Chapter 46: The astral dimension

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Once Yelena left with Nat, Steve and Tony followed shortly behind leaving Wanda and Stephen alone in the room with Y/N. After all the conversations that had been happening, Y/N's eyes had not moved an inch. Their physical body, while still intact, appeared lifeless.

Wanda glanced over to them after the door had closed behind those that just left. She was still unable to see their astral form and still slightly unconvinced that she would be able to get there herself.

Stephen studied her as she looked around the room, "I could send you to the astral dimension myself," He started which quickly caught her attention, "but I believe it's in your best interest that I teach you how to do it yourself."

Confused, and slightly irritated, Wanda moved her gaze to him, "Why would that be in my best interest? My best interest right now is getting Y/N back to us. Can't you teach me later when there isn't someone I love's life on the line?"

Hearing herself say that again caused her breath to hitch slightly. She knew that she loved them, deeply, but that wasn't something she could focus on right now.

"I think that once you get through and see them, you'll thank me for teaching you," He responded, "Now, step over to the other side of the bed so we can start."

Once she made her way over, he started explaining what was going to happen before he explained how. "Better to prepare you beforehand so that you don't lose your shit once you're there," He started, "What will happen is you will feel your astral self leave your body. Everything in your physical form will slow down immensely so that no time is lost while you're there."

By now, her eyes had widened so far they began to dry out, causing her to blink a few times so that she could also reorient herself, "Will I see... myself?" She asked.

"Yes, you will. When you enter the astral dimension, you'll be able to see everything here. Just imagine that you step outside your body, that's what it'll be like," He responded, "Now, we'll go over how you get there."

Wanda took a deep breath in as she tried to process everything he was saying. In a few minutes, she would be entering a world she hadn't even known existed just hours prior. 

Stephen continued on, "Entering the astral dimension is all about energy. When you enter, you will be purely that. What I need you to do, is focus all of your power on your energy. Push as much of it as you can into it." 

She nodded as she began to focus on her powers, but stopped short just before trying, "Will you be there?" She asked, "I really... I'm scared that I'll screw something up."

He smiled, "I will enter if you need me, but I will not enter with you."

"Why not?" She pleaded.

Stephen knew something about what would happen but knew that it was best Wanda found out for herself, "You will thank me afterward. Are you ready?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I think," She responded.

The two knew that if they didn't get Yelena back in the room before she attempted this, that a massive argument was bound to ensue. So, they called out to get the team back down and into the room.

"Just remember," Stephen said just before the team returned to the room, "everything here will slow down immensely. Once you return to your physical form, it will have only felt like a few seconds to us here."

Wanda nodded, thankful for that reminder. Being watched when she attempted new powers made her anxious, so knowing that it wouldn't be long was helpful.

As the team entered the room, they all made their way to the end of Y/N's bed. Their hope was that once Wanda entered and left the astral dimension, that Y/N would wake immediately and see them all waiting there.

Once they took their places, Wanda sat in the chair next to their bed and focused all of her power into her energy. As she did this, she began to feel her body lighten and before she knew it, she was standing behind herself. 

When she opened her eyes, she could see the red hair that draped down her back, "Damn, I should probably get a haircut soon. That shit looks a little dead," She said to herself as she looked over her physical form.

She quickly shook her head as she tried to focus on what she was looking for. Now that she knew she was in the astral dimension, her sole purpose was to find Y/N and bring them back to their physical form. She remembered Stephen saying that he'd seen them in the corner, so she turned to see if they'd still be there.

Luckily, they were but unfortunately, she was faced with something she was not prepared for. Y/N was curled up in that corner as they rocked back and forth rigorously. Their eyes stayed zoned in on the floor in front of them as they repeated something softly to themselves over and over.

As Wanda got closer, she was able to hear what they'd been saying.

"Please stop, please. Please stop, please," They pleaded over and over again.

Hearing them begging ripped Wanda to shreds. She knew they were begging HYDRA to stop, to let them go. They were terrified and alone in a world they'd never been to.

Wanda quickly kneeled next to them, placing her hand on their arm to get their attention. When she did this, their pleading stopped and their eyes focused. They turned their gaze to Wanda.

"...What are you doing here?" They asked.

She gulped, raising her eyebrows, "Do you know who I am?"

Their eyes squinted, confused, "Of course I do, Wanda. What kind of question is that?"

The sound of Y/N saying her name sent her directly into their arms, hugging them as tightly as she could. She buried her head in their chest as they slowly wrapped their arms around her, hugging her back.

After a few seconds, she pulled back and glanced up at them, "You have to come back, Y/N."

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