Chapter 9: Time to go

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Y/N laughed at the little song Yelena had created while she made fun of them and Tony getting yelled at by Pepper.

"Cute, Belova. Watch yourself before I get you back," Y/N said with a smirk.

Yelena's eyebrows raised as she grinned at their comment, "I'd love to see what you have in store for me."

It seemed that no matter how much Y/N tried, Yelena was always able to flirt back just enough to cause them to lose their breath and blush harder each time, "Let's go find Nat. She told me earlier that she wanted to see if we'd get together with her later."

When Y/N went to walk toward the living area, Yelena turned toward them and placed her hand on their back as they walked by. It seemed harmless, but it caused their stomach to feel like it had flipped a hundred times in two seconds.

The two talked about what Tony was working on as they made their way to see if Nat was still sitting with Steve. Yelena was surprised to hear that Y/N enjoyed toying around with technology, especially dangerous kinds.

"Honestly, Tony and I just really know how to push each other to do stuff that we know we probably shouldn't. I wasn't even going to help him back in the lab until he said I was going soft on him!" Y/N exclaimed as they threw their hands up while they walked down the hall and approached the kitchen.

Yelena let out a giggle before leaning into Y/N as they walked together, "You are pretty soft, Y/N, but it's cute."

Y/N bit back a smile as they leaned back into Yelena before they turned the corner in the kitchen to enter the living room. Nat was luckily still sitting there on the couch with Steve. They didn't see Y/N and Yelena enter, so they were unaware that anyone was watching them.

"Oh my god, look at them," Yelena whispered next to Y/N as she rested her chin on their shoulder.

Nat had her legs laid across Steve's lap as they were very visibly flirting. The both of them adamantly denied ever having feelings for each other even though the entire compound was always able to see it.

"They're so cute and they don't even know it," Y/N whispered back.

While Y/N continued watching Steve and Nat flirt without a filter, Yelena's eyes traveled up to look at their face. She smiled as she leaned in to kiss Y/N's cheek, but was quickly halted at the sound of Nat's voice.

"Y/N! What are you all doing?! Were just you sitting up there watching us?!" She yelled.

As they laughed, Steve leaned over to Nat, "It seems like Y/N was watching us, but Yelena was watching Y/N," he said quietly so that only Nat could hear him. She laughed as she elbowed him in his arm.

Yelena and Y/N made their way down to sit on the couch opposite Nat and Steve. By then, Nat had removed her legs from Steve's lap and adjusted herself to be sitting about a foot away from him.

Y/N was about to make a joke but was taken back by how close Yelena had sat next to them. She had sat down close enough for their knees and thighs to be touching. Nat quickly caught the burning blush creeping up on Y/N's face.

"Watch yourself, Romanoff. Two can play at this game," Y/N stated as they squinted their eyes at her.

Steve and Yelena were clearly confused but luckily didn't think to ask what they were talking about. Instead, Steve asked what Y/N and Yelena had planned for the night to see if they would like to watch a movie with him and Nat.

"Like a double date, almost," Yelena said casually as she rested her head on Y/N's shoulder and looped her arm behind and around theirs.

As Y/N went to respond, they were interrupted in pure Avenger fashion. Tony walked in and announced that everyone was to head to the conference room immediately. The serious tone he used was enough to get the four to quickly rise to their feet and make their way there.

They were the first to arrive in the room, taking their seats next to each other at the end of the table. Yelena was still messing with Y/N as she adjusted her seat so that their knees would be touching yet again. All they could do was smile knowing that she was clearly enjoying getting them worked up.

Once the whole team had made their way into the conference room, Tony closed the doors behind him and Pepper pulled up the screen to allow Nick Fury to join the meeting from his base.

"Get your asses in gear, we need you all ready to go in the next hour," Nick stated before giving Tony a chance to explain what was happening.

"Maybe we should take a second to tell them what's going on, Nick. Shit," Tony replied, "A HYDRA base was found just outside Budapest. Everyone needs to get their things packed and ready to go, except Maximoff and Y/L/N."

Both Wanda and Y/N shot confused yet irritated looks at Tony after hearing his statement, "Wanda, you have not been medically cleared after our last mission and you know that. Y/N, you have not trained enough with us to be allowed in the field."

Nat and Steve looked over at Y/N to see their reaction, which was visible anger knowing that they'd have to be alone with Wanda until the team returned. Yelena, however, was still unaware of the history between Y/N and Wanda. She believed that they were just upset they couldn't go on the mission with everyone.

Tony continued on with details about what they would all be heading into but Y/N was lost in thought trying to think about what they would do while everyone was gone.

When Yelena noticed their change in demeanor, she laid her hand on their thigh, grabbing their attention from their thoughts, "Are you okay?" she asked sweetly.

Y/N moved their hand to rest on Yelena's before deciding to intertwine their fingers with hers, "Yes, I'm fine," They replied as they moved their hand that was intertwined with hers to sit in her lap.

A large smile grew across her face seeing Y/N's hand in hers. Luckily, this had finally brought their attention back to the meeting just in time to hear how long the team would be gone.

"It's not a long mission. We're planning to be back in 48 hours, but the worst-case scenario lands us coming home in 4 days," Tony stated, "So get going. Everyone will meet at the Quinjet in exactly one hour."

Y/N looked over to Nat and Steve who had been waiting to see how Y/N would react once the meeting was over. As they all stood, Y/N released Yelena's hand and led the four of them out to the living room.

Once everyone had dismissed back to their rooms to get ready, Steve, Nat, Yelena, and Y/N caught up quickly before the three had to leave to get ready.

"I wish you were coming with us, but we'll be home soon. Just make sure you keep your cool while we're gone. We'd like a home to come back to," Nat stated as she laughed.

Y/N shook their head as they looked over Nat's shoulder, catching Wanda's stare. The two were both completely aware of the other's feelings about the situation and it was obvious by the way they locked eyes.

Yelena brought Y/N's attention back quickly by wrapping her arms around their waist, "I can't wait until you're able to come with us. Movie night, the four of us, when we all return?" She asked.

"Of course, please hurry back," They pleaded jokingly, yet knowing they were completely serious.

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