Chapter 22: Confusion

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"Hey, can we talk?" Y/N asked as Yelena kept her eyes glued to the window.

"Talk about what?" She responded in a monotone voice to show her disinterest in the conversation. This was the first time that Y/N had seen her like this and wasn't completely sure how to handle the situation. 

The best way is to just be honest, they thought.

"About Wanda and Vision. I know you're upset. Can we talk about it?" Y/N responded.

Yelena finally peeled her eyes away from the window and looked at them with an incredibly blank stare, "I'm fine," She responded as she returned her eyes to the window.

Their eyebrows furrowed, knowing that she wasn't telling the truth, "Yelena, can we plea-"

She quickly whipped back around, "I'm trying to stay calm at the moment and I don't want to say anything I'll regret later. I will talk to you at the compound, please go get my sister and ask her to take her seat back," She interjected as she tried to control her breathing.

Y/N's face dropped at the tone of her voice. Disappointed with themselves was an understatement, "Yeah.. I'll wait. Just let me know when you're ready. I don't want to push you."

She nodded before turning back to the window again. Y/N wanted to stay and talk more, to explain, to change the expression on her face, but they stood to return to their seat.

They turned around, about to say more, but when they saw that she was still facing that window, they returned to Nat and asked for their seat back, "She doesn't want to talk to me," They said.

"Can't blame her," Nat responded as she laid her hand on their shoulder moving past them, "But she will come around. I'm proud of her for not blowing up on you. That in itself is enough to show how much she likes you."

At any other time, those words would've really felt good, but knowing that Yelena was infuriated with them was too much to let go of.

The rest of the plane ride was rather quiet. Most of the team had drifted off while Darcy flew us back and Tony spoke with T'Challa who had stayed back to keep Walters in custody for questioning.

Yelena still had not moved from her position. Even when Y/N had tried sending just a very short cute text to possibly get a smile, she opened it and sat her phone upside down in her lap.

(5 hours ago) Y/N:

"You're gorgeous, even when you're
mad at me."

When Nat saw the text over Yelena's shoulder, she looked over to Y/N and mouthed, "You're an idiot," As she laughed. It was a stupid attempt, but it was better than nothing.

After a long flight home, the Quinjet finally landed on the roof of the compound and opened up for the team to exit. Everyone was exhausted and headed straight for their rooms, except Y/N.

They waited back for a bit as they tried to decide if they should meet Yelena at her room to talk about what happened. While they were waiting, they felt a hand lay on their arm. 

"Thank you for helping me back there, Y/N," They heard Wanda say, "I know your girlfriend isn't happy, but I really appreciated it."

"She's not my-" They started, "You're welcome. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

The two were the last ones left on the jet as Vision had left to debrief with Tony and Yelena was the first off, darting back to her room to be alone. A tension grew between them as they stood there, both wanting to say something but not knowing how.

"Y/N, I also wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything that's happened. It's just been hard since you've been back. Seeing you with Yelena... It just hurts. It shouldn't, God it shouldn't, because Vision is amazing to me, but I just..." She trailed off.

Wanda shook her head as she tried to think of what to say so that she didn't overstep any boundaries or say anything out of place.

"It's been two years and my feelings for you are still there," She finished.

Y/N's eyes widened about as far as they could, feeling their heart sink. They hadn't thought about anything like that since they arrived, but after today and how they reacted with Walters and then Vision, they began thinking about their own feelings.

They stayed quiet as they tried to process everything that she was saying.

The tension grew thicker and thicker as Wanda stepped closer to Y/N, closing the distance between them as she reached for their hands, "I still love you, Y/N. I never stopped."

Y/N swallowed hard hearing Wanda admit her feelings for them. As their mind was spiraling, Wanda continued to inch closer until her lips were hovering just over theirs, "Tell me you don't feel the same and I'll stop, I promise," She whispered over their lips.

Feeling her this close to them again sent shivers down their spine, but before they could speak, the two heard a slam from the door to the jet.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," They heard Yelena say before quickly turning to head back down to her room.

"God fucking dammit," Y/N stated as they pulled away from Wanda, "I have to go."

But as they pulled, Wanda tightened her grip, "You don't have to go if you don't want to," She stated.

Y/N's eyes darted back and forth between Wanda and where Yelena had runoff. Everything felt fuzzy as they tried to think about what they wanted.

Do I still love her? Should I stay? They thought.

"No, I have to go. I'm sorry Wanda, I really am," They said as they took off down the ramp to where she had gone.


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