Chapter 8: What have we learned

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Nat and Y/N left the conference room after their short talk and returned to the kitchen. Steve was heading back for seconds that Darcy was cooking up while Wanda and Vision were just heading out toward the lawn.

As Y/N watched the two leave, they looked over at Nat, "Well, I guess that time isn't now and that is completely fine by me!" They laughed.

Fortunately, Nat was used to Y/N putting things off, but she was a bit more adamant this time about them talking with Wanda.

"Y/N, I know you have no desire to talk to her, but you really should do it soon. The longer you wait, the worse it might get. At least try to get to her in the next day or two." She pleaded.

The mere thought of even speaking to her again made their body temperature rise a few degrees. Like Y/N told Nat earlier, Wanda just knew exactly which buttons to push that would send them over the edge. No one had even been able to push them as far as she could.

They rolled their eyes before responding, "Yeah, yeah. I will, Nat. I just need some time to cool off. I'm still seething over our conversation last night."

Nat laughed and shook her head before watching Tony make his way over to her and Y/N. 

A perfect distraction, they thought. "Tony! What's up? Need something?"

The smile that was already painted across his face could not possibly get any larger. This was the smile of a man who had just done something that his wife would probably scold him for later, but he relished in the moment anyway.

"Y/N! You have to come with me. Nat, you can as well. I'm not sure if you'll care, but I need Y/N immediately." He said, grabbing their wrist and dragging them toward his lab.

"Some things never change, do they Stark?!" Nat yelled out as they rushed away. She never cared much for the tech that Y/N and Tony enjoyed fiddling with.

When they got through the door of Tony's lab, Y/N was able to see just how much he had been working on recently. Every suit that they saw was brand new, but it seemed that he had two up on the platform where he was working.

As they got closer, they were able to notice that one of the suits was exceptionally thin. The last suits that Y/N had seen were a bit clunkier, but it seemed that he had finally perfected the cloth-like suit. 

"You did it, you finally did it! Is this what we had always been talking about?!" Y/N exclaimed.

Tony's smile hadn't faded in the slightest. He clearly had something even bigger than this suit to show them.

"Yes, but this is even better. Pepper has been under the impression that I've just been working to make it lighter, but I had another trick that I've been working on," He stated as he walked over to the suit.

He tapped the arc reactor on the new suit, causing it to shrink down so small that it could be placed over the reactor he had recently installed in his chest. Y/N looked confused though, wondering what this trick was. When Tony hyped something up, it usually lived up to that.

"...Was that the trick? Making it small?" They asked, "I thought it would be a bit more dangerous than that, Stark. You've gone soft."

The statement made Tony laugh, knowing that Y/N was unprepared for what he had stuck up his sleeve. Without saying a word, Tony tapped lightly on his reactor twice.

Before they could even process the tap, Y/N watched the suit engulf Tony in less than a second. This was the quickest suit he had created and was now showing exactly what Tony had been speaking so highly of.

Tony had not only built in larger repulsor rays into the forearms of his suit, but had also built in four extra proton guns that extended from his back and over his shoulders. This was nearly 4x the normal power he had possessed in his old suits, but they both knew that this came with issues.

"Holy shit, Tony. These are amazing! They're beautiful, but what's the catch? We knew that adding this much to your suits could cause your suit to overheat."

This had happened once before, but Y/N was lucky enough to have installed a release in the old suit they tried this on. The release was able to be controlled by an outside person in case his suit malfunctioned, which happened quite a bit as they worked together.

The sides of Tony's smile began to fall slightly, showing that he had something he hadn't brought up yet, "About that... I haven't tested it out yet. I also didn't install the release. I can't chance having someone able to shoot me out of my own suit if they got their hands on the remote."

Y/N knew that this was one of the craziest and most dangerous ideas that Tony had ever had, but it didn't take much to convince them to hop on board with his insanity.

"What can I do to make sure you don't die and Pepper doesn't kill me? I just made it back, Stark. I'd like to enjoy it a bit more before I die!" They said through a laugh.

Tony pointed over to his desk, "You should be able to hit that button and tell Friday to shut off the power to my suit."

"You just said you can't have a release, but this sounds even worse? You'll literally be stuck inside, Stark."

He huffed in annoyance, "Maybe YOU have gone soft on me, Y/L/N!" 

Y/N never enjoyed being told that they were soft, emotional, or scared of something. They quickly jumped over to the desk, "Get to it then, idiot."

The maniacal laugh that erupted from Tony showed that he got exactly what he had wanted, which was Y/N to engage in his dangerous actions with him. Y/N pressed the button on his desk that raised the practice targets at the far end of his lab. 

Just as Tony was warming up his repulsors and guns, a loud slam came from the lab's door which caused both Y/N and Tony to whip their heads around.

"You have got to be absolutely kidding me, Tony! And Y/N?!" Pepper yelled as she entered the lab. 

Y/N looked at Tony with raised eyebrows as they scratched the back of their head and tried to avoid eye contact with Pepper. While she was laying into Tony about his choices with the new suits, Y/N snuck out of the lab and into the hallway where they were startled by Yelena waiting next to the door.

"Jesus! You scared the shit out of me." Y/N said while trying to catch their breath.

Yelena laughed a bit and poked Y/N in their side, "Someone got in trouble," She sang playfully.

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