Chapter 38: Under control

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Yelena and Nat were still conversing, completely unaware of the change in demeanor that Y/N had just taken on. Under control again, they heard the voice continue.

Ready to comply, soldier?

"Ready to comply," They repeated back.

Target in range, Natasha Romanoff.

Y/N nodded slightly, hearing the target that they had been assigned to them for the first time in over two years. Stepping forward, they raised their hand to grip tightly around Nat's throat and push her back against the wall as her feet dangled below. 

The two had been completely caught off guard and unaware of what was going on. Yelena jumped forward to try and get Y/N to stop, but the force of their hand pushing her back threw her into the wall behind them. 

"Y/N, what.. the fuck.. are you doing?!" Nat asked through forced breaths as she attempted to kick them, but Y/N did not lessen their grip. As she tried to focus on their face, she noticed that something was off but was unable to pinpoint what it was as she was beginning to pass out.

Just before her eyes could shut, a force came up beside Y/N that blew them nearly 15 feet over, dropping Nat to the ground in the process. As they gained their footing quickly, they looked up to see Wanda helping Nat up from the wall.

"What the fuck is wrong with them?!" Yelena yelled over the alarms asking Wanda.

As Wanda looked over their face, sifting through the thoughts in their mind. Picking through some of the most confusing thoughts, she was quickly able to realize that Y/N wasn't in control of themselves, "Something is off. That's not Y/N," She responded.

Though Yelena had just learned about the commands, no one was able to hear them being said except for Y/N. She was also unable to piece together that The Winter Soldier, who was currently in a holding cell just floors below, was undergoing the same fate currently.

"I'm trying to get a read.. but I don't understand what they're saying. It doesn't even sound like them," Wanda said as Y/N began making their way to the three of them, "It sounds... Russian."

"Hold them back and repeat what you're hearing," Nat said as she did her best to gasp in air through her bruised trachea.

Wanda's hands lit up with clouds of red energy just before she pushed them forward, creating a red-tinted, translucent wall. As Y/N beat on the wall, trying to get through to the three, Wanda sifted through their thoughts again to repeat them back to Nat and Yelena.

"Желание," she started, "Ржавый, Семнадцать, Рассвет."

Nat's face scrunched up, confused as to why there were random words going through their head. Before she could translate for Wanda, Yelena interjected, "Trigger words. Jesus Christ, Nat those are trigger words! HYDRA is here. Y/N just told me about this before we came down."

Just as Nat looked over to Yelena, she was taken back by a metal arm that had looped around her neck to cut off her breathing once again. Bucky had escaped the holding cell and was clearly set on the same target at Y/N.

"FUCK! Wanda! You help Nat, I'll focus on Y/N!" Yelena yelled, directing her attention over to Bucky and Nat.

Wanda quickly dropped her hold on the wall she'd put in front of Y/N and turned to help rip Bucky's arm from around Nat's throat. As that fight was taking place, Yelena moved forward toward Y/N.

"Y/N, it's me, Yelena. Please, just lis-" She started right before they threw a punch aimed directly at her face that she was lucky enough to duck just before it could connect, "Come on, Y/N! Please! I know you're in there!"

Their face was not moving. Under the control of HYDRA, Y/N and Bucky were just like stones, emotionless and rigid. Yelena ducked more blows that came her way as she tried and tried to get through to them. She refused to throw any back, just hoping they would tire out and slow down.

Though they weren't tiring out, they were getting more and more frustrated as she continuously was able to get out of their reach each time. As they threw an uncontrolled and sloppy punch, Yelena side-stepped it once again. This time though, she threw one leg behind and then under them, knocking them directly on their back. 

As soon as they hit the ground, she moved on top of them and did her best to pin them by their wrists. She got close to their face as started pleading again, hoping that now they would be able to focus just on her.

"Y/N, please," She started as they squirmed under her trying to loosen her hold, "Please, I'm begging you. You know it's me. I know you're in there, please come through. Come back to me."

By now, the stoic face was wearing her down. Seeing them like this, unable to recognize her, was breaking her down. Tears began forming just around her eyes before falling just on their chest.

"Please, baby... Please," She pleaded one last time. As she made eye contact with them again after this, she saw a slight shift and swore that she could feel the jerking movements that their body had been doing slow.

Her eyes widened, believing that she was finally breaking through, "YES! Yes, come on. Y/N, it's me, Yelena. Please, please come through. See me, remember me, us. I love you, come on." Their movements were slowly more now as they felt themselves start to recognize her.

Who... they thought, Who is she? Why does she look so familiar?

Y/N's eyes were searching her face, trying to understand who the woman on top of them was and why she was making them feel like they could trust her. Just as she'd finally started getting through to them, an electrifying brace was shot around them. Their body jolted with the energy that was pulsing through them just before passing out.

"NO! No! Who?!" Yelena started as she looked up and around to figure out who'd just knocked Y/N out as she was breaking them through.

She locked eyes with Steve who was making his way toward her, "What the fuck are you doing?! I was getting through to them! I could see it in their eyes!"

He shook his head as he kneeled down to grab Y/N and hoist them over his shoulder, "They weren't coming through, trust me," He started as he turned to make his way to the holding cells, "We just went through this downstairs. You can follow me if you'd like."

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