Chapter 41: What do you see?

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The team took a few minutes to breathe before heading back down the Y/N's holding cell. Most went to get a drink or step outside for some air. Yelena and Wanda stayed back to check in on Nat and see how she was doing.

It was clear that her neck was bruised. They could see both where Y/N had hoisted them up in the air and where Bucky had wrapped his metal arm around. She wasn't in great shape, but she was stronger than most ever realized. 

"Bruce said she needs to rest a lot and do her best to just not talk. Even if she has to, she needs to try to text it or write it out due to the bruising," Steve told both Yelena and Wanda as they'd asked what she'd been told down in the med bay.

"Wonderful, so I can irritate you for the next couple of days and you can't say a single thing," Yelena joked. Nat smiled and shook her head knowing that she would most likely do just that.

After sending Nat back down with Bruce, the rest of the team headed down to Y/N's cell to see if Wanda was in fact able to bring something forward for them.

"How are they?" Tony asked Vision as they arrived.

"They've both just been looking around, sir. Neither has said a word," He answered.

Not surprised, they all shuffled in. Y/N didn't look phased as they kept their same stoic face toward them all. At that moment, there was no sight at all of Y/N being present, even as Yelena made her way to the glass.

She looked over them, praying internally that Wanda would be able to bring something forward. Steve had noted that she should on stay directly in front of them so that seeing her face would help bring Y/N back up from the depths of their mind.

Tony asked FRIDAY to open the cell, which pushed out air as it lifted up and then behind Y/N. They watched it open as they tried to figure out what the people in front of them could possibly be trying now.

Can we just get this shit over with already so I can get out of these fucking locks? They thought while watching Wanda walk toward them.

As she stepped up behind them and placed her index and pointer fingers of both hands on their temples, she stated, "If there is anything you want to say before I sift through all of the thoughts in your brain, you might want to go ahead and do that now."

Y/N looked around, thinking what she could mean by that. All they knew was that Natasha Romanoff was their target, nothing more.

"Just get on with it already. You're all really irritating thinking there's anything you might possibly find," They said as that thick Russian accent came through again, shocking everyone who hadn't already heard it.

Darcy leaned over to Yelena whispering, "Since when...?" But all Yelena did was shake her head as she watched Wanda's hands begin to glow.

Once Wanda's fingers touched their temples, their eyes shot wide open. She was able to begin sifting through their memories which started playing like videos in their head.

"I only see HYDRA memories right now... Nothing of Y/N's," She said as her eyes were closed. Wanda was able to watch the memories the way that they were.

"Get past them," Yelena responded, "Go deeper. I know they're in there. HYDRA is just taking over because they're brainwashed. Keep going."

Wanda took in a deep breath before continuing. She'd seen the cell that they'd been in when they were captured by HYDRA while working for SHIELD. Two men were berating them as Y/N refused to give information. Wanda watched them get beaten over and over again while never wavering. They never gave up any information.

"Oh my god..." Wanda called out, "They... HYDRA..." She couldn't even finish as she watched everything play out in their memories. Everything they'd told Yelena, Wanda had now watched first hand.

As she was sifting through these, tears began forming in her eyes watching them get treated the way that they had. When they'd fought before about Wanda reading their mind, she'd only seen that they were captured. Now, she could see why Y/N had fought so hard to get everyone to leave them alone about it.

She was finally getting through the painful memories when one that was lighter finally popped through, "I think- I think I have one!" She yelled out, "It's... it's an old one. I think I can see their dad."

Wanda was watching a memory that Y/N had from their early childhood. Y/N was only six and playing hide-and-seek in their house. Their dad peeped around the corner yelling, "I found you!" before picking them up as they laughed and held on tight to his neck.

While Wanda played this memory, Yelena was able to see their breathing slow as tears now formed in their eyes. Y/N hadn't seen their dad since he'd passed and now a memory was playing so clear that it felt as though they were really there.

"Keep going, Wanda!" Yelena yelled out, "You're getting through, keep going!"

The next memory that played through was bright. As Wanda looked around in it, she could tell that it was the day they'd returned to the compound. It didn't take long to realize what this short memory was about. Wanda saw Yelena walk out of the elevator while watching Y/N lean over to Steve asking who she was.

"I see you, Yelena," Wanda said swallowing hard, "They remember seeing you for the first time."

Yelena bit the inside of her cheek and choked back a whimper knowing that they were close. She leaned in, grabbing Y/N's hands and whispering up to them, "I know you're there. I'm here, I'm waiting for you. Please come back to me."

As she was whispering up, Wanda continued past that memory and on to another. Yet again, she saw Yelena. However, this memory was even more recent. 

Yelena, I love you. She heard them say as they laid their forehead on hers while they laid in her hospital bed. I love you, Y/N. She heard her say back.

As soon as Wanda played Yelena saying it to Y/N, they gasped in a large breath so loud that it scared nearly everyone in the room. When they did, Wanda was pushed back away from them, severing the hold she had on their mind while she looked through it.

Their eyes were searching the room rapidly while their heart rate skyrocketed. Nothing seemed familiar to them and they couldn't focus on a single thing until Yelena stepped in front of them, grabbing each side of their face so that they would focus on hers.

Their breathing slowed as they met and searched her eyes.


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