Chapter 21: I would've been there

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As Y/N took off, Steve looked back to Okoye, "Take Walters to the holding cell in our Quinjet," and then quickly following after Y/N.

The two were sprinting as fast as they could toward the team. Most were still fighting when Y/N arrived next to Wanda who was down with a clear wound on her leg. Vision was sitting next to her, looking over the wound.

"What happened?!" They yelled as they slid next to Wanda.

As she started to talk, Vision interrupted, "It looked as though an experimentee with the strength of Mr. Rogers threw a car door at her as she was helping Mr. Stark hold back the agents."

"And where the fuck were you?" Y/N responded and their deathly stare beamed into his eyes.

Before he could answer, Wanda began to sit up, "Vision, go back to Tony. They need you."

"No, Wanda. I want to know why he wasn't here with you. You should've been there! She could've died!" Y/N yelled.

Steve finally found his way to Y/N and laid his hand on their shoulder, "You have to control yourself. Get Wanda to the Quinjet. I'll go with Vision to help the team."

Y/N nodded and picked Wanda up in their arms. As they stood, Steve made his way to the pit of the fight with Vision, but not without Yelena taking notice of what was happening. She tried to keep focus on her fight, but couldn't take her eyes off them.

She made her way to Steve quickly, "What just happened? Why is Y/N with Wanda? Couldn't Vision have handled that?"

He shook his head and urged her back to the fight, "She's hurt. We need Vision right now. Get back to Natasha."

It took every bit of her strength, but Yelena stripped her eyes from Wanda and Y/N to return to her fight next to Nat.

Wanda and Y/N made their way back to the Quinjet without speaking due to her trying to just stay conscious. The loss of blood she had due to the wound was starting to take a toll on her.

Once inside, Y/N laid her down on the seat, "Hey, Wanda, hey you have to stay with me, okay? It's Y/N. I'm here, stay with me," They said as they used their jacket to tie up her wound and try to keep her awake.

She didn't respond, but her eyes were still open as she watched Y/N continue wrapping her wound. They stayed with her as the team continued on, periodically checking her pulse and breathing to make sure that she was doing okay.

Wanda was still quiet, but awake thankfully, when the team returned to the Quinjet. As everyone boarded, most came to check on her to see how she was doing. However, when Vision came to her side, Y/N felt their anger begin to grow inside them again.

"She's fine, no thanks to you," They stated as Vision kneeled next to Wanda.

The tension between those surrounding them grew thick, which Steve decided was the perfect time to pull Y/N from Wanda now that there were more hands and eyes to assist with her wound.

He walked them away from everyone so that they were beyond earshot, "What in God's name has gotten into you today? Did a flip switch in your head? You've been acting ridiculous! You nearly killed our main source of information and then blew up on Vision!"

Y/N felt the anger inside of them simmer as their mind finally started to clear from the fog of protecting Wanda. They shook their head, looking down to their feet, "I-I don't know. The idea of them taking her, of hurting her, it just sent me over. Then, when I saw her with Vision I just snapped. I would've been there. I would've protected her," They replied.

Steve's face scrunched as he tried to process the way that Y/N had been thinking the entire time. As his face settled, he laid his hand on their shoulder, "I get it. I know that you might not get along with her right now, but you still care. That makes sense, but I'm going to be honest with you when I say that you should probably speak with Yelena about this."

Y/N cocked their head confused why any of this would need to be a conversation that they should have with Yelena, "What do you mean? I was just making sure she was okay?"

His eyebrows raised as he realized that they didn't see the weight of what they'd done today, "You blew up on your ex's boyfriend and took over to make sure she was okay... all in front of Yelena. You really think that's not something you should talk with her about?" He responded as Y/N's eyes started to widen, "Because I can promise you that she noticed."

They huffed out a breath once they realized what they'd done. In the midst of everything, they didn't think that it was an issue to make sure that Wanda was okay, but how they went about it all was what made everything confusing.

Why did I care so much? They thought, and why was I so worried about her?

Y/N made their way over to their seat, hoping that Yelena would be there but finding that she had actually stolen Steve's seat next to Nat. As they stood there for a second contemplating if they should make their way over there, Steve walked up next to them.

"Maybe give her some time right now. She probably wants to talk to Nat about everything. You can check on her in a few hours," He said as he wrapped his arm around their shoulder and guiding them to sit down in their seat.


A few hours had passed by when Y/N opened their eyes from a shorter nap than they had taken on the way to Botswana. It seemed as though Wanda had stabilized and was a bit more alert as she was talking with Vision. They looked over to find Yelena still sitting with Nat, but caught their gaze shift quickly from them to her lap.

"Do you think now might be a good time to go ask Nat if I can steal her seat for a bit?" They asked Steve who was watching a baseball game on his phone.

He looked up to see their faces and check if thought it was a good time, "I think so, but don't fault me for that if it's not."

"You're so helpful," They said, shoving him with their shoulder before standing to make their way over to Nat and Yelena.

As they got closer to the seats, Y/N felt their heart rate skyrocket. Their nerves were getting the best of them seeing Yelena unhappy like this, "Hey, Nat. Is it okay if I steal your seat for a bit? I can give it back in a bit."

Nat glanced over to Yelena who had her eyes fixed on the window, acting as though Y/N wasn't even there.

They let out a breath after moving their eyes from Yelena back to Nat, "Of course. I'll just switch you for now and go bother Steve. It's fun to irritate him when he's watching his team play," Nat responded.

As she stood, she leaned in next to Y/N's ear to whisper, "I'm not saying what you did was wrong, but I hope you have a good explanation for your reactions with Vision for her."

Y/N swallowed hard realizing that Yelena was in fact angry about how they had handled the situation with Vision and not just because they had been helping Wanda.

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