understand both sides Captain American card, "That's understandable to be angry about, but you all should've had a conversation about what happened before you left. Maybe you thought everything would be fine, but clearly, there are still some harsh feelings left over."

Y/N rolled their eyes at the thought of even speaking to Wanda again at this point. They landed a few punches on the bag again before letting their arms fall to their sides to rest. 

Steve and Y/N had woken up early to get a quick training in, but mostly so Y/N could update him on what had happened and to get their anger out. As they finished up, Y/N looked over at him again, "I know that you're right. I know, but can you please at least agree that I didn't do anything to start this?"

He laughed and shook his head, "From what you told me, it seems like you didn't do anything to provoke her to act the way that she did, yes."

Y/N's jaw dropped while they threw their hands in the air, "YOU AGREED! That's a first. I'm holding on to that forever."

The two finished up and headed to their rooms to shower before breakfast. When Y/N got to the top of the steps, Yelena was on her way down to their room to see if they had woken up yet.

"Hey! Good morning, Y/N! You're up early," She said with a smile as she looked over Y/N's clothes that were dripping with sweat, "Ah man! You should've woken me up, I would've come to train with you!"

A large smile painted its way across their face at just the sight of Yelena's smile this morning, "I'll catch you tomorrow morning, promise. I'm gonna hop in the shower really quick, but I'll meet you downstairs in a few?"

Yelena nodded and smiled as she made her way past Y/N, brushing her hand across their's and grabbing it softly with her finger before continuing down the stairs.

While Y/N was caught deep in thought of Yelena's face, Steve nudged their arm to get their attention back again, "You all warmed up to each other quick," he laughed.

Y/N shook their head before heading toward their room, "Shut up. Keep making comments like that and I'm gonna start telling Nat about your secret little daydreams that Wanda used to tell me you had about her."

His eyes widen as his smile quickly dropped, "Y/N, I swear. If you ever-"

"I won't! I won't... as long as you shut up about Yelena," They replied with a devious smirk.

Steve rolled his eyes in defeat as they both returned to their rooms to shower before heading back down to the kitchen for breakfast.

When Y/N walked into the kitchen, they were met with Darcy's loud singing as she cooked eggs alongside Thor.

"These are my confessions. Just when I thought I said all I can say my chick on the side said she got one on the way. These are my confessions!!!"

Thor looked over as Darcy's volume got louder and louder, "Honey, hey, good lord you're going to wake up the whole compound. I love your voice, but let's bring it down a bit."

"NOPE!" She responded, causing Thor to cock his head toward her in shock, "Man I'm throwed and I don't know what to do. I guess I gotta give you part two of my confessions!!!" Darcy continued on loudly.

Y/N laughed as they realized that Darcy hadn't changed even slightly in the past two years. She was still unapologetically, and loudly, herself. That was something they always admired about her.

After listening to Thor laugh at Darcy's singing, Y/N looked over at the other end of the counter to see Yelena brewing a pot of coffee. 

"Excuse me, ma'am. I'll take a small coffee with extra cream and sugar," Y/N said with a smile that caught Yelena's attention. Her eyes lit up seeing Y/N walking over toward her.

"Oh absolutely. It's not free though," She stated, causing Y/N to squint, questioning the process of payment.

The two smiled at each other, "What will it cost?" Y/N finally asked.

She poured the coffee for them and reached up for the sugar, "Another night under the stars?" Yelena finally answered as she handed the coffee to them.

Y/N shook their head and took a sip of the warm coffee, "Oh man, this is good. Another night under the stars and maybe a few beers as a tip," They said with a wink as they lifted the cup to their lips again to take another drink.

"Deal, but if I knew tips were an option I might have added a bit more to the total," She responded while lifting her eyebrows suggestively.

Y/N's eyes widened, "Is that so? What exactly were you-"

"Excuse me," a voice interrupted. The two turned to see Wanda with a stone-cold facial expression trying to grab the sugar.

"Wanda, I could've just handed that to you," Yelena said.

Wanda's eyes slowly made their way to her's without a single muscle in her face moving, "I got it just fine, clearly," she responded before walking away and back over to where she and Vision had been sitting originally.

Yelena watched with a confused look as Wanda walked away, "Scarlet Witch? More like Scarlet Bitch," she said under her breath while turning back to her coffee causing Y/N to almost spit their coffee out.

The two laughed over their coffees as more people made their way down to the kitchen. 

When Nat was finished eating breakfast with Steve, she made her way over to Yelena and Y/N who were still next to the coffee maker, "Can I steal Y/N for a few?" she asked.

"Of course! I have to go help Pepper pick some decorations for the living room. I'll catch up with you guys later," Yelena responded before heading off to find Pepper.

Y/N motioned Nat to follow them to the sink so that they could wash out their cup while they talked, "Everything okay?" They asked.

"I need to talk to you about Yelena," She responded in a serious tone that Nat usually only used with Y/N when something was wrong.

They moved their head toward Nat but didn't make eye contact as they continued to wash their cup. Y/N was quickly thinking through what Nat could have to say or talk about. As they finished washing their cup, they looked over to her, "Alright, let's go sit somewhere a bit more private." Y/N responded.

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