Chapter 11: This is troublesome

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Wanda spent the rest of her day holed up in her room watching reruns of her favorite childhood sitcoms while Y/N watched a few movies on the television in the living room. Just before the sun began to fall below the horizon, Wanda made her way down to the kitchen.

Y/N was so engulfed in the movie that they were watching that they jumped when they heard the refrigerator door open as Wanda went to grab a beer.

"OH my god. Jesus, it's just you. I don't know why that scared me so bad," Y/N said laughing.

"You are still just as jumpy as ever. I'm glad to see that so I can continue scaring you like I used to," She stated as she pulled two beers out before closing the door.

Wanda made her way over to the couch next to Y/N and handed them the second beer that she had grabbed. Though they were confused, Y/N didn't question it, "Thanks." They said as they cracked open the top.

After taking the first sip, Y/N looked at Wanda trying to figure out what felt off about her. It had been two years since they had spent any time together, but they were still able to read her like a book.

It didn't take long for Y/N to realize that Wanda was nearly drunk and that this beer would probably push her past tipsy, "Were you drinking up in your room?" They asked.

When she looked at Y/N, it was clear that she had been drinking a lot. Her eyes were red and she was laughing more than usual, "Uh yes, I had a bottle of wine. It was old and I figured I should get rid of it."

"Good lord, Wands. You're gonna drink more after that?"

"Why not?" She laughed with a hiccup, "Gimme the remote. I'm changing this shit."

Y/N was taken back with how comfortable Wanda had finally gotten with them. They handed the remote over to her as she scooted closer to Y/N's side. The distance between them could be measured by a book.

Wanda had taken over the television and turned on her sitcom reruns. She was getting more drunk by the minute as she drank down her beer quickly. Before they knew it, Wanda was sitting close enough that her hand was resting just next to Y/N's leg.

Y/N had drunk a few beers by this time as well, causing them to be tipsy enough to not notice how close Wanda had gotten. After two episodes and a few more beers, Wanda had managed to rest her head on Y/N's shoulder.

Their back began to hurt a bit from the way they'd been sitting and they were planning on getting a glass of water before heading off to bed, but Wanda stopped Y/N from getting up when she grabbed their arm. She was pretty far gone at this point after having a whole bottle of wine and about three to four beers.

When Y/N looked at her to see why she'd grabbed their arm, Wanda had moved closer to their face by now and was glancing down at their lips.

Y/N took a step back, "Wanda, what are you doing?" they asked.

Her eyes didn't waver as she inched closer to Y/N again leaving less than an inch between their lips. Their breathing fell shallow as their drunk mind raced thinking about how to handle this situation.

Wanda moved her hands from Y/N's wrist to their waist and up around to their back. The distance was closing more and more as time passed. Before they knew it, Y/N could feel Wanda's breath on their lips.

"...Wanda, we.. We can't," They whispered but did not move.

She grazed her nose over Y/N's and rested her forehead on theirs, "But I want to."

Just as Wanda began to move forward again, Y/N's phone vibrated on the table loud enough to startle them both. Yelena had texted them.

Once the moment had broken, Wanda began to reorient herself and realized what she had just done. She swallowed hard before turning on her heel toward her room, "I'm going to bed, good night."

"Wanda! Wait!" Y/N yelled as they chased her down the hall, catching her by the arm before she could head up the stairs, "Hey, hey! Come on. We can't just act like that didn't happen."

She shook her head fervently, "We can and we will. Good night, Y/N," With that, Wanda rushed up the stairs to her room, locking the door behind her and leaving Y/N at the foot of the steps attempting to process what had just happened between the two.

They returned to the living room to find their phone still laying on the coffee table.

(3 min ago) Yelena:

"Heading to bed. Sleep well,
miss you :)"

Shit, Y/N thought, what am I supposed to do now?

Wanda and Y/N had spent the night laughing and joking, but the last few minutes before she had run to bed nearly crossed a line. While Y/N may not technically be dating someone and did not initiate it, they still felt horribly guilty knowing that they didn't stop it.

However, Wanda was dating Vision, who seemed to be a really great guy, apart from the robot piece. She had initiated it and had Y/N's phone not gone off, they fully believe she would have closed the distance and done something she would have regretted instantly.

Y/N spent the rest of the night thinking over how they planned to handle this situation. Should they tell Yelena? Should they ask Steve for advice? Should they just leave it alone since nothing really happened? Should they go up right now and try to talk to Wanda about it?

No matter what they came up with, nothing was settling the uneasy feeling they had in the pit of their stomach knowing what had just happened.

(Just now) Y/N:

"Sleep well, miss you :)"

This situation and the guilty feeling they could not shake showed Y/N that they were really starting to grow feelings for Yelena. I just have to tell her what happened, they thought, and I hope to god she understands.

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